MA degree programs

MSc in Soil and Water Sciences

MSc in Soil and Water Sciences


2 years; research track & non-thesis track

Faculty / School

Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment





Application deadline

Please refer to
the program website.

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Program Details

Agriculture in the 21st century is facing enormous challenges. Not only are farmers expected to produce adequate agricultural products at affordable prices to guarantee enough food for a rising global population, but they are also expected to do so under conditions of increasingly scarce natural resources and climate change. The quantity, quality and sustainability of soil and water are jeopardized by urban land growth, improper use and management, and climate change threats.

The MSc in Soil and Water Sciences program aims to prepare students for coping with current and future agricultural challenges. The unique Israeli environment, characterized by limited water resources, state-of-the-art agriculture, and diverse climate and soils, offers students exciting research opportunities to tackle these global questions.

Study and research in the MSc Soil and Water Sciences program combines the chemical and physical aspects of the soil-water-atmosphere continuum to approach precision agriculture. Teaching focuses on theoretical aspects in the soil-water-atmosphere continuum, as well as their implementation in precision agricultural practice.

Students may enroll in the non-thesis track (40 credits) or the thesis track (24 credits), both of which extend over 2 years. Each student will carry out an individual research project, supervised by a faculty member, on a topic chosen by the student in consultation with his/her supervisor.

Career & Networking 

Graduates gain valuable hands-on experience allowing them to join research and development teams in soil and water-related agro-tech industries, or to pursue higher academic research and degrees.

Teaching Faculty

Faculty members include established leading scientists who employ a wide variety of interdisciplinary approaches to topics in the soil-water-atmosphere continuum, as well as environmental sciences.   

The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment

Ranked among the top 30 agricultural schools worldwide, the Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment is committed to the responsible preservation of the environment for future generations and to developing ways of increasing sustainable food and water resources. The long list of world-changing breakthroughs developed by the faculty’s researchers include modern drip irrigation methods, the cherry tomato, returning fragrance to flowers, environmentally safe pesticides, improving pollination by manipulating honeybee behavior, and a slew of other advanced environmentally responsible agricultural techniques, especially under conditions of scarce water.

Teaching and research activities at the institution consistently advance modern agriculture while training tomorrow's scientists and agriculturists. Faculty graduates hold key positions in the agricultural industry in Israel and around the world and apply their knowledge to compete in world markets.The faculty welcomes international students from all over the world including the International School, located in the Faculty of Agriculture. Faculty graduates hold key positions in the agricultural industry in Israel and around the world and use their knowledge to compete in world markets.

Admissions Requirements

Applicants to the program must have an undergraduate degree or equivalent from an accredited university in a relevant field, such as agricultural sciences, geology, agricultural and/or environmental engineering, and more.
Applicants must have a minimum GPA of 80 (B-), and those from non-English-speaking countries must demonstrate a high level of English proficiency by providing one of the following documents:

  • proof of university-level exemption from English-language studies
  • an official letter stating the applicant’s previous academic studies were conducted in English
  • a TOEFL score of at least 80
  • an IELTS score of at least 6

A thesis supervisor must be secured prior to applying. For advice on how to find a supervisor, you are welcome to visit our “How to Find a Supervisor” page.

For detailed information on admission requirements, based on the country where you completed your undergraduate studies, please click here.

Tuition and Scholarships

Hebrew University offers full tuition scholarships to MSc students in research tracks in Natural and Exact Sciences.
Additional merit-based and need-based scholarships and living stipends may be available.

Further Information

Academic Inquiries:

Prof. Ronny Wallach, Program Head:

Administrative Inquiries: Ms. Michal Goldberg:
Program Website


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MBA Med-Tech Innovation Program



1-year accelerated program (3 semesters)

Faculty / School

School of Business Administration




Jerusalem, Mount Scopus

Application deadline

Please refer to the program’s website

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Program Details

The International Med-Tech Innovation MBA program is designed to provide participants with the knowledge and skills required to successfully lead and manage a med-tech-oriented company. Taught by international experts and industry leaders, our Med-Tech MBA is the first University degree of its kind in Israel. Integrating academic, industrial and business knowledge into an innovative, top-notch curriculum, the program covers topics such as entrepreneurship, finance, digital health, healthcare IT, intellectual property, bio-design, quality assurance and regulatory compliance. Theoretical studies are enhanced by practical components including internships with leading biomedical professionals, networking opportunities with internationally renowned experts, and exposure to cutting-edge technologies emerging from Israel’s hospital system. Participants benefit tremendously from interaction with top international experts who share their knowledge and experience in managing biomedical research, and gain practical experience by applying theoretical concepts to real-life business challenges.

The Med-Tech MBA program is spread across two consecutive semesters, with the first two including a professional internship at a venture capital and a startup. This practical experience is followed by the optional Trans-disciplinary Innovation Program (TIP) in the summer semester, which culminates in the opportunity for students to pitch their ideas to a panel of real investors and accelerators. Upon completion of the program, students will enter the job market with biomedical management skills, analytical and problem-solving skills, and an internationally accredited executive MBA degree from a world-renowned institution.

Career & Networking 

Our Med-Tech Innovation Program prepares C-level managers for jobs at corporations, mid-size companies, and start-ups in the fields of biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, diagnostics, medical devices, telemedicine and hospital laboratory research. Since the equivalent Hebrew program’s launch in 2015, dozens of our graduates have been recruited to key positions at companies such as Yeda, Evogene, Alpha Tau Medical, and many of our alumni hold senior positions in the private and public sectors.

The Jerusalem School of Business Administration and its Faculty

Hebrew University’s Jerusalem School of Business Administration was the first business school to be established in Israel. The school plays a key role in shaping Israel’s business leadership landscape, and is dedicated to the advancement of the field of business management, and the cultivation of our next generation of business leaders. As such, we offer invaluable experiences that are part and parcel of our students’ learning journeys, setting them apart from their peers as they enter the job market. Our students benefit from expert instruction by our renowned lecturers, participation in competitive internships at leading companies in Israel, and mentorships by stellar alumni of the Business School who currently hold senior positions in industry or the public sector.

The School of Business Administration offers BA programs in business and accounting, PhD programs, and two fully immersive, one-year MBA programs in Med-Tech Innovation and Startup 360°. Students learn to successfully navigate rapidly changing business landscapes and develop global, innovative and creative problem-solving skills that can be applied to complex scenarios in real time, under conditions of uncertainty and pressure.

The School of Business administration places great emphasis on quality research, boasting faculty that are prominent researchers in their respective fields, many of whom make a significant impact on both economic policy and public discourse in Israel. 

