Hosting Staff From Partner Universities

Hosting Academic Staff

The Hebrew University has fostered a culture that values the involvement and contribution of dynamic, creative, and dedicated researchers from the international academic community.
There are various funding mechanisms in place for inviting international scholars to HUJI, including Erasmus+.

Responsibilities of the Host Department and Faculty

Step One: Official Invitation Letter
Prospective visiting scholars require an official letter of invitation from the Dean of your faculty/school. The letter should detail the nature of the research or teaching that the scholar will conduct, who will supervise or advise the scholar, the dates of the visit, and what the department will offer the scholar (office space, staff assistance, departmental facilities, salary and/or stipend, etc.). The letter should also state the agreed upon duration and dates that the scholar will be on campus.

Step Two: Practical Matters

Visitors from India, China, Africa, and various other origins will need assistance with obtaining a visa for their visit. If your visitor will be receiving a salary (as opposed to a fellowship or honorarium), you must obtain a work permit and work visa for him/her before arrival in Israel.
For more information, please visit here

The university has a limited number of apartments available for visiting scholars and professors.
Please consult with the International Office for availability. 
Important: If you are considering inviting a professor or research scholar to the university, kindly contact the International Office at least 2-6 months in advance.

Further Information and Assistance
Faculty members and visiting researchers are encouraged to contact Mr. Yehuda Hersch, the International Researchers Coordinator, for any administrative assistance, non-academic issues, and routine matters. Email:

Hosting Academic Staff within the framework of the Erasmus+ program:

Academic staff visits through Erasmus+ are typically short-term (5-10 days). Guests coming form European countries usually do not require special visa arrangements.

Faculty members from Erasmus+ partner institutions may contact HUJI academic staff if they are interested in an Erasmus Teaching Visit to HUJI.

As these partner agreements are an essential component of the university’s internationalization efforts, we very much encourage you to support staff visit requests. These visits are often very fruitful in terms of the development of a significant teaching and research collaboration.


  • Staff members are required to teach 8 weekly hours, in various formats (seminars, public lectures, mini-courses, one-on-one supervision, etc).
  • Visits are funded by the Erasmus+ Program.

Application Process

The application process varies across institutions. Some institutions will publish an open Call for Applications, based on a formal, competitive process and submission of an application (often with a requirement for a formal letter of invitation), while other institutions operate in a less formal and structured way, based on individual collaborations and invitations.

Generally, the process works as follows:

  1. An Erasmus+ partner university staff member will contact a HUJI faculty member to discuss options for teaching visits.
  2. The HUJI faculty member considers the request and takes the necessary steps to obtain approval by the chair of the department/school/faculty.
  3. Should consent be given, a written letter of willingness to host should be sent to the partner university staff member. It should include the date and length of the stay, as well as an outline of the academic program for the visit.

Note: If this is a competitive process at the partner university, this letter serves strictly as a letter of support. The mobility will not take place if the application is rejected.

  1. If the application is successful (in the case of a competitive call), the partner university staff exchange coordinator will notify Hebrew University’s International Office of the nomination via email.
  2. Following the nomination, a formal invitation letter must be prepared and issued to the guest by the dean of the respective HUJI faculty, in accordance with HUJI’s internal regulations. A copy should be sent to the International Office (Gal Lombrozo:

Mobility Agreement for Teaching

Prior to arrival, the guest is required to obtain a signed Teaching Mobility Agreement. This agreement forms the basis of the mobility, defines the visit’s goals, and details its program. The form must be approved and signed by the staff member as well as the sending and the receiving institutions.

At HUJI, the agreement should be e-signed by the International Office and returned to the guest. Important: The agreement will only be signed by the International Office after the formal letter of invitation from the dean has been issued. The fully signed version should be sent to the Erasmus+ coordinator at HUJI’s International Office (Ayala Feinmesser-Mizrahi:

Preparations should be made by the academic host and the relevant department, in accordance with HUJI’s general hosting procedures.

For advice on housing, guest cards, and other issues, please contact Mr. Yehuda Hersch, Coordinator for Visiting Researchers at the International Office:

Hosting Administrative Staff

Administrative members of HUJI’s partner universities may contact staff members or academic units at HUJI to inquire about conducting an Erasmus+ Training Visit at the university. As HUJI is committed to the continued development of partnership agreements, and in order to further internationalization efforts, we very much encourage those who do receive such requests to consider them favorably.

Important: Requirements and program components may vary from visit to visit.
Additionally, all incoming staff members are funded by the Erasmus+ Program.

Application Process (subject to variations in different institutions)

  1. A partner university staff member contacts HUJI staff to discuss options for training visits.
  2. Should consent be given, a Training Agreement must be prepared, as required by the internal application process. This details the program and goals for the visit, and forms the basis of the mobility. The agreement must be confirmed and approved by the visitor as well as by the sending and the receiving institutions.  
  3. If the application is successful, the staff member will be nominated for the program by the home institution's exchange coordinator.
  4. Following acceptance of the mobility opportunity by the partner staff member, the university will notify HUJI of the staff nomination via email.

Preparations for the Mobility

The plan and schedule for the visiting staff member should be made by the hosting department in conjunction with Dr. Shabtay Dover, Coordinator for Administrative Exchanges (e-mail:

The International Office may also be consulted regarding suggestions for possible meetings during the visit, as well as how to maximize institutional collaboration during and following the visit. 

Pre-Arrival Information
Additional information for guests on accommodations, visas, health insurance, and cost of living.