Call for Applications HUJI International PhD Talent Scholarship Academic Year 2022-2023

9 June, 2022

First round: Applications should be submitted by August 15, 2022. The screening process will take place during September and final decisions will be sent by the end of October 2022.
Second round: Applications should be submitted by January 15, 2023. The screening process will take place during February and final decisions will be sent by the beginning of the second semester, March 12, 2023.
Additional Information:
Please contact the Authority for Research Students at


Scholarships are available for new international PhD candidates who are neither citizens nor residents of the State of Israel. For this call only – PhD students currently enrolled in their first year at the Hebrew University (having commenced their studies no earlier than October 2021) are eligible to apply.
Each academic year, the University will award up to 25 new scholarships in the amount of 2,000 NIS per month, for a period of up to four years.


The scholarship is open to candidates holding a Master’s research-thesis track degree from an accredited university (or a comparable degree) or those who are in their final year of studies toward such accreditation.
Scholarship eligibility is intended for candidates from all academic fields who meet the following criteria:

✓ The candidate is a not an Israeli citizen or resident of Israel.
✓ The candidate demonstrates academic excellence. This will be examined by the Authority for Research Students (according to the information in the application file for doctoral studies - grades of the master’s degree, general average and thesis grade, published papers and letters of recommendation).
✓ The supervisor (or relevant academic department /alternative source of funding) agrees to provide the student with an additional living stipend in the amount of minimum 4,000 NIS per month for the 4-year duration of the scholarship period (resulting in a monthly allocation of minimum 6,000 NIS). The applicant must submit a guarantee from their supervisor (or the alternative source of funding) for this “matching” stipend in the amount of minimum 4,000 NIS per month.
✓ The candidate has been accepted for doctoral studies at the university or is currently in the first year of doctoral studies at the university, having commenced no earlier than October 2021.
✓ Students are enrolled in the Direct PhD Track, upon acceptance for PhD studies by the Authority for Research Students.
✓ Students who are pursuing a joint doctoral/cotutelle degree with an international university. If the primary academic body is the Hebrew University, the scholarship can be awarded for up to four years. If the primary academic body is the foreign university, the scholarship can be awarded for the period during which the student is physically in Israel (up to one year).

The student is required to demonstrate compliance with the terms outlined above. Scholarships will be awarded in accordance with the guidelines for subsidies for accredited PhD students.

Application Requirements:
To apply for the scholarship, the supervisor is required to fill out the following form – English version/Hebrew version.

Scholarship requests must be submitted to the Authority for Research Student at, by the dates detailed below.

Selection Process:
Applications will be reviewed by the Authority for Research Students and the International Office and determine the final scholarship awardees.