When you apply to a student exchange program, you can choose up to three universities which you are interested in attending. You will be assigned to one of them. The list of potential universities appears in the Student Exchange Program Call for Applications that is published each year.
The Call for Applications contains extensive information about exchange programs at each university: which fields of study are offered at each university and which ones are not, whether they are limited to students earning certain degrees, whether there are language requirements, etc.
In the first stage, you should eliminate the universities which are less relevant for you and then focus on the others. Ask yourself: do I want to study in that country? Are the language requirements relevant for me? Does the university teach my field of study? etc. Once you reduce the number of options, start to research the remaining ones more thoroughly by looking through their course catalogs, academic calendars, and other important information. Then, focus on narrowing down your preferences to the three options that are most suitable.