
Erasmus+ is a European Union program that supports education, training, youth and sports in Europe. Considered one of the European Union’s most visible success stories, the program builds on the achievements of over 30 years of European programs. While primarily intra-European, the program includes a scope of international partnerships and has an estimated total budget of €26.2 billion.

Erasmus+ funds academic mobility and cooperation projects that involve partners from "Program Countries associated to the Program" and "third countries not associated to the Program" across the globe. In 2020, the program included 34 Program Countries, comprised of the 27 EU Member States and seven other European countries. *

Erasmus+ includes a strong international dimension (i.e., cooperation with third countries not associated with the program) in mobility, cooperation, and policy dialogue activities, and supports activities that are closely matched with the EU's policy regarding priorities for cooperation with partner countries and regions.

Israel is defined as a third country as opposed to a partner member and, as such, Israeli institutions are only eligible to participate in specific Erasmus+ actions.

* In 2020 these seven countries included Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, North Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey, and the United Kingdom.Erasmus+Below is a list of Erasmus+ programs:

Key Action 1: Learning Mobility of Individuals

  • International Credit Mobility Student and staff mobility between partner member higher education institutions and institutions around the world in varying fields of study.
  • Joint Master’s Degrees Projects that develop joint master’s degree programs and award a double or a joint degree.

Key Action 2: Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices

  • Capacity Building in Higher Education Transnational partnerships that support the modernization and internationalization of higher education institutions (HEIs) and systems in partner countries.
  • Strategic Partnerships in the Field of Education, Training, and Youth Partnerships that promote innovation and the exchange of experiences and knowledge between different types of organizations involved in education, training and youth, or in other relevant fields.

Erasmus+ and HUJI:

Internationalization is a strategic institutional priority of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The university is strongly committed to the enrichment of the academic environment for students and faculty through the creation of international connections with academic institutions abroad. Internationalization as a strategic priority has led to a rise in the number of academic programs and courses taught in English at the faculty level, a steady increase in academic agreements with strategic partners, and heightened participation in exchange programs and mobility of staff and students in both directions. 

The Hebrew University endeavors to enable students across all academic fields to benefit from an international study period at leading institutions that are of particular relevance to their studies. This international study period serves to enrich and expand their academic horizons, providing students with an important international cultural and academic experience. Participation in the Erasmus+ programs contributes to strengthening existing cooperations and establishing new ones with leading European institutions, and enabling bi-directional student and staff mobility with partner institutions.

HUJI is an active participant in various Erasmus+ programs, though primarily in the International Credit Mobility (ICM). Since the launch of the program in 2014, the Hebrew University has been a partner in over 200 exchange programs submitted by our European partner universities.

Key Action 1:

International Credit Mobility

The International Credit Mobility (ICM) program offers students and staff the opportunity for mobility in both directions for a designated period of time in an EU country and at universities worldwide, while ensuring that studies completed in this framework are accredited toward their degree.

The Erasmus program works to provide students with the opportunity to experience a global education. There are currently over 5,000 institutions participating in ICM, spread across 37 countries that are committed to the program. Over 6 million students have participated since the program’s inception in 1987.

Mobility is intended for BA, MA, and PhD students, as well as staff, for periods of:

  • 3–12 months for students
  • 1 week–2 months for academic and administrative staff
  • 2-12 months for traineeships

For further information, please contact Hebrew University’s Erasmus+ Coordinator:
Ms. Ayala Feinmesser-Mizrahi,

Individual EU higher education institutions can apply annually to calls for applications for ICM for a mobility project with sets of mobility flows between a European HEI and its partner institutions worldwide.
Israel is the largest recipient of mobility funding among the South Mediterranean countries, with over 40 million Euro awarded to Israeli HEIs in the ICM program between 2015-2020.

For more information on student mobility and calls for applications

For more information on staff mobility and calls for applications

For a list of Erasmus+ partners 

For further information, please contact Hebrew University’s Erasmus+ Coordinator:
Ms. Ayala Feinmesser-Mizrahi,

Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters

Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters are high-level and integrated study programs of 60, 90, or 120 ECTS, awarded at the master level. These programs are designed and delivered by an international partnership of HEIs. They involve the participation of at least three HEIs from three different countries, of which at least two must be EU Member States, and a third country that is associated with the program (previously referred to as Program Countries).

