Jan 18 | Scholarly Perspectives: The Dead Sea Scrolls

18 January, 2024

dead sea scrolls



Scholarly Perspectives: The Dead Sea Scrolls

Join us for an eye-opening exploration of the Dead Sea Scrolls in two video clips featuring renowned scholars Prof. Noam Mizrahi, Prof. Esther Chazon, and Prof. Michael Segal of Hebrew University’s Orion Center. Hear about the Scrolls’ contribution to our collective understanding of religion and Jewish history during the Second Temple Period, trace the evolution of scholarly insights over time, and discover the challenges that accompany this ongoing quest for deeper understanding.


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In these challenging times, Hebrew University of Jerusalem remains dedicated to our mission of building a better future through education and research. We wholeheartedly support the courageous individuals on the frontlines, protecting our nation and the well-being of all Israelis. We extend our sincere gratitude to friends and partners worldwide who have shown unwavering solidarity during these difficult times. Together, we will overcome the challenges we face, and our joint pursuit of knowledge remains steadfast.