Admissions Requirements

In order to be considered for our MBA program, candidates must submit proof of:

  • Bachelor’s degree from a recognized institution of higher learning
  • Cumulative GPA of 82 or above
  • Official transcript of studies from your bachelor’s degree
  • English language proficiency (minimum 90 on TOEFL and minimum 7 on IELTS)
  • Quantitative GMAT or GRE scores (minimum required score depends on your cumulative GPA)
  • Statement of Purpose Curriculum
  • Vitae 2 academic letters of recommendation
  • Photocopy of valid passport
  • Completed medical form

Further MBA application information can be found here.  

Applications to our Med-Tech Innovation MBA are submitted via the Rothberg International School.  After creating a profile, fill out the online application and upload the required documents. Please note that applicants will be asked to schedule an online interview with the program's Director of Admissions and Operations as part of the application process.

For detailed information on admission requirements, based on the country where you completed your undergraduate studies, please click here.

Tuition & Scholarships

Tuition for the two-semester program is $32,500 USD (including optional TIP summer semester), or $31,000 USD (excluding TIP). For information on scholarship funding, see here.

Further Information

Ms. Inbar Daniel, Program Coordinator:

Program website 



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MA in English (English Literature)

english HUJI


2 years

Faculty / School

Faculty of Humanities




Jerusalem, Mount Scopus

Application deadline

Please refer to program website

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Program Details

The English Department at Hebrew University offers a prestigious graduate program for the study of literature in English, including British, American, Irish, Canadian and South African works. Students in the MA in English program can choose from a number of subspecialties, among them Elizabethan drama, Renaissance and Restoration poetry, the Victorian novel, twentieth-century literature and literary theory. The faculty members approach literary texts from a wide variety of perspectives (formal, thematic and historical) and foster originality and curiosity bolstered by the most rigorous research methodology and writing skills.

The courses offered in the MA program showcase the faculty’s latest research interests. While offerings change from year to year, recent programs have included seminars on the pastoral genre, Irish modernism, posthumanism, eco-criticism, childhood in Victorian culture, 9/11 fiction, the Vietnam War in literature and film, and feminist theory, as well as single-author courses on Milton, Shakespeare, Dickens, Joyce, Nabokov and J. M. Coetzee. For a list of 2021-2022 courses, click here.

The MA program meets the highest international standards and prepares students to compete with postgraduates from top universities worldwide. Students benefit from numerous international exchange opportunities as well as exclusive partnerships with international summer schools (Dickens Universe, California; Beckett Summer School, Dublin; Shakespeare Summer School, Verona).

Career & Networking 

Graduates have found employment in various fields such as education, journalism, publishing, translation and editing. Others have been accepted to the best doctoral programs in North America, the UK and Israel.

The faculty members are active participants in international societies and have regularly sent students to prestigious international summer schools and global workshops, where they have many networking opportunities.

Teaching Faculty

The English Department has a long-standing reputation of research excellence and is home to leading scholars in the study of Shakespeare, Milton, Dickens, Hardy, Conrad, Joyce, Woolf, Beckett, Flann O’Brien, Nabokov and Coetzee, as well as contemporary American literature and literary theory.

The teaching staff in the MA program includes:

  • Galia Benziman, Associate Professor of English, whose research focuses on the Victorian novel, nineteenth-century childhood, and the elegy.
  • Louise Bethlehem, Associate Professor of English, whose research interests include South African literature, post-apartheid texts, and cultural studies.
  • Ruben Borg, Associate Professor of English, whose research explores Irish Modernism, twentieth-century philosophy, posthumanism, and Dante’s influence on modernist writers.
  • Sanford Budick, Emeritus Professor of English, who has written books on Shakespeare, Dryden, eighteenth-century poetry, Milton and Kant, and more. 
  • Micha Lazarus, Senior Lecturer in English, whose research explores Renaissance literature, Elizabethan drama, the reception of classic texts, and English literary history.
  • Yael Levin, Associate Professor of English, whose research interests include modernism, postmodernism, narratology, and disability studies.
  • Naomi Mandel, Associate Professor of English, whose research focuses on contemporary American literature, the aesthetics of violence, and culture of the digital age. 
  • Leona Toker, Professor Emerita of English, whose research focuses on narratology, Vladimir Nabokov, ethics and literature, and the eighteenth and nineteenth-century English novel.
Faculty of Humanities

The Faculty of Humanities at Hebrew University is committed to shedding light on civilizations past and present as revealed through history, language, literature, religion, philosophy, music, art and material culture. The numerous prizes and grants received by the academic staff – including Israel Prizes and ERC grants – attest to the high quality of research and teaching for which the faculty is known. 

Admissions Requirements

Proficiency in the English language is a compulsory requirement for admission. Additionally, candidates who do not possess an exemption from the mandatory examination, or those who have been accepted on the basis of completing pending requirements, are required to participate in an accompanying workshop.

Applicants are welcome to contact the MA Advisor, Prof. Borg, at for more information about the admissions process.

For detailed information on admission requirements, based on the country where you completed your undergraduate studies, please click here.

Tuition & Scholarships

Tuition for a full two-year MA Program is approximately US$10,000.

The English Department offers its students a variety of bursaries and prizes, in addition to scholarships for fully funded study trips to England, Ireland, California and Italy. For more information, please visit the Department website.

Further Information

Academic and Admissions Inquiries: Prof. Ruben Borg, Graduate Studies Advisor:

Program Website


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MA in Conflict Research, Management and Resolution

conflict_research_management_and_resolution HUJI


1 year

Faculty / School

Faculty of Social Sciences




Jerusalem, Mount Scopus

Application deadline

Please refer to the program’s website.

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Program Details

In this program, students will learn about the theories, methodologies, strategies and techniques for managing and resolving conflicts, and for solving problems between social, economic, ethnic and political groups. Given the long history of conflict in the region, Jerusalem is the ultimate setting in which to study this field. Program participants will also benefit from a highly diverse academic environment, with a student body comprised of many different nationalities and religions.

The multidisciplinary curriculum covers political science, international relations, social psychology, international law, communications, digital media, sociology and Israel studies. Students can choose from core courses such as “Propaganda Revisited: Political Persuasion in Social Conflicts,” “Postcolonial Theory: From Anti-Colonial Thought to Theories of Decoloniality,” or “Cybersecurity: Technology, Policy and Politics.” For a full course list, please click here.

The program includes courses, seminars and lectures by leading experts, as well as workshops through which students acquire skills for conflict management and resolution. Using Israel as its classroom, the program includes study tours, practical ‘on site’ trainings, and meetings with key people, such as policy makers, political leaders, activists, and more.

This one-year-program is the flagship program of Hebrew University’s Swiss Center for Conflict Research, Management and Resolution – an interdisciplinary center within the Faculty of Social Sciences that was established in 1999 by the Swiss Friends of the Hebrew University and the European Executive Council of the University. 

