Language studies abroad

About the Unit for Language Learning

The Unit for Language Learning at the Faculty of Humanities is gradually introducing courses in eight modern languages to encourage excellence and to adapt language courses to international standards. The language courses offered are structured according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), which emphasizes what the learner is supposed as opposed to theoretical information about the language. Each language course in the new format is conducted in the target language from the very first lesson. This way, students train the skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking at the same time, and acquire confidence in the new language. As the courses are shaped according to standards of universities abroad, students can easily join language courses as part of student exchange programs and participate in studies abroad.

All language courses in the new format run for a semester and not an entire academic year, so that they are adapted to the needs of those who participate in a student exchange.


לימודי שפות בחול, מתחת לכותרת הראשית מתוקן copy

Recognition of credit points for language learning 

Regarding their accreditation, language courses as part of an exchange program are recognized on similar grounds as every other course studied abroad. Before going abroad, students are required to consult with the officer of internationalization of their home faculty on which courses to take and receive pre-approval from them. Students must submit the following documents to their faculty’s international programs coordinator:

  • General approval from the faculty indicating the language, the level, and the number of credit points the faculty is willing to recognize
  • General approval from the Unit for Language Learning confirming that the language course meets the requested academic requirements

There is no obligation to recognize courses that were not approved in advance.

If you arrive at an institution abroad and it becomes obvious that it is not possible to attend the language course approved before leaving, you can look for an alternative in accordance with the Unit for Language Learning and update your curriculum on the host institution's change form. Bear in mind that you might not be able to find a suitable alternative. When you return to Israel, you have to turn to the officer of internationalization at your home faculty and request that the course approved before your departure will be recognized. For this, you must present a transcript. Note that it is not possible to recognize summer courses as courses required for completing your degree.  

Recognition of the language level (without awarding credit points)

Many students take advantage of their time abroad by learning a language even if it’s not required by the curriculum and they cannot earn any credit points for this (mostly when participating in summer courses). If you’re interested in participating in a course like this, you have to receive the approval from your host university. Please also check carefully with the host institution whether additional fees apply for courses that are not included in the approved exchange curriculum, in particular for summer courses. 

We recommend you check the possibility of recognizing the language level of the course before going abroad. You can apply for recognition of the language level of summer courses. Recognition of a language level studied according to the European Framework at a recognized academic institution outside the curriculum will at this level be indicated in the transcript as “exempt from language studies” (levels A1 to C2; it is not possible to recognize half-levels). 


For all questions related to studying languages abroad, please contact the secretary of the unit: 
Phone: 02-5882771 
Faculty of Humanities, rooms 5805/5807