International Experience Through Academic Exchange

In one of the most profound examples of cross-national initiative to create a truly global society, universities around the world partner with each other to afford their students and staff opportunities to experience academic life in other countries and cultures through a multitude of exchange programs. The benefits of exchange are countless, and include:

  • Educational benefits – Acceptance of other cultures and perspectives, language acquisition, understanding and adoption of alternate learning methodologies, greater awareness and interest in issues on the global agenda.
  • Personal benefits – A tremendous sense of self accomplishment leading to increased self-confidence and esteem, greater maturity and independence.
  • Long-term benefits – Greater ability to adapt to “foreign” environments, becoming more marketable to potential employers, increased sensitivity to group dynamics and the needs of others.

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem is proud and excited to be apart of this exchange landscape, offering its students and faculty a number of international exchange programs, and embracing exchange students and staff from its partner institutions on 5 continents. At present, we have active exchange agreements with over 90 universities in over 30 countries <Tovah, you said you would get maybe additional stats?>. These include Hebrew University student exchange programs and overseas study tours, as well as university level and Erasmus+ faculty exchange programs, as follows:

Exchange programs at all degree levels <correct?> with universities in North and South America, Europe, Asia and Australia. Inbound exchange students are hosted by the Rothberg International School, offering a large selection of English courses.

Hebrew University faculties have entered into numerous bilateral agreements with counterpart faculties at many of our international partner institutions, providing for faculty to faculty member exchange.