Career & Networking 

Program graduates hold senior positions in academia, governmental and non-governmental organizations, international NGOs and the private sector. Alumni have followed a variety of career tracks, as professional mediators, social entrepreneurs, directors of international organizations, and journalists.

Teaching Faculty

The Swiss Center for Conflict Research, Management and Resolution is headed by Prof. Ifat Maoz, a social psychologist who researches psychology and media in conflict and intergroup relations.

The program’s teaching staff consists of a multidisciplinary team of top researchers, academics and practitioners affiliated with the Swiss Center and with various departments within Hebrew University’s Faculty of Social Sciences, including Communication and Journalism, Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies, International Relations, Psychology and Geography.

The Faculty of Social Sciences

The Faculty of Social Sciences is the Hebrew University’s largest faculty, with a total of 3,600 students enrolled in undergraduate and graduate degree studies. It is devoted to training future leaders by providing its students with a first-class education which includes practical, hands-on elements.

The Faculty of Social Sciences encompasses a broad spectrum of fields and offers a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs. Undergraduate degrees are granted in nine different academic departments: Communication and Journalism, Economics, Geography, International Relations, Political Science, PPE (Philosophy, Political Science and Economics), Psychology, Sociology and Anthropology, and Statistics (with a focus on Data Science).  

For more information, click here.

Admissions Requirements

Only 20 applicants are accepted to the program annually, based on their grade point average and field of study. Students come from a wide variety of disciplines, including international relations, political science, English literature, psychology, communication and journalism, law, Middle Eastern studies, Islamic studies, history, and linguistics.

Applicants to the program must hold a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution of higher education and should have a minimum GPA of 3.6 (“B+”), 87% on the Israeli grading scale or an equivalent.

Furthermore, they must have a high level of proficiency in English. If the applicant's native language is not English or if they have not previously studied at an institute of higher education where the language of instruction is English, they must submit one of the following documents:

•    a score of at least 95 on the Internet-based TOEFL test 
•    an IELTS score of at least 7
•    at least 670 on the SAT critical reading score

For detailed information on admission requirements, based on the country where you completed your undergraduate studies, please click here.

Tuition & Scholarships

Tuition is $11,000.

Further Information

Administrative inquiries can be directed to Mr. Abir Mor, Program Coordinator:

Program website


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MA in Contemporary Germany: Politics, Society and Culture

Program in Contemporary Germany: Politics, Society and Culture


2 years

Faculty / School

Inter-Faculty (Humanities, Social Sciences, Law)




Jerusalem, Mount Scopus

Application deadline

Please refer to the program’s website.

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Program Details
Germany is the largest economy in Europe, ranks as the world’s most innovative country and has the third largest number of UNESCO World Heritage sites of all states. Still, as a leader in global and European affairs, the country is facing considerable challenges related to immigration, climate change, security and energy. This MA program analyzes how political, economic and cultural factors have shaped contemporary Germany, placing these factors within the European and global contexts and examining them from a historical perspective. Students will also consider these developments from the perspectives of Israel and the Middle East.

The program is part of Hebrew University’s European Forum and is affiliated with three faculties: Social Sciences, Law and Humanities. In addition to mandatory basic and methodological courses, five specialization tracks are offered: Politics and Economy, Law and International Relations, Geography and Urban Studies, History and Sociology, and Literature, Philosophy, Culture, and the Arts. 

Students can choose one of two study options: a non-research track or a research track with a thesis. In the non-research track, students choose three out of the five specializations, while in the research track, they choose two specializations. The program places great emphasis on providing students with opportunities for acquiring practical experience, for example, through travel courses, student exchanges, simulations and internships.   

Knowledge of the German language is not a prerequisite for admission to the program; in order to graduate, however, students must complete level B 1.2 according to CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference).

Click here for more information.

Career & Networking 

The breadth and depth of the MA program gives students the tools for a promising career in the public, business or academic sectors. Alumni have gone on to fill a variety of positions, including with Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Economy and Ministry of Defense, have become parliamentary assistants to members of the European Parliament, lobbyists and employees with EU consulting firms, as well as members of the Israeli Delegation to the European Union. In preparation for entering the job market, students are offered an internship with an organization or agency whose work is related to their field of study, while also receiving academic advising for their internship project.

Students take part in the many conferences and workshops organized by HUJI’s European Forum and host researchers from German universities. Research students also enjoy opportunities to travel to international conferences and workshops.

In addition, the program has an active alumni network, through which employment opportunities and other news is shared.

Teaching Faculty

The program’s top-notch academic faculty comes from a variety of disciplinary backgrounds and together they provide a rigorous multi- and interdisciplinary curriculum.

The program’s academic head is Prof. Gili S. Drori of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology. Prof. Drori is also the Director of the European Forum of Hebrew University.

Dr. Tobias Ebbrecht-Hartmann of the Department of Communications and Journalism is the program’s advisor and an expert in German culture and art.

Faculty include academics and practitioners with vast knowledge and experience in such fields as Israeli-German relations, German civil law, European nationalism, German foreign policy, and European Jewry. Students also benefit from a variety of courses taught by guest faculty from top universities in Europe and North America.

For additional information on the program’s faculty, please visit the program’s website.

The European Forum at the Hebrew University

The European Forum comprises research centers, graduate study programs and research funds. It is a multi- and interdisciplinary intellectual community bridging among the social sciences, humanities and law, and its administrative management is anchored in the Faculty of Social Sciences. The following centers are part of the Forum: the Helmut Kohl Institute for European Studies, the DAAD Center for German Studies, the Center for Austrian Studies, the Center for the Study of Italian Culture, the Paul Desmarais Center for the Study of French Culture, and the Marjorie Mayrock Center for Russian, Euro-Asian and East-European Research. The common interest of all the centers is European integration in its broader sense, involving historical perspectives and comparative methods.

The European Forum’s teaching and research activities focus on important long-term processes in Europe, and on European integration and its nexus with Israel and the Middle East. Besides the program in Contemporary Germany Studies, it also offers a graduate program in European Studies.

Admissions Requirements

Applicants to the master’s program in Contemporary Germany: Politics, Society and Culture must hold a bachelor's degree from a recognized university with a minimum 80 (3.0 GPA) average, and must demonstrate English proficiency.

For additional information regarding admissions, please visit the program’s website.

For detailed information on admission requirements, based on the country where you completed your undergraduate studies, please click here.

Tuition & Scholarships

The program’s tuition fee is US$ 10,000.

Various scholarships are available, including full tuition scholarships, distinction scholarships, scholarships for German-language summer courses in Austria, funded student exchange programs, subsidized study excursions to Europe, internships in Israel and Europe, and student integration in research groups and international conferences.

For additional information regarding tuition fees and other costs, please visit the program’s website.

