Call for Applications for ERASMUS+ Mobility Grants for Faculty Members in 2022-2023

22 September, 2022

Teaching Requirements Participants are required to deliver a minimum of 8 hours teaching per week (or part of week). Teaching can take on a variety of different forms, such as guest presentations in local courses related to expertise, workshops for graduate/doctoral student, one on one supervision, public lectures, etc.
Support for research-based stays is not provided within the scope of Erasmus+, however, research activities may be conducted in combination with a teaching stay.

✓ Daily Subsistence will be provided, as per the EU rates as listed above, as per number of teaching days (minimum 5) and 2 days travel.
✓ Travel stipend is provided, calculated on distance, ranges between 360€– 820€.
✓ Coverage of travel costs and charges are the responsibility of the host institution and can differ from the rates published above.
✓ The Host University will provide information regarding the reimbursement procedure (which vary from institution to institution).
✓ Booking flights and accommodation are the responsibility of the faculty member (with the assistance of the host institution).

Application Procedure: Please complete the short on-line application via Mobility on-line (using your HUJI mail or savion account) HERE

Application should include:
✓  CV and short publication list
✓  Invitation letter from academic host at Partner University (for each choice)
✓ Teaching plan for the period of mobility – max. one page (for each choice)

For technical support with the on-line application, please contact:
For any further questions regarding the application, please contact Ms. Ayala Feinmesser-Mizrahi, Erasmus+ Coordinator, The International Office
For more information you are welcome to visit our websiteHebrew/English