
MA in Comparative Religion with a Specialization in the Study of Judaism and Christianity

Study of Judaism and Christianity


2 years 

Faculty / School

Faculty of Humanities at HUJI / School of Divinity at St Andrews




Year 1 in Jerusalem / Year 2 in St Andrews

Application deadline

May 15, 2023

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Program Details

Offered in collaboration with the University of St Andrews, this 2-year joint degree program provides students with the unique opportunity to gain comparative and cross-cultural perspectives on Judaism and Christianity while studying at two world-class universities in Israel and Scotland.

Participants will begin their journey in Jerusalem for the 1st year of the program, spending their 2nd year of study in St Andrews. They will explore the breadth of Jewish and Christian religious traditions, history, theology, and philosophy. A wide range of course modules taught by renowned experts in the study of Judaism and Christianity from ancient Israel to the 21st century is offered at each institution, enabling students to tailor a specialized path of study and develop expertise in their area of choice. In addition, intensive ancient or modern language study will enable participants to examine Jewish and Christian literature in its original form, including modern and Biblical Hebrew, Aramaic, Latin, German, Greek, and more.

Upon successful completion of the program, participants will earn a joint degree issued by each institution (MLitt in the Study of Judaism and Christianity from the University of St Andrews, and MA in Comparative Religion with a specialization in the Study of Judaism and Christianity from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem).  


Career & Networking 

Graduates of this program will be well-equipped to pursue doctoral studies and academic careers, as well as non-academic positions in education, counseling, social service, community development, diplomatic service, inter-religious relations, and more.

Teaching faculty

Our faculty members are renowned experts in their fields with extensive teaching and research experience.  

Your Opportunity to Study in two world Renewed institutions

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Israel’s premier university, ranked in the top ten departments in the world for Theology, Divinity and Religion studies (QS World University ranking by subject, 2022).

The Faculty of Humanities at Hebrew University is committed to shedding light on civilizations past and present as revealed through history, language, literature, religion, philosophy, music, art, and material culture. The numerous prizes and grants received by the academic staff – including Israel Prizes and ERC grants – attest to the high quality of research and teaching for which the faculty is known.

The University of St Andrews

With 500 years of history, the School of Divinity (also known as St. Mary’s College) at St. Andrews has a rich tradition of academic excellence. The School is ranked in the top twenty departments in the world for Theology, Divinity and Religion studies (QS World University ranking by subject, 2022).

Admissions Requirements

Applicants must have an internationally accredited bachelor’s degree with a GPA of 83 or above.

· CV including personal details and history of education and employment to date 

· Personal statement (optional) 

· Sample of original, single-authored academic work (2,000 words) 

· Two original, signed academic references 

· Official academic transcripts

· BA degree certificate  

Candidates must also demonstrate a high level of English proficiency by providing one of the following documents:

· a TOEFL exam score of 94 or above

· an IELTS exam score of 7 or above

Applicants who completed degrees at universities at which English is the sole language of instruction, as well as applicants who completed degrees in English Language and Literature, can request an exemption. Such applicants must submit documentation from their university verifying English as the language of instruction. Exemption is not automatic and is determined on a case-by-case basis.

Visit the program’s website for more information about the admissions process or apply here.
Tuition & Scholarships
Hebrew University’s tuition for the first year in Jerusalem is US$24,000.
St Andrews tuition for the second year in St Andrews is £21,000.

Students are eligible for a variety of scholarships at Hebrew University. More information can be found on the SCHOLARSHIPS & FINANCIAL AID page. For additional information regarding tuition and other costs, please visit the program’s website.
Further Information

Academic Inquiries: Prof. David Satran

Administrative inquiries: Program Coordinator




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MA in English (English Literature)

english HUJI


2 years

Faculty / School

Faculty of Humanities




Jerusalem, Mount Scopus

Application deadline

Please refer to program website

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Program Details

The English Department at Hebrew University offers a prestigious graduate program for the study of literature in English, including British, American, Irish, Canadian and South African works. Students in the MA in English program can choose from a number of subspecialties, among them Elizabethan drama, Renaissance and Restoration poetry, the Victorian novel, twentieth-century literature and literary theory. The faculty members approach literary texts from a wide variety of perspectives (formal, thematic and historical) and foster originality and curiosity bolstered by the most rigorous research methodology and writing skills.