Further Information

Academic Inquiries: Prof. Gili S. Drori, Academic Head:

Administrative Inquiries: Ms. Elisheva Moatti, Program Coordinator:

Program Website


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MSc in Environmental Quality Sciences

environmental_quality_sciences HUJI


1 year

Faculty / School

Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment





Application deadline

Please refer to program website

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Program Details

How can we develop alternative water and energy resources? What are good techniques to reduce the pollution of water and soil, and how can one effectively recycle waste?  How does environmentally-sustainable pest control and plant protection work? The Hebrew University’s Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Environmental Quality Sciences program prepares students to address these and other global challenges relating to our changing environmental conditions.

This multidisciplinary program is taught by top experts from HUJI’s Institute of Environmental Sciences and the Israeli Agricultural Research Organization (ARO). The curriculum covers a broad scope of research fields, including environmental microbiology, ecology, soil and water, environmental economics, weed control, botany, and plant protection. Students will learn how to understand and promote processes that affect and improve the quality of the environment in order to create a sustainable agricultural environment for future generations. Program participants will take part in innovative, groundbreaking research in the lab and acquire both practical knowledge and hands-on experience.

This one-year program may lead to a non-thesis Master of Science degree in different programs at the Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment. Qualified graduates may apply to the thesis track for a second year of studies and earn a thesis degree, after which they may continue on to a PhD degree in Israel or elsewhere.

The start date for the next program is October 2022. For more information, click here.

Career & Networking 

Program participants come from Israel and from around the world. During their studies, they enjoy many opportunities to meet and network with professionals and peers from different countries, on campus as well as during site visits, on field trips and at social events.

Upon completion of their studies, the majority of program graduates return to their home countries, where they hold key positions in industry, education, academia, research, NGOs and government organizations. 

Teaching Faculty

The M.Sc. in Environmental Quality Sciences degree is taught in English by leading researchers and experts in the field. Students benefit from the extensive experience of the teaching staff, who are prominent academics and scientists with global reputations.

The program’s academic chair is Dr. Benny Chefetz of the Department of Soil and Water Sciences. As an environmental chemist, the scope of his research focuses on the enhancement of knowledge and understanding of the fate and interactions of organic pollutants such as pesticides, pharmaceuticals, EDCs and other anthropogenic compounds in soil and water and the agro-environment.

The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment

Ranked among the best agricultural schools worldwide, the faculty is committed to the responsible preservation of the environment for future generations and to developing ways of increasing sustainable food and water resources. The long list of world-changing breakthroughs developed by the faculty’s researchers include modern drip irrigation methods, the cherry tomato, returning fragrance to flowers, environmentally safe pesticides, improving pollination by manipulating honey bee behavior, and a slew of other advanced environmentally-responsible agricultural techniques, especially under conditions of scarce water. Teaching and research activities consistently advance modern agriculture while training tomorrow's scientists and agriculturists.

The Faculty welcomes international students from all over the world. Faculty graduates hold key positions in the agricultural industry in Israel and around the world and use their knowledge to compete in world markets.

Admissions Requirements

Applicants to the program must hold a BSc degree or equivalent from a recognized university in a relevant field, such as agriculture, land and water resources, agricultural engineering, chemistry, ecology, environment, or soil science.

A GPA of 80 or above (letter grade B-) is required, and applicants must have a high level of proficiency in English, documented by one of the following documents:

  • records of previous academic studies conducted in English
  • a minimum score of 89 on the Internet-based TOEFL test
  • a minimum IELTS score of 6

Relevant experience in environmental science-related fields is recommended, though not mandatory.

Visit this website for detailed information about the admissions process and to apply.

Applications with scholarship requests: November 1, 2021 - March 11, 2022
All other applications: November 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022

The upcoming program is scheduled to begin in October 2022.

For detailed information on admission requirements, based on the country where you completed your undergraduate studies, please click here.

Tuition and Scholarships

The program’s tuition is US$10,500.

Further Information

Administrative Inquiries:

Ms. Keren Ohayon, International MSc Program Coordinator:
Ms. Edit Hakim, International MSc Program Coordinator:



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MSc in Animal Sciences

animal_sciences HUJI


1 year

Faculty / School

Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment





Application deadline

Please refer to program website

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Program Details

Israeli animal husbandry and management practices are among the most productive in the world, thanks to a sophisticated infrastructure based on the integration of science-based production methods with efficient extension services and an advanced health-supporting veterinary service. The Hebrew University’s MSc program in Animal Sciences enables students from around the world to learn about Israel's advanced agriculture in these fields.

The program’s curriculum is based on the most recent scientific findings and covers subjects such as animal biology and physiology, livestock breeding, the environmental impact of animal farming, and more. Hebrew University is at the forefront of advanced research and education in animal sciences, especially in the fields of physiology of reproduction and lactation, development as affected by environmental impact, aquaculture and the physiology of the digestive tract.

This 1-year program leads to a non-thesis Master of Science in agriculture with a major in animal sciences. After completing the program, qualified students may apply to the thesis track for a second year of studies.   

For more information, click here.

Career & Networking 

Program participants come from Israel and from around the world. During their studies, they enjoy many opportunities to meet and network with professionals and peers from different countries, on campus, during site visits, on field trips, and at social events.

Following graduation, the majority of alumni return to their home countries, where many of them hold key positions in the governmental administration of animal production, management of farm animals, farm animal husbandry, and consultation and research in these fields at universities or private institutes. Many alumni continue on to PhD degrees and to careers in research at leading institutions around the world.

Teaching Faculty

The MSc in Animal Sciences program is taught by experts affiliated with the Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment. Students benefit from the extensive experience of the teaching staff, who are leading academics and scientists with international reputations in the field of animal sciences.

The program is headed by Prof. Sameer J. Mabjeesh, who is an expert in ruminant nutrition and lactation physiology.

The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment

Ranked among the top 30 agricultural schools worldwide, the Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment is committed to the responsible preservation of the environment for future generations and to developing ways of increasing sustainable food and water resources. The long list of world-changing breakthroughs developed by the faculty’s researchers includes modern drip irrigation methods, the cherry tomato, returning fragrance to flowers, environmentally safe pesticides, improving pollination by manipulating honeybee behavior, and a slew of other advanced, environmentally responsible agricultural techniques, especially under conditions of scarce water. Teaching and research activities at the institution consistently advance modern agriculture while training tomorrow's scientists and agriculturists.

Admissions Requirements

Applicants must hold a BSc degree or equivalent from a recognized university in a field such as agriculture, animal health, animal husbandry, animal production, animal science or veterinary science, and must have taken an undergraduate-level course in biochemistry.

A GPA of 80 (B-) or above is required. Furthermore, applicants must have a high level of proficiency in English, assessed by one of the following:

  • minimum score of 89 on the Internet-based TOEFL test
  • minimum score of 7.0 on the IELTS test
  • proof of previous academic studies conducted in English

Relevant experience is recommended but not mandatory.

