International Office Activity

Since its founding in 1918 by scientists and public figures from Israel and around the world, the Hebrew University has consistently engaged in activities and research collaboration with leading international universities. The result is a robust portfolio of international collaboration and partnerships, central to the university’s internationalization strategy.

The International Office serves as a hub for the university’s international activity. It aims to promote global cooperation and enhance Hebrew University’s international impact, by initiating and maintaining academic collaborations with international partner universities, managing student and staff exchange programs, and supporting visiting scientists and scholars. Presently, Hebrew University boasts 265 academic agreements with institutions across 45 countries, and maintains student exchange agreements with over 90 institutions worldwide.

In 2017, the President of Hebrew University designated internationalization as a strategic priority of the university. Hebrew University’s Internationalization Strategy was thus drafted, focusing on six main strands of activity.


HUJI Internationalization Strategy Objectives

1. Establishing strategic partnerships with leading universities and research institutes around the world:
Hebrew University regards it as crucial to establish and expand strong partnerships with leading academic institutes around the world, specifically through joint degrees and additional joint academic programs, opportunities for staff and student mobility, joint research projects, and other initiatives.

In recent years the university has established a number of strategic partnerships with institutions such as the Free University of Berlin, the University of Vienna and the University of Toronto. For more information about our strategic partnerships, please click here.

2. Increasing the number of international PhD students and postdocs:
The university aims to increase the number of excellent international students in research tracks as well as post-docs, in order to strengthen research in various fields. International researchers comprise the majority of post-docs at Hebrew University and greatly contribute to the university’s research output.  

3. Increasing the number of HUJI students participating in international activities:
HUJI places great emphasis on the importance of offering its students international experiences as part of their degree studies. The university strives to enable each student to participate in international activities, be it on campus or through a semester, summer course or research internship abroad. 

4. Increasing the number of international degree programs and their student enrollment:
The university currently offers more than 50 graduate and post-graduate degree programs for international students. It is our goal to strengthen these programs and develop new ones in areas in which the university particularly excels. For an overview of our international degree programs, please click here.

5. Increasing the number of short-term programs for international students:
Short-term programs are becoming increasingly popular with students around the world as a means for integrating an international experience into their studies. Hebrew University is committed to offering a variety of short-term programs such as language courses, internships and research stays, combined with an enriching student experience in Jerusalem and Israel. These programs whet the palate, offering international students a first impression of studying and living in Israel, after which some may return for a longer experience.

6. Adapting the university’s infrastructure to accommodate the needs of an international audience:
The International Office aims to create an inviting and supportive environment for international students and researchers on campus and online, particularly by making the university’s services available in English.