The courses offered in the MA program showcase the faculty’s latest research interests. While offerings change from year to year, recent programs have included seminars on the pastoral genre, Irish modernism, posthumanism, eco-criticism, childhood in Victorian culture, 9/11 fiction, the Vietnam War in literature and film, and feminist theory, as well as single-author courses on Milton, Shakespeare, Dickens, Joyce, Nabokov and J. M. Coetzee. For a list of 2021-2022 courses, click here.

The MA program meets the highest international standards and prepares students to compete with postgraduates from top universities worldwide. Students benefit from numerous international exchange opportunities as well as exclusive partnerships with international summer schools (Dickens Universe, California; Beckett Summer School, Dublin; Shakespeare Summer School, Verona).

Career & Networking 

Graduates have found employment in various fields such as education, journalism, publishing, translation and editing. Others have been accepted to the best doctoral programs in North America, the UK and Israel.

The faculty members are active participants in international societies and have regularly sent students to prestigious international summer schools and global workshops, where they have many networking opportunities.

Teaching Faculty

The English Department has a long-standing reputation of research excellence and is home to leading scholars in the study of Shakespeare, Milton, Dickens, Hardy, Conrad, Joyce, Woolf, Beckett, Flann O’Brien, Nabokov and Coetzee, as well as contemporary American literature and literary theory.

The teaching staff in the MA program includes:

  • Galia Benziman, Associate Professor of English, whose research focuses on the Victorian novel, nineteenth-century childhood, and the elegy.
  • Louise Bethlehem, Associate Professor of English, whose research interests include South African literature, post-apartheid texts, and cultural studies.
  • Ruben Borg, Associate Professor of English, whose research explores Irish Modernism, twentieth-century philosophy, posthumanism, and Dante’s influence on modernist writers.
  • Sanford Budick, Emeritus Professor of English, who has written books on Shakespeare, Dryden, eighteenth-century poetry, Milton and Kant, and more. 
  • Micha Lazarus, Senior Lecturer in English, whose research explores Renaissance literature, Elizabethan drama, the reception of classic texts, and English literary history.
  • Yael Levin, Associate Professor of English, whose research interests include modernism, postmodernism, narratology, and disability studies.
  • Naomi Mandel, Associate Professor of English, whose research focuses on contemporary American literature, the aesthetics of violence, and culture of the digital age. 
  • Leona Toker, Professor Emerita of English, whose research focuses on narratology, Vladimir Nabokov, ethics and literature, and the eighteenth and nineteenth-century English novel.
Faculty of Humanities

The Faculty of Humanities at Hebrew University is committed to shedding light on civilizations past and present as revealed through history, language, literature, religion, philosophy, music, art and material culture. The numerous prizes and grants received by the academic staff – including Israel Prizes and ERC grants – attest to the high quality of research and teaching for which the faculty is known. 

Admissions Requirements

Proficiency in the English language is a compulsory requirement for admission. Additionally, candidates who do not possess an exemption from the mandatory examination, or those who have been accepted on the basis of completing pending requirements, are required to participate in an accompanying workshop.

Applicants are welcome to contact the MA Advisor, Prof. Borg, at for more information about the admissions process.

For detailed information on admission requirements, based on the country where you completed your undergraduate studies, please click here.

Tuition & Scholarships

Tuition for a full two-year MA Program is approximately US$10,000.

The English Department offers its students a variety of bursaries and prizes, in addition to scholarships for fully funded study trips to England, Ireland, California and Italy. For more information, please visit the Department website.