Visit this website for information about the admissions process.

Application period: November 1, 2022 - March 9, 2023

The next program starts in October 2023.

For detailed information on admission requirements, based on the country where you completed your undergraduate studies, please click here.

Tuition and Scholarships

Hebrew University offers full tuition scholarships to MSc students in research tracks in Natural and Exact Sciences.
Additional merit-based and need-based scholarships and living stipends may be available.

Further Information

Administrative Inquiries:

Ms. Keren Ohayon, International MSc Program Coordinator:
Ms. Edit Hakim, International MSc Program Coordinator:




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Glocal: MA in International Development

Glocal HUJI


18 months

Faculty / School

Hybrid format (first semester)
Faculty of Social Sciences




Jerusalem, Mount Scopus

Application deadline

Please refer to the program’s website.

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Program Details

This course is available in both online and in-person formats during the first semster of studies.

Hebrew University’s MA in International Development (Glocal) is geared toward individuals committed to reducing inequality and working toward a more just, socially cohesive, economically and environmentally sustainable world. While exploring international development from a global perspective, the program emphasizes the development of local, tailored interventions, providing students with a strong theoretical foundation, practical tools, and hands-on experience to help strengthen disadvantaged communities. During the 18-month graduate program, students learn to translate academic research into a practical understanding of community development, through cutting-edge theories and first-hand engagement with the complex challenges faced by disadvantaged communities worldwide.

The program’s unique approach builds on a strong, 14-month academic curriculum followed by a practical 4-month field internship spent in organizations serving local communities around the world. The diverse course offerings cover public health, geography, environmental management, entrepreneurship, social innovation, and migration and gender, among other subjects. Moreover, participants learn about the local complexity and cultural diversity of Jerusalem, drawing global lessons from local solutions and practices.

Each cohort consists of 25-30 students from around the world. Through interactive teaching methods, students learn from highly acclaimed academics about development practices and experiences in different countries. Each year, a select number of students who excel academically opt for the Glocal Research Track and write a master’s thesis in the field of international community development, thereby contributing to the advancement of knowledge and research in this field.

For more information about the program, click here.

Career & Networking 

Graduates of the Glocal program help further international development in fields such as poverty, global inequality and gender, among others. Glocal alumni are employed in a variety of development and grassroots organizations in Israel and around the world, working to empower communities in a variety of fields. These organizations include Care International, MSF (Doctors without Borders), the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, IsraAid, Save a Child's Heart, the Arava Institute for Environmental Studies, World Education, NALA Foundation, the Pears Program for Global Innovation, ActionAid, Village Health Works Burundi, FHI360 Uganda, and others.      

Alumni have also launched their own projects, such as “Become,” an NGO working to support communities in Kenya, Haiti and South Sudan, “Amar Majuli,” which empowers women from lower castes in Northern India, and “Kaima Tanzania,” a farm which trains youth at risk in agriculture practices. Other alumni have pursued a doctorate to launch their academic career.

Glocal alumni form a vibrant, active network, in which graduates support each other and offer guidance and mentoring to one another. The Glocal program supports this network through various workshops, events, and its seed funding program.

Teaching Faculty

The Glocal program is headed by Dr. Reut Barak Weekes, an expert in development economics and political relations in the developing world. The program’s teaching staff consists of a multidisciplinary team of top researchers, academics and practitioners whose fields of expertise cover different aspects of international development, including:

Mr. Yossi Offer, strategic planning and local development specialist, and the executive director of a consulting company working with local authorities, NGOs, and government and international development agencies in Israel as well as in developing countries.

Dr. Maureen Malowany, Hebrew University researcher whose interests include the history of global public health, epidemiology, malaria (particularly sub-Saharan Africa), infectious diseases, and tropical medicine science.

The Faculty of Social Sciences

The Faculty of Social Sciences is Hebrew University’s largest faculty, with a total of 3,600 students studying towards undergraduate and graduate degrees. The faculty is devoted to training future leaders by providing its students with a first-class education with practical, hands-on elements.

The Faculty of Social Sciences encompasses a broad spectrum of fields such as Communications and Journalism, Economics, Geography, International Relations, Political Science, PPE (Philosophy, Political Science and Economics), Psychology, Sociology and Anthropology, and Statistics (with a focus on Data Science).  

The teaching staff at the faculty is composed of world-class researchers and practitioners, many of whom have received prestigious awards, among them Israel Prizes, Emet Prizes, and Rothschild Prizes.

For more information about the Faculty of Social Sciences, visit their website.

Admissions Requirements

Applicants to the Glocal program must hold a BA degree from an internationally recognized university with an average of 80 or above (or equivalent). Additional requirements include:

  • English proficiency
  • Experience in social activism or community work

Moreover, applicants must commit to participating in an intensive program of study, including a 4-month internship.

For further details on eligibility and application guidelines, see here.

For detailed information on admission requirements, based on the country where you completed your undergraduate studies, please click here.

Tuition and Scholarships

The tuition fee for the entire program is 11,000 USD.

While internship costs are not covered by the program, Glocal tries to subsidize 40% of the costs related to the internship. A 4-month internship in a developing country usually costs approximately US$4,000-$7,000 including flights, accommodations, and living expenses.  

A limited number of scholarships are available for students from developing countries. Once accepted to the program, potential candidates will receive information about financial assistance and available scholarships from the admissions team. For further details, click here.

International students are also eligible to apply for scholarships provided by Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. For more information, please visit this website

Further Information

Academic Inquiries: Dr. Reut Barak Weekes

 Academic Head:

Administrative Inquiries: Ms. Inbal Levin,

Program Coordinator: Program Website



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MA in Education - Blended Program specializing in Jewish Education

Jewish Education HUJI


1 year

Faculty / School

The Melton Centre for Jewish Education


English, Spanish or Portuguese


Blended framework, online and on-campus

Application deadline

Please refer to the program’s website (English, Spanish, Portuguese)

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Program Details

The realities of Jewish life in the Diaspora are continuously shifting, and the Melton Centre for Jewish Education is moving in new directions to adapt and to strengthen Jewish education in communities worldwide. Educators are confronted with tough questions like: Who is an educated Jew? What are the goals of Jewish Education today and how can we meet them? What is the role of Jewish educators?  The International MA in Education program at Hebrew University prepares Jewish and non-Jewish educators who reside outside of Israel for tackling topics like these with the aim of strengthening Jewish communities abroad. Students can choose between a study track in English or one in Spanish\ Portuguese

Offered at the Melton Centre for Jewish Education, the program is adapted to the needs of specialists who are unable to commit to an extensive period of study in Jerusalem, and is therefore taught as a blended on-site and distance learning course extending over one or two years. Most of the course load is taught remotely and students typically spend several weeks of intense learning in Jerusalem. The MA is designed for educators in both formal and informal frameworks who are interested in Jewish education and its dialogue with the social sciences, educational philosophy and Jewish and Israel studies. 

