Joint Degree Programs

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI) is proud to offer you the opportunity to participate in our joint master’s and PhD degree programs in various fields of study, in collaboration with partnering institutions worldwide. As a participant, you’ll be jointly enrolled at two universities, spending a minimum of one year at each, and benefiting from joint supervision by faculty from both institutions. Upon successful completion of the program, you’ll graduate from both universities with a joint degree in your chosen field of study.

Hebrew University offers students the opportunity to tailor their own joint PhD degree program between Hebrew University and an institution abroad, through a signed agreement that is student-specific. As a Cotutelle candidate, you’ll be jointly enrolled at two academic institutions, spending research time at both, and benefiting from joint supervision by faculty at each institution. Upon successful completion of your program, you’ll receive a joint PhD degree from both institutions. Read more

Joint programs

M.A. in the Study of Judaism and Christianity with the University of St. Andrews

*Applications for this program are currently closed for the 2025-26 academic year. Information about applications for the 2026-27 academic will be available next year. In the meantime, we invite you to explore our MA in Jewish Studies and MA in the Bible and the Ancient Near East.*

Degree type: MA
Field(s) of Study: Comparative Religion
Partner Institution: University of St. Andrews 
Duration: Year 1 in Jerusalem / Year 2 in St Andrews
Location: Faculty of Humanities at HUJI / School of Divinity at St Andrews
Application Information: University of St Andrews

Joint Master’s Degree with Washington University in St. Louis

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Washington University in St. Louis welcome you to complete a dual-degree master’s program in Nonprofit Management and Leadership / Early Childhood Studies / Social Work (for BSW graduates only) in Jerusalem, and Social Policy in St. Louis.

            Degree Type: MSW, MA
            Field(s) of Study: Social Work / Non-Profit and Community Organization Management / Early Childhood Studies / Social Policy
           Partner Institution: Washington University in St. Louis
            Duration: 3 years
            Location: Jerusalem, St. Louis (min. 1 year at partner institution)
            Academic Information: Prof. Shirli Werner (School of Social Work and Social Welfare)
            Application Information: Ms. Dareen Alawi (School of Social Work and Social Welfare)

Joint Master’s Degree in Chemistry with Università degli Studi di Perugia in Italy

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Università degli Studi di Perugia welcome you to complete a dual-degree master’s program in Chemistry.

             Degree Type: MSc
             Field(s) of Study: Chemistry
             Partner Institution: Università degli Studi di Perugia 
             Duration: 2 years
             Location: Jerusalem, Perugia (min. 1 semester at a partner institution)
             Academic Information: Prof. Dmitri Gelman (Institute of Chemistry)

Joint Master’s Degree in Chemistry with The University of Florence in Italy

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and The University of Florence welcome you to complete a dual-degree master’s program in Chemistry.  

Degree Type: MSc
Field(s) of Study: Chemistry
Partner Institution: The University of Florence

Duration: 2 years
Location: Jerusalem, Florence (min. 1 semester at a partner institution)
Academic Information: Dr. Mattan Hurevich
Application Information: Ilona Gajilieva

Joint Master’s Degree in Plant Science with a Specialization in Bio-technology with Baku State University in Azerbaijan


Degree Type: MSc
Field(s) of Study: Plant Science with a Specialization in Bio-technology
Partner Institution: BAKU STATE UNIVERSITY

Duration: 2 years
Location: Jerusalem, Baku (min. 1 semester at a partner institution)
Academic Information: Prof. PROF. YAEL HELMAN (Faculty of Agriculture)
Application Information: Noa Schwarzwald (International School of Agricultural Sciences)


Joint PhD with Freie Universität Berlin, Germany

Within the framework of our strategic partnership, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Freie Universität Berlin welcome you to earn a joint PhD in any field in Jerusalem and Berlin.

            Degree Type: PhD
            Field(s) of Study: All fields
            Partner Institution: Freie Universität Berlin
            Duration: Up to 5 years
            Location: Jerusalem, Berlin (min. 1 year at partner institution)
            Application Information: Ms. Keren Sagi (International Office)

Joint PhD with Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Nanyang Technological University welcome you to earn a joint PhD in the sciences in Jerusalem and Singapore.

            Degree Type: PhD
            Field(s) of Study: Environmental Microbiology and Nanomaterials
            Partner Institution: Nanyang Technological University
            Duration: Up to 5 years
            Location: Jerusalem, Singapore (min. 1 year at partner institution)
            Academic Information: Prof. Shlomo Magdassi (Faculty of Science)
            Application Information: Ms. Neta Weiss (Authority for Research Students, Experimental Sciences)

Joint PhD with National University of Singapore

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and National University of Singapore welcome you to earn a joint PhD in medicine or science in Jerusalem and Singapore.

