
As part of our global engagement strategy, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem participates in international university networks, whether institutional or disciplinary, and places much value and importance on these kinds of partnerships. That value is added in varied ways: in promoting and supporting the mobility of researchers and students, in directly funding pilot research projects in strategic fields, in undertaking discussing and sharing best practices of shared problems and in developing initiatives to solve such problems.

International Networks
Global University Network


Emory University (USA)

Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel)

University of Bonn (Germany)

University of St Andrews (UK)

Waseda University (Japan)

The aim of the Global Network is to facilitate collaboration in three core areas: education, research, leadership and innovation, clustering expert knowledge and learning from each other through best practices. The partners share a common approach to internationalization and cooperate bilaterally and multilaterally on a range of projects designed to promote excellence in research and education and extend the partners’ global impact.


Academic Network on Inclusiveness, Multilingualism and Excellence

Anime includes 14 partner universities, located in Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Latin America.

University of Strasbourg (France)

National University of Cordoba (Argentina)

University of Sao Paulo (Brazil)

Uniminuto (Colombia)

Stellenbosch University (South Africa)

University of Ngaoundere (Cameroon)

University of Ghana (Ghana)

Cadi Ayyad University (Morocco)

University of Lomé (Togo)

Babes Bolyai University (Romania)

Sofia University (Bulgaria)

Palacky University Olomouc (Czech University)

Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel)

Bar Ilan University (Israel)

The Academic Network on Inclusiveness, Multilingualism and Excellence (Anime) was launched on November 5th 2020 by the Vice-President for Europe and International Relations of the University of Strasbourg, Professor Irini Tsamadou-Jacoberger, to help stimulate reflection and experimentation on the themes of Inclusiveness, Multilingualism and Excellence.

Funded by the IDEX (‘Initiative of Excellence’), a French-government Investment Programme dedicated to generating centres of excellence in higher education and research across the country, ANIME brings together 14 Higher Education institutions in Central and Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Latin America. Members of the network share similar goals and values: they are multidisciplinary universities with a strong internationalisation strategy, mindful of multilingualism & cultural diversity, inclusive excellence and community engagement.


EuroLeague for Life Sciences

ELLS Member Universities

  • SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden
  • BOKU - University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna, Austria
  • UHOH - University of Hohenheim, Germany
  • WUR - Wageningen University and Ressearch Centre, the Netherlands
  • CZU - Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Czech Republic
  • SGGW - Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland
  • UGent - Faculty Of Bioscience Engineering – Ghent University, Belgium
  • NMBU - Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norway
  • EMÜ - Estonian University of Life Sciences, Estonia
  • AGRO - L’institut Agro, France

ELLS Partner Universities

  • HUJI - Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment
  • LU - Lincoln University, New Zealand

The Euroleague for Life Sciences (ELLS) is a network of leading universities cooperating in the fields of Natural Resource Management, Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, Life Sciences, Veterinary Sciences, Food Sciences, and Environmental Sciences.

The focus of ELLS is on joint teaching and learning, student and staff mobility, and quality assurance. These activities will result in highly qualified graduates, who are prepared for the demands of the European and international market. Furthermore, through the sharing of expertise and resources, this network will enhance the national and international position and potential of all partner universities, as part of the development and implementation of their degree programmes.