Partnership History
In 2016, Hebrew University established a strategic partnership with the University of Geneva, based on a series of agreements. These agreements include a Strategic Collaboration Agreement, as well as a university-level Student Exchange Agreement and faculty-level Exchange Agreements.
Hebrew University and the University of Geneva offer various levels of joint activities, ranging from student exchanges to a joint seed money funding scheme in all areas.
- Call for Joint Research Projects – A Call for Proposals to the joint funding scheme is published annually, and 3-5 joint projects are typically funded every year. To date, 13 joint seed activities have been funded, including new joint research projects, workshops and joint courses in a great variety of disciplines, from natural sciences, medicine and neuroscience to social sciences, law, history, and archaeology.
- Student Exchange – Opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students in all fields of study.
Information About the Partner Institution
Founded in 1559, the University of Geneva (UNIGE) is one of the largest universities in Switzerland today. The institution enjoys an internationally acclaimed reputation and cultivates its openness to the world. It is distinguished by its intellectual heritage, its humanist tradition and the versatility of its teaching and research.
As a player in the digital revolution, the UNIGE is a pioneer in the use of digital technologies in all its sectors of activity.
Funding Opportunities
- Annual Call for Proposals for Joint Seed Funds - A Call for Proposals for the joint funding scheme is published annually and 3-5 joint projects are typically funded every year. To date, 13 joint seed activities have been funded, including new joint research projects, workshops and joint courses.
- Bilateral exchange programs for students – Annual Calls for Applications are published for undergraduate and post-graduate student mobility in both directions, for study periods of 1-2 semesters.
Partnership Coordinator
Alma Lessing
International Partnerships & Development
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Mount Scopus, 9190500 Jerusalem, Israel