            Degree Type: PhD
            Field(s) of Study: Medicine, Science
            Partner Institution: National University of Singapore and NUS-HUJI Joint PhD Page
            Duration: Up to 5 years
            Location: Jerusalem, Singapore (min. 9 months at partner institution)
            Academic Information: Prof. David Engelberg (Faculty of Science)
            Application Information: Ms. Neta Weiss (Authority for Research Students, Experimental Sciences)

Joint PhD with University of Melbourne, Australia

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI) and the University of Melbourne (UoM) are proud to offer the Jerusalem-Melbourne Joint PhD Program, open to all academic fields.

           Degree Type: PhD
            Field(s) of Study: All Fields
            Partner Institution: University of Melbourne
            Duration: Up to 3.5 years
            Locations: Jerusalem, Melbourne (1 year at partner institution)
           Application Information: Ms. Neta Weiss (Authority for Research Students, Experimental Sciences);
            Program Coordinator: Ms. Keren Sagi (International Office)
           Ms. Keren Nacass-Moua (Authority for Research Students, Non-Experimental Sciences)

Joint PhD with Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI) and Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) are proud to offer you a joint PhD degree in multiple fields of study.           

            Degree Type: PhD
            Field(s) of Study: All Fields, Agriculture, Bio Medical Research
            Partner Institution: Shanghai Jiao Tong University
            Duration: Up to 5 years
            Location: Jerusalem, Shanghai (min. 1 year at partner institution) 

            Academic Information:
Bio Medical Research: Prof. Joel Israeli (Faculty of Medicine)
            Agriculture: Prof. Prof. Yael Helman (Faculty of Agriculture)

            Application Information:
Bio Medical Research: Ms. Marika Geradze-Israeli (Faculty of Medicine) 
            Agriculture: Noa Schwarzwald (International School of Agricultural Sciences)
            All Fields: Ms. Neta Weiss (Authority for Research Students, Experimental Science)

Candidate Benefits

Our joint degree programs offer an unparalleled international research experience in your field of interest, at two premier universities with mutual traditions of innovative research and academic excellence. As a participant, you’ll:

  • Gain exposure to diverse academic perspectives through joint supervision
  • Benefit from the latest research equipment, methods, and technologies at each institution
  • Immerse yourself and live in two local cultures
  • Develop a transferable toolkit that includes intercultural competencies, adaptability skills, interdisciplinary knowledge, and more.
  • Build an international professional network to support you throughout your future career path
  • Earn a joint degree from two internationally renowned institutions
  • Enjoy an enhanced resume and increased employability upon completion

Joint Degree Program Framework

Mobility: Throughout your joint degree studies, you’ll be required to spend time at each of the participating institutions (min. one-year at both). This may be completed in a single visit, or cumulatively, subject to funding and the unique needs of your personalized research program.

Supervision: You’ll have a principal supervisor at each institution, both of whom will work collaboratively in guiding you toward the final submission of your thesis/dissertation.

Thesis/Dissertation: Upon completion of your research, you’ll submit a single thesis/dissertation to both institutions.

Degree Certificate: Once you have successfully fulfilled all of your program requirements, you’ll earn a joint degree from both institutions. Your double degree will be recognized in the form of two degree certificates (one issued by each institution), both noting that your degree was completed as a collaborative, joint program with the partner university. (In unique cases you may also be issued a single, joint diploma).

Candidate Eligibility

**Eligibility criteria vary per master’s program.

For most joint PhD programs, your first step will be to identify a suitable doctoral supervisor at the Hebrew University and the partner institution, and to obtain their consent prior to applying to both institutions. You can learn more about how to find a supervisor here.

Next, you’ll need to meet the admission requirements of both institutions in order to participate in any joint degree program. Detailed information on joint PhD eligibility at the Hebrew University can be found here.

Tuition Fees

While participants must be admitted and registered at both institutions, you’ll only pay tuition fees to your home university (unless otherwise noted). You can find general information on tuition fees here (specific joint degree programs may not apply).


Master’s: Joint master’s applicants must apply to the Hebrew University via the relevant academic unit. We recommend that you reach out directly to your program of choice for further application information, as specified in the joint program listings above.

PhD: Joint PhD applicants are required to apply to the Hebrew University via the Authority for Research Students. You’ll find detailed information on joint PhD admissions here.

Further Information

Joint master’s degree studies:
Please refer to specific joint master’s degree listings above for specific contact details.

Joint PhD studies: