November 12th | Coping with Burnout in Wartime: 7 Practical Strategies

12 November, 2023

coping with burnout


Amid the ongoing war in Israel, here are seven practical strategies for us all to navigate burnout:


1️⃣ Focus on core issues at home and work. Prioritize what's truly important and urgent, letting go of the rest.


2️⃣ Establish a new routine - an "emergency routine" - to maintain a sense of control with regular activities.


3️⃣ Carve out "mental safe spaces" daily for activities like breathing exercises, meditation, or prayer.


4️⃣ Stay connected to loved ones for emotional support. Resilience thrives on community and asking for help when needed.


5️⃣ Limit exposure to traumatic information. Stay informed but avoid constant news consumption and distressing visuals.


6️⃣ Incorporate simple physical exercises like walking and stretching to relieve tension and improve mood.


7️⃣ Ensure a daily laugh, even if brief. Let go of guilt and shame. Remember: "With a broken heart but a straight back! We will get through this together."


Better days will come. Crafted with insights from HUJI's Human Resources Division, because your well-being matters.