Nobel Laureate Prof. Joshua Angrist Teaches Course at HUJI

9 July, 2024

prof angrist huji


We are honored to welcome back Prof. Joshua Angrist, Nobel Prize winner in Economics, to the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. This week, he started teaching a special course titled "Econometric Data Science" for our Economics Department students.


Prof. Angrist, an MIT professor and former associate professor at Hebrew University, won the Nobel Prize in 2021 for his groundbreaking research methods based on "natural experiments" to examine causal relationships in the economy. His work is widely applied and cited, providing valuable insights for policymakers and researchers.


Among his many studies, he has explored the impact of the minimum wage in Gaza on employment, the effect of family size on children's future earnings, the influence of academic scholarships on educational persistence, and the impact of student loans on financial futures.


We are excited for this engaging and insightful course!


In these challenging times, Hebrew University of Jerusalem remains dedicated to our mission of building a better future through education and research. We extend our sincere gratitude to friends and partners worldwide who have shown unwavering solidarity during these difficult times. Together, we will overcome the challenges we face, and our joint pursuit of knowledge remains steadfast.