Further Information

Academic and Admissions Inquiries: Prof. Ruben Borg, Graduate Studies Advisor:

Program Website


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MA in Education - Blended Program specializing in Jewish Education

Jewish Education HUJI


1 year

Faculty / School

The Melton Centre for Jewish Education


English, Spanish or Portuguese


Blended framework, online and on-campus

Application deadline

Please refer to the program’s website (English, Spanish, Portuguese)

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Program Details

The realities of Jewish life in the Diaspora are continuously shifting, and the Melton Centre for Jewish Education is moving in new directions to adapt and to strengthen Jewish education in communities worldwide. Educators are confronted with tough questions like: Who is an educated Jew? What are the goals of Jewish Education today and how can we meet them? What is the role of Jewish educators?  The International MA in Education program at Hebrew University prepares Jewish and non-Jewish educators who reside outside of Israel for tackling topics like these with the aim of strengthening Jewish communities abroad. Students can choose between a study track in English or one in Spanish\ Portuguese

Offered at the Melton Centre for Jewish Education, the program is adapted to the needs of specialists who are unable to commit to an extensive period of study in Jerusalem, and is therefore taught as a blended on-site and distance learning course extending over one or two years. Most of the course load is taught remotely and students typically spend several weeks of intense learning in Jerusalem. The MA is designed for educators in both formal and informal frameworks who are interested in Jewish education and its dialogue with the social sciences, educational philosophy and Jewish and Israel studies. 

The program focuses on three main areas: the philosophy, sociology and psychology of Jewish and Israel education, the teaching of Jewish texts, and entrepreneurship and innovation in Jewish Education. For a full list of courses, click here for English and here for Spanish / Portuguese.

Career & Networking 

Most program alumni work in the field of Jewish education frameworks, including Jewish day schools, religious schools, community organizations, Israel advocacy groups, and congregations.

Teaching Faculty

Courses at the Melton Centre of Education are taught by some of the world’s leading experts in Jewish education.

Dr. Marcelo I. Dorfsman, Program Head, specializes in technology-mediated education and distance learning. Aside from his teaching activities at Hebrew University, he advises educational institutions in Israel and Latin America on educational technologies for teaching.

Dr. Michael Gillis is the Director of the Melton Centre for Jewish Education. His areas of expertise include the teaching of rabbinic literature and the philosophy of Jewish Education. He previously served as Director of Teacher Education at the Shlomo Fox School of Education and as Head of the Education Program at Revivim, an honors program that trains outstanding future teachers in Jewish education.

The Melton Centre for Jewish Education at the Shlomo Fox School of Education

The Melton Centre for Jewish Education at the Shlomo Fox School of Education is an academic center for the study of Jewish education committed to supporting Jewish culture and heritage. Its mission is to foster cutting-edge research and educate future leaders, scholars and practitioners in all fields and forms of Jewish education.

The Centre is an inclusive, diverse and egalitarian academic body, where empirical and theoretical knowledge are developed and applied for the benefit of Jewish communities around the world. Through its educational activities, the Melton Centre is committed to the fostering of vital contacts between diverse Jewish ideologies and religious streams, while at the same time cultivating relations with other world religions and cultures.

Admissions Requirements

The Melton Centre for Jewish Education at the Shlomo Fox School of Education is an academic center for the study of Jewish education committed to supporting Jewish culture and heritage. Its mission is to foster cutting-edge research and educate future leaders, scholars and practitioners in all fields and forms of Jewish education.

The Centre is an inclusive, diverse and egalitarian academic body, where empirical and theoretical knowledge are developed and applied for the benefit of Jewish communities around the world. Through its educational activities, the Melton Centre is committed to the fostering of vital contacts between diverse Jewish ideologies and religious streams, while at the same time cultivating relations with other world religions and cultures.

  • a TOEFL exam score of 80 or above
  • an IELTS exam score of 6 or above

In addition, a letter of recommendation from an educator or an educational institution and a statement of purpose must be submitted.

For more application information, please visit the program’s website.

For detailed information on admission requirements, based on the country where you completed your undergraduate studies, please click here.

Tuition & Scholarships

Tuition is approximately 11,000$ for those who intend to complete the program in one year.

For additional information, please visit the Tuition Costs & Fees page.

Information on scholarships can be found on the Scholarships & Financial Aid page.

Information on Melton scholarships can be found here in English and here in Spanish / Portuguese.

Further Information

Academic Inquiries: Dr. Marcelo Dorfsman, Program Head:

Administrative Inquiries:

Program Website in English

Program Website in Spanish

Program Website in Portuguese



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