Religious Practice

Experiencing religious life and spirituality in Jerusalem, a city considered holy by so many, can be very inspiring – regardless of whether you’re Jewish, Muslim, Christian, or of any other religious affiliation. Whatever your background, Hebrew University is committed to accommodating your religious needs. Throughout your stay, you’ll have access to Jewish and Muslim prayer rooms on all campuses. Moreover, Office of Student Life at Rothberg International School and HUJI’s Coordinator of Religious Affairs will be happy to offer you advice on religious facilities on campus and throughout the city.

If you are not affiliated with a religious community, you may enjoy attending one of the many lectures and celebrations the Office of Student Life organizes to honor the beautiful traditions and holidays of other cultures and religious communities.

Synagogues on Campus and in the Dormitories

For up-to-date information on prayer times at various sites, please refer to this website.

  • Mount Scopus - The Hecht Synagogue at Mount Scopus
    The synagogue is located on the Mount Scopus Campus in the Humanities Building (Block 3), and offers a breathtaking view of the Old City.
    Student Village
    Additionally, prayers are held in the activities room in Building 4 in the Student Village.
  • Edmond Safra Campus, Givat Ram - The Israel Goldstein Synagogue
    Prayer services take place at various sites.
  • Rehovot
    The synagogue is located in the student dorms.
  • Ein Kerem
    Prayers are held in the synagogue of the Hadassah Medical Center.

Beit Midrash Program
The Beit Midrash project offers students at Hebrew University access to Jewish studies in addition to their regular academic studies, giving them the opportunity to strengthen their knowledge of Judaism as well as their Jewish identity. The program includes shiurim and lectures on Torah, Talmud, Halacha, and Jewish thought and philosophy, and is open to men and women, religious and secular students. If you’d like to learn more about this initiative, please contact Arieh Solomon, HUJI Coordinator of Religious Affairs, at

Muslim Prayer Rooms on Campus

  • Mount Scopus
    Prayer rooms are located in the shelter of the Humanities Building, Blocks 4-5.
  • Edmond Safra Campus, Givat Ram
    The prayer room is located in the shelter beneath the Computer Center.
  • Rehovot
    The prayer room is located on the ground floor of the lecture building.
  • Ein Kerem
    The prayer room is located in the School of Medicine.

Christian Student Associations

The Fellowship of Christian Students in Israel (FCSI) caters to the mental, spiritual and emotional needs of Christian students through offering Bible study, prayer, pastoral care, training opportunities and conferences. FCSI also helps connect students with local churches and congregations. For more information, contact Lavinia (; +972 58 683 8653) or Kevin Nalty (; +972 50 3014332).

Religious Institutions in Jerusalem

Jerusalem is brimming with religious communities and study centers that welcome the participation of international students. For suggestions regarding Jewish, Muslim and Christian places of worship, refer to iTravelJerusalem. If you’re interested in Christian life, the Christian Information Center is a great resource.