The program focuses on three main areas: the philosophy, sociology and psychology of Jewish and Israel education, the teaching of Jewish texts, and entrepreneurship and innovation in Jewish Education. For a full list of courses, click here for English and here for Spanish / Portuguese.

Career & Networking 

Most program alumni work in the field of Jewish education frameworks, including Jewish day schools, religious schools, community organizations, Israel advocacy groups, and congregations.

Teaching Faculty

Courses at the Melton Centre of Education are taught by some of the world’s leading experts in Jewish education.

Dr. Marcelo I. Dorfsman, Program Head, specializes in technology-mediated education and distance learning. Aside from his teaching activities at Hebrew University, he advises educational institutions in Israel and Latin America on educational technologies for teaching.

Dr. Michael Gillis is the Director of the Melton Centre for Jewish Education. His areas of expertise include the teaching of rabbinic literature and the philosophy of Jewish Education. He previously served as Director of Teacher Education at the Shlomo Fox School of Education and as Head of the Education Program at Revivim, an honors program that trains outstanding future teachers in Jewish education.

The Melton Centre for Jewish Education at the Shlomo Fox School of Education

The Melton Centre for Jewish Education at the Shlomo Fox School of Education is an academic center for the study of Jewish education committed to supporting Jewish culture and heritage. Its mission is to foster cutting-edge research and educate future leaders, scholars and practitioners in all fields and forms of Jewish education.

The Centre is an inclusive, diverse and egalitarian academic body, where empirical and theoretical knowledge are developed and applied for the benefit of Jewish communities around the world. Through its educational activities, the Melton Centre is committed to the fostering of vital contacts between diverse Jewish ideologies and religious streams, while at the same time cultivating relations with other world religions and cultures.

Admissions Requirements

The Melton Centre for Jewish Education at the Shlomo Fox School of Education is an academic center for the study of Jewish education committed to supporting Jewish culture and heritage. Its mission is to foster cutting-edge research and educate future leaders, scholars and practitioners in all fields and forms of Jewish education.

The Centre is an inclusive, diverse and egalitarian academic body, where empirical and theoretical knowledge are developed and applied for the benefit of Jewish communities around the world. Through its educational activities, the Melton Centre is committed to the fostering of vital contacts between diverse Jewish ideologies and religious streams, while at the same time cultivating relations with other world religions and cultures.

  • a TOEFL exam score of 80 or above
  • an IELTS exam score of 6 or above

In addition, a letter of recommendation from an educator or an educational institution and a statement of purpose must be submitted.

For more application information, please visit the program’s website.

For detailed information on admission requirements, based on the country where you completed your undergraduate studies, please click here.

Tuition & Scholarships

Tuition is approximately 11,000$ for those who intend to complete the program in one year.

For additional information, please visit the Tuition Costs & Fees page.

Information on scholarships can be found on the Scholarships & Financial Aid page.

Information on Melton scholarships can be found here in English and here in Spanish / Portuguese.

Further Information

Academic Inquiries: Dr. Marcelo Dorfsman, Program Head:

Administrative Inquiries:

Program Website in English

Program Website in Spanish

Program Website in Portuguese



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MSc in Nutritional Sciences

MSc in Nutritional Sciences


1 year; non-research track

Faculty / School

Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture





Application deadline

Please refer to the program’s website

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Program Details

Nutritional and food sciences are rapidly expanding research areas that significantly contribute to public health promotion. As the relationship between diet and disease and/or health is better understood, the nutritional value of foods has significantly improved and an increasing variety of products with health and nutritional benefits are being released to the market. Hebrew University’s MSc in Nutritional Sciences program provides international students with a strong foundation in this dynamic and fascinating field.

Taught at the Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment, this program prepares students to become leading professionals in the field of nutritional sciences and to apply their newly acquired knowledge to nutritional challenges in their home countries. Students learn the fundamentals of nutrition based on the latest research and benefit from the faculty’s close connections with clinical and public health nutritionists, R&D teams in the food industry and the academic community. This ongoing collaboration enables students to develop innovative approaches that address practical needs.

Students will graduate with a non-thesis MSc degree in biochemistry, food science and nutrition. While graduates of the program are highly qualified for a variety of career paths, this MSc program does not award a clinical degree and, therefore, graduates are not able to practice as licensed dieticians upon completion.

Qualified graduates may apply to the thesis track, which comprises a second year of studies, allowing students to continue their studies toward a PhD degree.

Career & Networking 

During their studies, the program participants enjoy many opportunities to meet and network with professionals and peers from different countries on campus and during site visits, field trips, and social events.

As the principal Israeli institution awarding academic degrees in nutritional and food sciences, the faculty enjoys a unique status. Its graduates include leading executives in Israel’s food industry, directors in the Ministries of Health and Agriculture and prominent researchers and practitioners.

Many graduates of the MSc in Nutritional Sciences program return to their home countries, where they hold key positions in the fields of health and nutrition, education, academia, research, NGOs and government organizations. Several alumni have chosen to continue their studies toward a PhD degree in programs around the world, including leading universities in Canada, Switzerland, Denmark and Japan.  


Teaching Faculty

Students benefit from the extensive experience of the teaching staff, who are leading academics and scientists with global reputations. Within the faculty, the Institute of Nutritional and Food Sciences is comprised of the School of Nutritional Sciences and the Department of Food Sciences.

The program’s academic co-chairs are Dr. Aliza Stark, whose research projects focus on nutrition education and health promotion to improve dietary habits, and Prof. Betty Schwartz, whose lab researches the role of diet in modulating cancer risk.

The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment

Ranked among the top 30 agricultural schools worldwide, the Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment is committed to the responsible preservation of the environment for future generations and to developing ways of increasing sustainable food and water resources. The long list of world-changing breakthroughs developed by the faculty’s researchers include modern drip irrigation methods, the cherry tomato, returning fragrance to flowers, environmentally safe pesticides, improving pollination by manipulating honeybee behavior, and a slew of other advanced environmentally responsible agricultural techniques, especially under conditions of scarce water. Teaching and research activities at the institution consistently advance modern agriculture while training tomorrow's scientists and agriculturists.

The faculty welcomes international students from all over the world. Faculty graduates hold key positions in the agricultural industry in Israel and around the globe, and use their knowledge to compete in world markets.

Admissions Requirements

Applicants to the program must hold a BSc degree or equivalent from a recognized university in a relevant field, such as nutrition, food science, dietetics, biochemistry, chemistry, or medicine. Other requirements include undergraduate level biochemistry and molecular biology courses, a GPA of 80 or above (B-), and a high level of English proficiency, documented by one of the following:

  • a minimum score of 89 on the Internet-based TOEFL test
  • a minimum score of 6.0 on the IELTS test
  • record of previous academic studies conducted in English.

