Call for Applications for Faculty-Led Academic Courses with International Travel Components Summer 2023 and Academic Year 2023-24

14 November, 2022

Submission Deadline: 10 January 2023

As part of Hebrew University’s internationalization strategy, the International Office strives to offer culturally immersive, hands-on opportunities for Hebrew University students within the framework of their studies. Short-term study abroad courses, also known as field-based instruction, enrich traditional classroom learning with impactful, real-world encounters designed to broaden students’ global perspectives by exposure to cultures, peoples and places overseas.

Faculty members are invited to apply for financial support for academic courses with international travel components scheduled to take place during Summer 2023, or in the 2023-24 academic year. Support for up to 15 courses is available.

Eligibility Criteria

• Course must be registered in the university course catalogue ("Shnaton") and award academic credit for participants.
• Travel abroad must be an integral, required component of the course.
• Strong preference for collaboration with a local host academic institution during the tour.
• Minimum duration of travel abroad is 5 study days.
• Minimum enrollment of 10 students required.

Financial Reimbursement

• Academic units are eligible to receive a lump sum of up to $5,000 to defray subsidies for student travel costs.
• Support will be provided according to the following scale:

  • $3,000 for courses with min. 10 participants
  • $4,000 for courses with min. 20 participants
  • $5,000 for courses with min. 30 participants

• Travel expenses for lecturers are not eligible.
• Academic units are required to contribute a minimum of $3,000 toward course costs.

Application Procedure
Applications should include the following details:

• Name of course and leading faculty member/s
• Course description and syllabus
• International travel itinerary
• Detailed course budget
• Letter of endorsement from department head or dean, as well as a commitment to provide a minimum of $3,000 in matching funds toward course costs.

Documents should be submitted via email as a single PDF file to Ms. Keren Sagi.

Notification of Final Outcomes
The International Office will inform all applicants of the final outcomes within one month of the application deadline.

Information on Travel and Safety Regulations for Applicants

• If the country of destination does not have diplomatic relations with the State of Israel, or if there is a travel warning in place for the specific destination (published by MFO), the faculty member must receive management-level permission for the tour prior to publication of the course in the university catalogue. Requests for such permission should be submitted to Ms. Jane Turner, Head, International Office:
• Each student will be required to purchase and present proof of travel insurance, including liability insurance. Such coverage is available for purchase via the following link.
• Students may opt to purchase their own insurance, however, the policy must be sent to and approved by Ms. Sima Avital to ensure compatibility.
• In case of a tour to a location without proper cellular reception, the responsible faculty member must carry a satellite telephone for the duration of the tour for emergency use.
• An emergency contact list for all students must be prepared in advance of travel,
and a copy must be carried by the responsible faculty member and be sent to the
department administration.
• All participants must complete the Travel Regulations Form as prepared by the leading faculty member prior to departure.

Reporting Requirements
Faculty members are required to submit a short report within one month following the course completion to Ms. Keren Sagi:

Further Information: Ms. Keren Sagi:; 02-5494852