Call for Application for Joint Research Workshops with University of Melbourne

3 July, 2023

Key Dates

 Call opens

 Monday 10 July 2023

 Application deadline

 Monday 4 September 2023

 Outcomes released

 Early October 2023

 Start date of awards

 November 2023

 Funding period end date

 30 October 2024

The University of Melbourne (UoM) and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI)’s Joint Research Workshop Grants Program (Program) has funded workshops since 2012, increasing research collaboration and developing new partnerships. The program provides opportunities for UoM and HUJI researchers to convene workshops that exchange knowledge, foster new ideas, and encourage long-lasting research cooperation between the two Universities.

In 2023, the Program will fund two research workshops, with UoM and HUJI each hosting one workshop. The Program is open to applications from all research areas.

To measure the success of the workshop, applicants should detail in their proposal the expected outcomes, such as submissions for external funding, joint publications and projects, and the exchange and co-supervision of graduate researchers. Proposals that aim to provide opportunities for jointly awarded PhDs at a future stage are encouraged.



Successful workshops will be awarded a total of $20,000 AUD / ₪ ISL equivalent, with the funds divided as follows:

  • Researchers from the visiting institution (who will travel to attend the workshop) can request up to $15,000 AUD / ₪ ISL equivalent.
  • Researchers from the host institution (who will hold the workshop) can request up to $5,000 AUD / ₪ ISL equivalent.

Up to two workshops will be funded in 2023, with UoM and HUJI each holding one workshop as the “host” institution and sending researchers to up to two workshops as the “visiting” institution.

Each institution will pay funds directly to their researchers and applications should request funds based on the scope of the proposed activities, providing a justification for the costs. The PI is responsible for managing project funds and facilitating the sharing of funds with team members, where required.

Projects should be planned to start in November 2023, with the funding period ending on 31 October 2024. Funds not spent by the end of the funding period will be transferred back to either HUJI or UoM so that unspent balances can be reallocated.

The summary below outlines the eligible and ineligible costs to be included in the budget, noting that UoM and HUJI reserve the right to determine the eligibility of costs.

 Eligible costs

 Ineligible costs

  Travel costs for the PIs and other UoM   or HUJI researchers named in the   proposal, including graduate   researchers. This includes flights,   accommodation, and subsistence.

  Other costs associated with organising   workshops and meetings, such as   catering.

  Direct research costs, including   consumables and existing staff time.

  Replacement research and/or teaching   costs.

  Directly incurred staff, for example,   Research Assistants.

 Scholarships, tuition fees and honoraria.

 Conference attendance.


Scope of Program and Eligibility Requirements

Applications must be led by at least one Principal Investigator (PI) from UoM and at least one Principal Investigator (PI) from HUJI. Eligible academics may be the nominated PI for one application only. Previous recipients of the Joint Research Workshop Grants Program may not currently reapply to the scheme as a PI but may participate as a co-investigator.

There is no limit to the number of academic staff members who can participate in proposals, with the involvement of Early Career Researchers (ECRs) and graduate researchers (PhD candidates) strongly encouraged. Interdisciplinary proposals, involving researchers from different disciplines and faculties, are also strongly encouraged.

External collaborators (including researchers in Australia, Israel, internationally, or those working in non-academic contexts such as industry or government) cannot lead an application but can be involved in the proposed workshop at their own expense, where the benefit of their involvement to the workshop is justified in the proposal.

Adherence to respective equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) policies are an important feature of this scheme to ensure that all participants can do their best work, thrive, and succeed. Applicant teams should consider how they can take meaningful steps in their future collaborations to foster an environment that values, supports and respects a diverse range of views, knowledge and experiences. Applicants should consider EDI as it applies to gender, indigenous peoples, disabilities, career stages and sectors.

Melbourne PIs

Melbourne PIs must hold an appointment at the University of Melbourne that meets the following requirements at the time of application and for the duration of the award:

  • Academic Level A6 or higher; and
  • 0.5 FTE or higher.

Honorary employees whose primary academic affiliation is the University of Melbourne are eligible to lead an application if:

  • Their primary employer has entered into an agreement with the University to support the Australian component of the collaborative activity, using the provided approval form on the call website; or
  • They agree to participate in their own expense if they are otherwise unaffiliated. For example, they hold an emeritus position.


