Through this grant, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI) and the University of Vienna (UNIVIE) aim to fund a joint research project to expand common research interests at both universities and strengthen existing networks. The call is open to applicants from all disciplines with the exception of Austrian Studies.
In the medium term, this measure is expected to lead to further research collaborations; especially externally funded projects, as well as joint publications, thus deepening the Strategic Partnership. In addition, the participating research groups shall be encouraged to work more closely together beyond the project activities and identify further areas of cooperation (e.g. joint teaching, lectures, and events).
Funding and Eligible Costs:In the 2023 call the total funding volume amounts to 40,000€ (20,000 per partner) and the maximum funding per project is 20.000 Euro (10.000 per partner). Up to two (2) projects will be funded.
Travel expenses and subsistence costs
- Material costs (e.g. consumables) and costs for equipment/infrastructure (e.g. rent for research equipment) necessary for the implementation of the research project (except basic equipment such as computers).
At UNIVIE personnel costs are not eligible for funding. At HUJI (partial) scholarships for advanced students would be eligible for funding.
Timelines:Applicants and application process:
- Publication of the application: 31 July 2023
- Submission deadline: 18 October 2023
- Selection decision: November 2022
- Project start: January 2024
- Project duration: max. 18 months
Applications are submitted jointly by one researcher (faculty member) from each of the two universities who act as the two principal investigators (PI). The PIs share a common, innovative research interest and wish to pursue a joint research project. It is an advantage (but not a must) if other scholars from both universities, both from the respective research groups and interdisciplinary, participate in the project. Participation of PhD students is possible and encouraged.
Application Document:
The application is to be sent as one PDF document by email to each responsible person at HUJI and UNIVIE. The application should include:
- Project title and acronym
- Short description of the project (will be published if funding is granted) (max. 1000 characters)
- Name, institute affiliation and contact information of the two Principal Investigators (PI)
- Name and institute affiliation of the other participating scientists
Project description (max. 25,000 characters; for an audience of other disciplines/ on-specialist audience; referencing the selection criteria, see below) consisting of:
- Project objectives
- Research status, previous experience and innovative character of the project
- Research approach and methods
Outputs and outcomes, including criteria for measuring the success of the project
- Time schedule
- Academic quality and impact, Dissemination strategy, Future activities closely connected to the project
- Description of the contribution to the further development of the partnership, especially for the participating departments and planned further collaborations
- Curriculum Vitae of each PI and all additional involved researchers (incl. PhD students)
- Budget: A detailed budget plan must be attached to the proposal, with a brief budget justification of the respective expenditures. Please use the attached cost calculation spreadsheet.
After an eligibility check, the selection will be made based on the following criteria:
- Scientific quality, innovation and importance of the research for the department (50%).
- Potential outcomes (e.g. joint publications, further project proposals, knowledge transfer) and sustainability of the collaboration (long-term collaboration of the departments beyond the project, e.g. joint teaching, etc.) (30%)
- Contribution to the Strategic Partnership in general (beyond the departmental/research-group level) (20%).
The funding decision will be made by consensus by the relevant members of the two university managements after internal reviews have been carried out separately at both universities.
Financial Management and Reporting:Once the project is approved, the budget shares of the respective universities (according to the budget plan and any adjustments made during the selection process) will be made available.
At HUJI financial project management and financial reporting is handled by the Authority for R&D. At UNIVIE the PI is responsible for the proper use of funds and documentation of expenditures (invoices, receipts, etc.).
At the end of the project, the two PIs or respective support units will report expenditures along with the narrative scientific final report. Any unspent funds must be repaid at the end of the project.
Final Report:
2 months after the end of the project, a narrative scientific final report must be submitted to the responsible person at HUJI and UNIVIE by e-mail. The final report describes the activities carried out and relates the project results to the objectives defined in the project proposal using the measurement indicators (as outlined in the project description). In addition, further activities should be outlined, and lessons learned should be briefly presented.
Contingency:A cost-neutral extension of the project is possible, but requires the agreement of both universities. If a change of PI is necessary, both universities must be informed and agree to the change. The responsible person at HUJI and UNIVIE have to be informed of any other contingency.
Contact:For further information, please contact
At HUJI: Ms. Alma Lessing (almal@savion.huji.ac.il)
At UNIVIE: Mr. Franz Michalke (franz.michalke@univie.ac.at)