Visit this website for information about the admissions process and to apply.

The program begins every two years, with the upcoming program scheduled to begin in October 2023. For more information, click here.

Relevant experience is recommended but not mandatory.

For detailed information on admission requirements, based on the country where you completed your undergraduate studies, please click here.

Tuition & Scholarships

The program’s tuition is US$10,500.

Further Information

Administrative Inquiries:

Ms. Keren Ohayon, International MSc Program Coordinator:
Ms. Edit Hakim, International MSc Program Coordinator:




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MA in Smart Cities and Urban Informatics

Smart Cities


1-2 years, non- thesis/ thesis track

Faculty / School

Faculty of Social Sciences
Rothberg International School




Jerusalem, Mount Scopus

Application deadline

Please refer to the 
Program's website.

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Program Details

Volunteered geographic information and cellular navigation are just two examples of the innovative technologies used in modern urban development. In fact, the list of cities adopting 'smart' technologies is constantly growing. Smart cities integrate information, communication technology and various physical devices to optimize the efficiency of city operations and services, connect to citizens, and improve urban quality of life. Hebrew University’s M.A. in Smart Cities and Urban Informatics program prepares students for this exciting and future-oriented field.

Designed to meet the growing demand for experts in cutting-edge smart city technologies, this master’s program equips a new generation of urban planners, analysts and policy makers with the requisite tool box for developing smart cities. This includes both hands-on analytical skills as well as the ability to address current and anticipated future challenges posed by smart cities.

Students will take courses on topics such as geoinformatics, urban planning, urban remote sensing, python programming, geo-spatial data analytics, smart urban transportation and energy systems, and social planning for smart communities, among others. To view a complete list of courses, click here. In addition, field trips are an integral part of the program, with the city of Jerusalem showcased as a unique testing ground for the subject matter.

For additional information, please visit the program’s website.

Career & Networking 

Graduates of the program are prepared for positions in national and local government, private companies providing location-based and urban data-analytics services to municipalities, and transportation and infrastructure agencies in Israel and worldwide. They will be prepared to work as members of urban planning teams, as technical and information experts, infrastructure consultants, and urban policy makers, among other positions.

Teaching Faculty

The program capitalizes on the joint strengths of Hebrew University’s Urban Planning program and the Geoinformatics track in the Department of Geography, drawing on their renowned lecturers as well as other experts in various fields.

Prof. Daniel Felsenstein of the Department of Geography is the academic director of the program. His work uses the tools of dynamic simulation modeling and spatial econometrics to study urban development, and one of his areas of expertise is simulating urban resilience to large scale shocks.

Faculty of Social Sciences 

The Faculty of Social Sciences is Hebrew University’s largest faculty, with a total of 3,600 students studying towards undergraduate and graduate degrees. The Faculty is devoted to training future leaders by providing its students with a first-class education with practical, hands-on elements.

The Faculty of Social Sciences encompasses a broad spectrum of fields such as Communications and Journalism, Economics, Geography, International Relations, Political Science, PPE (Philosophy, Political Science and Economics), Psychology, Sociology and Anthropology, and Statistics (with a focus on Data Science).  

The teaching staff at the faculty is composed of world-class researchers and practitioners, many of whom have received prestigious awards, among them Israel Prizes, Emet Prizes, and Rothschild Prizes.

This program is run collaboratively with Hebrew University’s Rothberg International School (RIS). Over 2,000 students from 90 countries worldwide convene in Jerusalem each year to participate in RIS programs, ranging from intensive language courses to short-term courses, internships, study abroad, and full-fledged MA degree programs offered in English. RIS’ innovative programming, diverse community, and rich student life offer an unforgettable, transformative experience for students of all backgrounds and academic pursuits.

For more information about the Faculty of Social Sciences, visit their website.

Admissions Requirements

Applicants must have an internationally accredited bachelor’s degree with a minimum GPA of 80 (or equivalent).

Candidates must also demonstrate a high level of English proficiency by providing one of the following documents:

  • a TOEFL exam score of 80 or above

  • an IELTS exam score of 6 or above

  • an Amir or Amiram exam score of 120 or above

Applicants who completed degrees at universities at which English is the sole language of instruction, as well as applicants who completed degrees in English Language and Literature, may request an exemption. Such applicants must submit documentation from their university verifying English as the language of instruction. Note that exemption is not automatic and is determined on a case-by-case basis.

Visit the program’s website for more information about the admissions process or apply here.

For detailed information on admission requirements, based on the country where you completed your undergraduate studies, please click here.

Tuition & Scholarships

Tuition is US$11,400 for the entire program.

Students are eligible for a variety of scholarships. More information can be found on the  Scholarships & Financial Aid page. For additional information regarding tuition and other costs, please visit the program’s website.

Further Information

Academic Inquiries: Prof. Daniel Felsenstein, Academic Director:

Administrative Inquiries: RIS Division of Graduate Studies:
Program Website


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MA in Jewish Studies

jewish_studies HUJI


2 years

Faculty / School

Faculty of Humanities
Rothberg International School




Jerusalem, Mount Scopus

Application deadline

Please refer to the

Program's website

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Program Details

Under the aegis of the Hebrew University’s Rothberg International School (RIS) and the Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Institute for Jewish Studies, this two-year Master’s in Jewish Studies program provides in-depth knowledge of Jewish history, language, literature, culture and philosophy. Students enjoy an intimate learning environment, with small classes taught in English by leading experts in the field.

The flexible nature of the program, which includes a large number of elective credits, allows students to design a program of study best suited to their specific interests within the field of Jewish studies. In addition, the program provides students with a solid foundation in Modern Hebrew. Students with a high enough level of Modern Hebrew proficiency may enroll in courses taught in Hebrew and immerse themselves in a Hebrew-speaking environment, alongside their Israeli peers.

The curriculum is divided into two main periods: ancient to early medieval, and late medieval to modern. Courses cover such topics as Second Temple Judaism, the Bible in the eyes of Jews, Christians and Muslims, the works of Maimonides, Jewish mysticism, Zionism, and the Holocaust.

Students benefit from Hebrew University’s extensive academic resources, such as the National Library of Israel, located on the Edmond J. Safra Campus, Givat Ram.

Career & Networking 

Graduates of the program are well positioned for careers in academia, secondary education, religious and community leadership, tourism, archiving and museum-related work. Many of our alumni continue on to advanced academic degrees (mostly PhDs), in Israel and abroad.

For additional information, please visit the program’s Career & Alumni page.

Teaching Faculty

Courses in the MA program are taught by world-class experts in a range of disciplines, including history, languages, philosophy and religious studies. The head of the program, Dr. Yakir Paz, specializes in Hellenistic Judaism, Roman and Rabbinic law, Rabbinic biblical commentaries, theological polemics in Antiquity, Jews and Christians in the Sasanian Empire and Syriac literature.

