Third Call for HUJI-IITD Collaborative Project Proposals - 2024

30 April, 2024


Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel (HUJI) and Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
(IITD) are contributing matching funds to support collaborative and interdisciplinary education
and research initiatives, through a joint call for proposals, for the development of collaborative
activities that will lead to impactful research outcomes.
This is similar to the Multi Institutional Faculty Interdisciplinary Projects (MFIRP) programme
at IIT Delhi. It is expected that the faculty members of IITD and HUJI, will jointly prepare a
suitable full proposal for further, possibly external, funding post completion of the successful
project tenure of one year. This is in addition to research output(s) such as publications, and
is an important measure of success for the project in order to ensure its viability and

1. Project Areas

  • This call aims to support projects in fields of mutual interest and complementarity that strengthen partnership between HUJI and IITD as well as India and Israel.
  • The call invites research proposals in the fields of Environment and Sustainability, AIand Cyber-Security, Computer Science, Biomedical Technology, Health Care and Medicine.
  • Proposals must include participants from both the institutions as well as Industry partners,if possible and we would encourage projects of an interdisciplinary nature, whereever relevant.
  • Up to five joint projects will be selected for funding.
  • Proposals will be assessed by a committee composed of members from both the institutes

2. Eligibility for participants within the scope of this call

Call is open to faculty members of IITD and HUJI, either individually or in group.

3. Collaboration Activities

Collaboration activities may be based on joint projects set up by faculty/staff members of
both institutions, including:

            • Joint research projects
            • Doctoral student mobility
            • Any other form of partnerships, to be promoted and implemented jointly when both HUJI and IITD find it mutually beneficial

4. Value and Duration of Award

Up to five successful project proposals will be chosen. Funding will be jointly provided by HUJI and IITD.

Each successful proposal will receive up to $8000 for 2 years – up to 4000 for HUJI faculty member from HUJI for the first year and up to Rs. 5.00/- Lakh per year for IITD faculty member from IITD, for the first year.

A similar funds in the second year will be given after the review of the annual progress report and submission of full proposal to external agency.

The budget provided by IITD and HUJI should be spent as per norms and regulations followed in each institute.

5. Timeline

Call for proposals 16th April 2024
Deadline for submission of proposal 11th June 2024
Communication of Results to applicants In the last week of July 2024
Start date of Awards 5th August 2024

6. Identifying Academics at IITD and HUJI

7. Submission of Proposals

  • Proposals are to be prepared and submitted jointly.
  • Compilation of the proposal will be handled by IITD through a MFIRP on-line form. It is therefore crucial that HUJI academics, in particular the lead Principal Investigator, liaise closely with their IITD counterparts as they will be responsible for filling an on-line form. A copy of the MFIRP online form can be found in the link given below:
  • It is vital that both the IITD and HUJI counterparts are in full agreement on all aspects of the proposal prior to formal submission.
  • The IITD counterpart will be responsible for submitting the final proposal on/before 11th June 2024.
  • The IITD counterpart will be responsible for submitting the final proposal on/before 11th June 2024.

8. Adjudication

  • Proposals received by IITD and HUJI will be evaluated by a separate review at each institution.
  • Selection Criteria: Both internal review committees will assess each proposal according to the following criteria:

                 ➢ Academic Quality of the Project (Novelty & Originality & Expertise of PIs & Co-PIs in the proposed area)
                 ➢ Project impact (how clearly linked are the outcomes to the planned activities and performance indicators, such as joint papers, patents,    external funding applications, joint research with industry, proposal for policy recommendations, etc.)
                 ➢ Capacity for future collaboration (what is the extent to which future collaborations are possible as a result of the proposed activities.)

  • A joint committee will convene to select final project proposals.

9. Communication of Results

Final results will be announced by means of a communication to the successful faculty members or PIs by each institution in the last week of July 2024.

10. Reporting After Project Completion

All awardees must, as a condition of receiving an award under this call, complete a narrative report of achievements (of between 1 and 2 pages), and how they intend to take the research forward beyond the funding period. This should be completed within 3 months of completion of the project.

11. Contacts

For any clarification points or questions on the joint call, please do not hesitate to contact the colleagues listed below.

IITD, New Delhi, India HUJI, Jerusalem, Israel
Professor Naresh Bhatnagar
Dean Research and Development
Professor Oron Shagrir
Vice-President of International Affairs
Dr. Archana H Trivedi
Research Development Coordinator
Ms. Naomi Shalom
Director, Asia Engagement

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