Feb 25 | Delegation of UCLA Researchers Visit HUJI

25 February, 2024

UCLA delegation to HUJI Feb 2024

UCLA's delegation visits Hebrew University's Mount Scopus campus on February 22, 2024 (Photo credit: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)


We were pleased to welcome a delegation of about 20 researchers from UCLA on February 22, as a gesture of solidarity during these difficult times. Their visit aimed to provide support to the people of Israel. The delegation met with HUJI`s leadership, scientists, and students.


"We come to bear witness to the unspeakable horrors committed against the people of Israel, events that have shocked the Jewish nation and all decent people on earth." - Dr. Nir Hoftman

Dr. Nir Hoftman, the delegation leader, described the visit to HUJI as the most significant part of their trip to Israel. He stated, "We come to bear witness to the unspeakable horrors committed against the people of Israel, events that have shocked the Jewish nation and all decent people on earth."


Dr. Nir Hoftman from UCLA visits HUJI

Dr. Nir Hoftman from UCLA  (Photo credit: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)


HUJI President Asher Cohen expressed Hebrew University's sincere appreciation for the delegation's solidarity and collegiality during these times.

In these challenging times, Hebrew University of Jerusalem remains dedicated to our mission of building a better future through education and research. We wholeheartedly support the courageous individuals on the frontlines, protecting our nation and the well-being of all Israelis. We extend our sincere gratitude to friends and partners worldwide who have shown unwavering solidarity during these difficult times. Together, we will overcome the challenges we face, and our joint pursuit of knowledge remains steadfast.