Melbourne PIs must not have outstanding Progress Reports or Final Reports from any other University of Melbourne Researcher Development Scheme.

Please note that funding received through the scheme may be used to support mobility costs for collaborating academic staff, and graduate researchers enrolled at Melbourne, to meet the objectives of the project. Academic staff must meet the same eligibility requirements as the PIs, as outlined above.

All applications must be endorsed by the PI’s Head of Department/School.


HUJI PIs must be an Academic Tenure Track Faculty member at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. They must be a full member of Faculty at the time of the application and for the duration of the award. Emeriti may not apply.

All HUJI workshop participants should be HUJI Academic Faculty members or students.


Selection criteria

The proposals will be assessed on a competitive basis, and subject to approval by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research at UoM and the Vice President for Research and Development and the Vice President for International Affairs at HUJI, according to the following criteria:

  • Project design and rationale: How clearly presented and justified is the basis for, and design of, the workshop? How does the proposed workshop assist with establishing new and emerging research collaborations between UoM and HUJI? If applicable, what are the anticipated benefits of involving Early Career Researchers and graduate researchers?
  • Collaborator complementarity: What is the added value of the new or emerging collaboration? How does the proposed workshop combine mutual areas of interest and strength?
  • Potential impact: What desired outcomes do the planned activities set out to achieve? What are the anticipated benefits of the workshop or its desired outcomes to local or international communities?
  • Capacity for future collaboration/funding: What is the potential for this workshop to foster ongoing collaboration, and through what mechanisms (for example, joint applications to the UoM-HUJI joint PhD program)? How well does the proposed collaboration plan to access external funding?

All applicants will receive a joint outcome letter via email informing them whether their application has been selected for funding. PIs who receive a successful outcome must accept the award by return email.

Application Process

One joint application per workshop should be submitted via SmartyGrants by 3PM AEST / 8AM IST on 4 September 2023. Applications should be written in English and for an audience proficient, but not expert, in the field.

After the joint application has been submitted via SmartyGrants, the UoM PI will need to complete a Themis Grants Submission for Head of Department/School approval. The scheme title in Themis is “Hebrew University of Jerusalem – University of Melbourne Joint Research Workshop Grants Program”.

The application form asks for:

  • The details of the HUJI and UoM PIs, including a short CV.
  • An overview of the workshop, including a summary of activities, planned dates and nomination of the visiting/hosting institutions.
  • A budget, outlining the requested funds for the workshops.
  • A response to the selection criteria.



The UoM and HUJI PIs are the administrative contact for matters relating to the Joint Research Workshops Grant Program, including internal reporting requirements.

Successful PIs will be required to submit a final joint report within one month of the formal completion date of the project. This report needs to outline the activities undertaken, grant expenditure, future collaboration opportunities, and the future planned actions for the research program. The report will need to be submitted within six weeks of the project’s completion to the Researcher Development Schemes unit within Research, Innovation and Commercialisation (RIC) at UoM and the Intermural Funds Desk at the Authority for Research & Development (R&D) at HUJ.

UoM recipients who fail to submit a final report may be found ineligible for participation in future Researcher Development Schemes.



Any publications (e.g. abstracts, articles) or dissemination of research (e.g. public presentations) arising from workshops supported by this Grant should acknowledge financial assistance received from the Joint Research Workshops Grant Program. Copies of the publications and/or information about the presentations should be included in the final report. The title for acknowledgement is “Joint Research Workshops Grant Program, provided by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the University of Melbourne.”


Change of Investigator and Extensions

If circumstances change – for example, the PI or a team member leaves the project – awardees must provide notification to the Researcher Development Schemes unit within RIC at UoM and the Intramural Funds Desk at the Authority for R&D at HUJI as soon as possible. Personnel variations that significantly impact the workshop will be subject to consultation and approval from both partners.

Extension requests must be made in writing to both the Intramural Funds Desk at the Authority for R&D at HUJI and the Researcher Development Schemes unit within RIC at UoM. Requests must be submitted at least one month before the end of the grant and include a justification for the extension, revised budget and updated timeline of activities.



The Researcher Development Schemes team
Research, Innovation & Commercialisation (RIC)
The University of Melbourne

Alma Lessing
International Partnerships & Development, International Office
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

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