Faculty of Humanities

The Faculty of Humanities at Hebrew University is committed to shedding light on civilizations past and present as revealed through history, language, literature, religion, philosophy, music, art and material culture. The numerous prizes and grants received by the academic staff – including Israel Prizes and ERC grants – attest to the high quality of research and teaching for which the faculty is known. 

The MA in Jewish Studies is offered in conjunction with the Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Institute for Jewish Studies, a research hub since 1924. The Mandel Institute is responsible for overseeing all teaching departments and research centers devoted to the pursuit of Jewish studies at Hebrew University. It is affiliated with over 20 smaller research institutes, including the Orion Center for the Study of the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Steven Spielberg Jewish Film Archive, the Vidal Sassoon International Center for the Study of Antisemitism, the Franz Rosenzweig Minerva Research Center for the Study of German-Jewish Cultural History, Thought and Literature, and the Jewish Music Research Center.

This program is run collaboratively with Hebrew University’s Rothberg International School (RIS). Over 2,000 students from 90 countries worldwide convene in Jerusalem each year to participate in RIS programs, ranging from intensive language courses to short-term courses, internships, study abroad, and full-fledged MA degree programs offered in English. RIS’ innovative programming, diverse community, and rich student life offer an unforgettable, transformative experience for students of all backgrounds and academic pursuits.

Admissions Requirements

Applicants must hold a bachelor’s degree from an internationally accredited university with a minimum 3.2 average (B). They must also demonstrate English proficiency through a TOEFL exam score of 80 or above, or a minimum IELTS score of 6.

Late admissions: April 1 - August 31, 2022

The upcoming program is scheduled to begin in October, 2022.

For detailed information on admission requirements, based on the country where you completed your undergraduate studies, please click here.

Tuition & Scholarships

Tuition is US$6,000 for each of the two years of study ($12,000 total).

For additional information, please visit our Tuition Costs & Fees page.

We offer a variety of scholarships, including an early admission scholarship. More information can be found on our Scholarships & Financial Aid page.

Further Information

Academic Inquiries: Dr. Yakir Paz, Program Head:

 Administrative Inquiries: RIS Division of Graduate Studies:

Program Website



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MA in Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies

islamic_and_middle_eastern_studies HUJI


1 year

Faculty / School

Online format




Jerusalem, Mount Scopus Campus

Application deadline

Please refer to the 
Program's website

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Program Details
Earn Your Online Master’s Degree in Islamic & Middle Eastern Studies.

Be it the 1973 oil crisis, the Islamic Revolution in Iran, or the civil war in Syria with its ensuing refugee crisis – in today's world of globalization, mass immigration, religious fundamentalism and energy dependence, the repercussions of events taking place in the Middle East are felt across the globe. The MA in Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies program is designed for students who wish to better understand these complex developments as well as the historical, political, religious and cultural contexts in which they have unfolded.

This one-year multidisciplinary degree, taught entirely in English, is offered by Hebrew University’s Rothberg International School (RIS) in conjunction with the Department of Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies at the Faculty of Humanities. 

Courses cover a variety of topics such as state and religion in the lands of Islam, interrelations between Jews and Muslims, the history and archaeology of Jerusalem during the Islamic periods, and the relations between Israel and Middle Eastern countries.

The program includes a rigorous Modern Standard Arabic curriculum. Since nearly 40% of Jerusalem’s inhabitants are native Arabic speakers, students also enjoy the opportunity to put their language skills to practice on a daily basis. Additionally, the faculty of Humanities offers courses in Modern Turkish, Ottoman Turkish, and Persian.

Career & Networking 

Graduates of the program continue on to positions in government service, NGOs, journalism, academia and other areas. Alumni have worked for news outlets and academic journals such as Haaretz, i24News, Der Spiegel and the Mexican Journal of Political and Social Sciences. Others have pursued advanced academic degrees, both in Israel and internationally.

For additional information, please visit the program’s Career & Alumni page.

Teaching Faculty

Dr. Tawfiq Da’adli, academic head of the program, is an archaeologist and art historian whose research interests include important sites in Jerusalem such as the Mamilla Cemetery, the al-Qaymuriyya Mausoleum, the quarters around the Cotton Merchants’ Market and the Beit HaBad Market.

Additional key lecturers include Prof. Meir Hatina and Prof. Ron Shaham. Prof. Hatina is the head of both Hebrew University’s Department of Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies and the Levtzion Center for Islamic Studies. His work focuses on martyrdom in Islam and Arab liberal thought. Prof. Shaham’s fields of expertise include Islamic law and society, Islamic family law and the legal status of non-Muslims in the modern Middle East.

Faculty of Humanities

The Faculty of Humanities at the Hebrew University is committed to shedding light on civilizations past and present as revealed through history, language, literature, religion, philosophy, music, art and material culture. The numerous prizes and grants received by the academic staff – including Israel Prizes and ERC grants – attest to the high quality of research and teaching for which the faculty is known.  

A wide range of world-class research institutes are affiliated with the Faculty of Humanities, including the Institute of Archaeology, the Institute of Asian and African Studies, the Mandel Institute of Jewish Studies and the Department of Comparative Religion, among others. Each of these institutes houses centers that focus on specific topics, such as the Levtzion Center for Islamic Studies, the Ben-Zvi Institute for the Study of Jewish Communities in the East, the Minerva Center for Human Rights, and others. 

This program is run collaboratively with Hebrew University’s Rothberg International School (RIS). Over 2,000 students from 90 countries worldwide convene in Jerusalem each year to participate in RIS programs, ranging from intensive language courses to short-term courses, internships, study abroad, and full-fledged MA degree programs offered in English. RIS’ innovative programming, diverse community, and rich student life offer an unforgettable, transformative experience for students of all backgrounds and academic pursuits.

Admissions Requirements

Applicants must hold a bachelor’s degree from an internationally accredited university with a minimum 3.2 (letter grade B) average. They must also demonstrate English proficiency through a TOEFL exam score of 80 or above, or an IELTS score of 6 or above.

Application Deadlines

Early admissions: November 1 - December 31, 2021

Regular admissions: January 1 - March 31, 2022

Late admissions: April 1 - August 31, 2022

The upcoming program is scheduled to begin in October, 2022.

For detailed information on admission requirements, based on the country where you completed your undergraduate studies, please click here.

Tuition and Scholarships

Tuition is US$11,400.

For additional information, please visit our Tuition Costs & Fees page.

A variety of scholarships are available, including an early admission scholarship. More information can be found on our Scholarships & Financial Aid page.

Further Information

Academic Inquiries: Prof. Michael Shenkar, Program Head:

Administrative Inquiries: RIS Division of Graduate Studies:

Program Website



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