Family Members

Many students and international researchers arrive to Hebrew University together with their spouses and children. While your time in Jerusalem will likely be a memorable experience for the entire family, an international relocation has its challenges. Our goal is for our students, their spouses and their children to feel comfortable in their new home and environment, and we strive to offer as much support as possible for spouses and children. You’re welcome to contact the Parenting and Gender Unit for any questions you may have regarding the welfare of your family while here.  


Hebrew University offers the opportunity for spouses of international students and staff to audit 1-2 courses per semester, free of charge. Participants can choose from a wide range of academic courses taught in English through HUJI’s various faculties.
For more information and to register, please contact Hebrew University’s Magid Institute, which coordinates the “free-listener” program.

Married or common-law spouses are eligible for a discounted annual membership at one of HUJI’s sports centers. The membership includes access to the gym and pool facilities.

Upon registration, you’ll be required to present a marriage certificate or proof of being common-law partners, as well as your partner’s certificate of enrollment at HUJI and your passport.

Volunteering can be a very rewarding way in which to immerse yourself in Israeli society. If you are interested in volunteering while in Jerusalem, you’ll find detailed information here.

Facilities for Children

Baby-Care Facilities
The university runs baby-care facilities on all campuses. In addition, we’ve listed details on where to find nursing and diaper-changing rooms on the various campuses.

Playroom at Bronfman (Idelson) Dorms
Children of students living in the Bronfman (Idelson) Dormitories can enjoy the local playroom there, operated by parents. For details, contact the Bronfman Dormitories Manager at 02-5818115.

Educational Facilities
There are two nurseries on campus (one at Mount Scopus Campus and the other at Edmond J. Safra Campus in Givat Ram) that operate under the Dean of Students and provide care for children from 2-10 months.
You may register your child on a regular basis for specific weekdays (e.g., for all Mondays and Wednesdays throughout the autumn semester) or on a one-time basis with advance notice of one day prior. Once children have been admitted to the nursery on a regular basis, they may attend the sessions there till the end of the academic year. Please note that daily registration is based on availability.
For older children, there are kindergartens located on three campuses (Mount Scopus, Edmond J. Safra in Givat Ram, and Rehovot).
For more information on nurseries and kindergartens, please refer to this website.

Education System
Since Israeli law obligates children from the ages of three to 16/17 to attend school, there are no tuition fees for state schools. However, foreign residents are required to pay a nominal registration fee to the municipality.For more information about the education system in Israel, please see this brochure compiled by the Ministry of Aliya and Integration.