By supporting these jointly recognized master’s degrees, the EU aims to foster excellence and the internationalization of the participating institutions. Additionally, there are scholarships for outstanding students to take part in these prestigious programs.

Selected EMJMDs will be supported through a grant agreement covering one optional preparatory year and three consecutive student intakes (4 or 5 year grant agreements depending on the length of the study program). Scholarships cover the cost of a student’s participation in the program, travel, and a living stipend.

The program covers the period of study, research, placement activities, thesis preparation and defense, in line with the requirements of the joint master’s degree. Participants must spend at least two study periods in two countries, which must be different from your country of residence. Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters offer different study tracks to meet this condition.

For more information on EMJM

Key Action 2:

Capacity Building

Capacity building projects in the field of higher education are transnational cooperation projects based on multilateral partnerships, primarily between higher education institutions from EU Member states or countries associated with the program, and third countries not associated with the program.

The aim of these projects is to support eligible third countries not associated with the program to:

  • Modernize, internationalize, and increase access to higher education
  • Address the challenges facing their higher education institutions and systems
  • Increase cooperation with the EU
  • Voluntarily converge with EU development in higher education
  • Promote interaction, intercultural awareness, and understanding

Capacity Building in Higher Education (CBHE) projects promote HE reforms and advance innovative teaching and learning, while exchanging high quality practices and experiences between Higher Education Institutions in partner and program countries. CBHE projects are based on consortiums of institutions working together to impact HEIs and the entire HE system.

Capacity building projects typically focus on one of three main activities:

  • Curriculum development activities
  • Modernization of governance and management of HEIs and systems
  • Strengthening of relations between higher education and the wider economic and social environment

HUJI has been involved in several strategic capacity building projects:

WILLIAM – Internationalization at Home Project

The main objective of WILLIAM is to support the advancement of internationalization processes in Israel through a comprehensive Internationalization at Home (IaH) strategy and an intra-campus learning process, while addressing the needs of international students studying at Israeli HEIs. 

More specifically, the objective of WILLIAM is three-fold:

  1. Providing an international experience for domestic students
  2. Encouraging social integration between domestic and international students
  3. Creating a supportive learning environment for international students on Israeli campuses

Innovative Finance Inclusion in Academia and Field (IFI)

The IFI project aims to systematically align the Israeli higher education system with global changes and develop new capacities for inclusive social finance on three levels:

  1. Ecosystem & infrastructure
  2. Academy-industry cooperation
  3. Research, teaching & training

For more information on IFI

Strategic Partnerships

The primary goal of strategic partnerships is to enable organizations to increase the quality and relevance of their activities, to develop and reinforce their partner networks, to increase their capacity to operate jointly at the transnational level, and to boost the internationalization of their activities. Moreover, strategic partnerships aim to support the development, transfer and/or implementation of innovative practices and joint initiatives that promote cooperation, peer learning, and exchange of experiences and knowledge at the European level. Results should be re-usable, transferable, up-scalable and, if possible, have a strong transdisciplinary dimension. Selected projects are expected to share the results of their activities on a local, regional, national, and transnational level.

Participating organizations intending to apply for an opportunity must be based in a Program Country.

Applications must be led by an organization established in a Program Country and must involve at least three organizations for Cooperation Partnerships and at least two organizations for Small-Scale Partnerships from different Program Countries. Organizations from Partner Countries can be involved as partners (not as applicants) in Cooperation Partnerships if their participation contributes an essential added value to the project.

Applications can include any number of organizations. Israeli institutions must demonstrate an added value to participate in this action.

Recent HUJI strategic partnership programs:

Global Citizenship – School of Education (Prof. Julia Reznick).

Contact us

For more information on Erasmus+ programs, please contact the Erasmus+ Coordinator:

Ms. Ayala Feinmesser-Mizrahi,