Call for Proposals 2023 -2024 Freie Universität Berlin – Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Joint Seed Funding Research

17 August, 2023

With the goal of facilitating research cooperation in the framework of a strategic partnership, Freie Universität Berlin (FUB) and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI) have established a joint seed funding scheme, to enable FUB and HUJI faculty and researchers to identify complementary strengths, facilitate the use of synergies, and promote the development of outstanding future research projects.

Academic Fields: The 2023-2024 call is open to collaboration of HUJI and FUB scientists in all academic fields. Applications can be either focused on one discipline or be of interdisciplinary nature. Applications from all disciplines are welcome.

Funding: The joint funding scheme aims at supporting the first steps of research collaboration (typically 5.000 - 10.000 Euro per proposal).

Type of Activity: The following formats are possible:
  - Intensive research workshops
  - Short term research stays (for junior as well as established researchers)
  - Short intensive graduate seminars
  - Mobility for the preparation of joint research proposals
  - Joint doctoral supervision / mobility
  - Preparation of joint publications

Location: The activities can take place in Berlin or in Jerusalem.

Participants: Participants should include ideally both senior and junior faculty/researchers (doctoral students or Post Docs) of FUB and HUJI.
Inclusion of researchers from another university or of German non-university research institutions such as Max Planck Institutes, Helmholtz Centers, Leibniz Institutes, and Fraunhofer Institutes and others, is possible, however, the additional costs must be covered by the external partners.

Application Process 

Proposal (up to a max. of 2 pages) -
should include the following information: 

-The motivation for holding the activity should be clearly explained, including howthe involved FUB and HUJI institutes or departments can profit long term fromthis cooperation and what synergies can arise.
-The supported activities should have a clearly defined focus and serve as a catalyst forthe development of new joint projects.
-Timeframe/Date for the proposed activity (must be completed by December 2024)
-Detailed budget calculation
-Written endorsement statement of respective FUB/HUJI faculty/department
-Information on project leaders on both sides (CVs) and list of other FUB/HUJI participants

Please use the electronic application form provided on the website of Freie Universität Berlin:

Expected Outcome 
To measure the success of the project, the following outcomes are expected and should be detailed in the proposal workplan: 

•    Submission of a proposal for further external funding towards the end of the project.
•    Joint publications
•    Jointly supervised (doctoral) students

Submission: Researchers should submit their joint proposal simultaneously in Berlin and in Jerusalem. Proposals should be sent electronically as one PDF file to the following addresses:

At Freie Universität Berlin: 
IV A Center for International Cooperation 
Bertram Welker 
Phone: +49-(0)30-838-73942 
At Hebrew University of Jerusalem: 
International Office 
International Partnerships & Development 
Alma Lessing  
Phone: +972-(0)2-5880454  

Deadline: Joint proposals should be submitted by 2 November 2023. 

Selection criteria: Seed money funding for joint activities will be provided on a competitive basis. Projects will be selected by a joint FUB-HUJI committee, giving particular attention to the following criteria:   

-    Clearly formulated plan and goals of the activity
-    Information on envisaged synergies
-    Level of concreteness of future joint research, including timeframe and information on funding programs and steps for developing a joint proposal, joint publications and/or joint supervision of graduate students
-    Compatibility with the FUB/HUJI research profiles (interdisciplinary nature, excellence of project leaders, scope of the fields/labs represented in the proposed activity)
-    Information on how the cooperation can be sustained beyond the initial seed money funding phase

For further information: Please contact the above listed staff.