Environmental Studies

MSc in Plant Sciences



1 year

Faculty / School

Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment





Application deadline

See website

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Program Details


The achievements of Israeli agriculture are renown worldwide. At its inception, the country was largely arid, rocky, and overgrown with weeds, bare mountains, barren fields, infested marshes, and an undeveloped water supply. Some of the most basic foods were imported. Today, Israel is a fertile and blooming land that exports its own agricultural products and has become a leader in irrigation systems, groundwater management, crop production, horticulture, biotechnology, biological and integrated pest control, and more. Israel's agriculture is a showcase demonstrating the ability to work with nature in order to create a friendlier environment. 

One of the key factors in Israel's agricultural success has been the close relationship between growers in the fields, research and development teams in industry, and the academic community. Constant mutual feedback makes research more responsive to real-life needs and gives those in the field the advantage of immediate access to new developments in the laboratories of academic institutions.


Career & Networking 

The international Master of Science in Plant Sciences prepares students to become leading professionals in present and future agriculture and adapt their new knowledge to local conditions in their home countries. Students will acquire advanced knowledge and skills in the scientific basis and principles of crop plant production, environmental impact of agricultural activity, analysis of specific cropping systems, seeking solutions to practical problems, either in scientific literature or by experimental approach, and adapting appropriate solutions to various situations.

The one-year program leads to a non-thesis M.Sc. Agri in the field of Plant Sciences specializing in field and vegetable crops. After successful completion of the first year, qualified graduates can be reviewed for admission to the thesis track for a second year of studies to earn a thesis degree, and continue for a PhD degree either in Israel or elsewhere. Upon completion of their studies, the majority of alumni return to their home countries, where they hold key positions in industry, education, academics, research, NGOs and government organizations. 

Teaching Faculty

At the heart of this academic community is the Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The Hebrew University has the only Faculty of Agriculture in Israel, enjoying a unique status in the country. The Faculty acts as Israel's main source for the training of teachers, extension officers and researchers. 

The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment

Ranked among the top 30 agricultural schools worldwide, the Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment is committed to responsible preservation of the environment for future generations and to developing ways of increasing sustainable food and water resources. The long list of world-changing breakthroughs developed by the faculty’s researchers includes modern drip irrigation methods, the cherry tomato, returning fragrance to flowers, environmentally safe pesticides, improving pollination by manipulating honeybee behavior, and further environmentally responsible agricultural techniques, many of which can be employed under conditions of water limitations. Teaching and research activities consistently advance modern agriculture while training tomorrow's scientists and agriculturists.

Admissions Requirements

B.Sc. degree or equivalent from a recognized university in the field of agriculture, plant sciences, crop sciences, plant production, plant protection, agronomy, horticulture, etc. Undergraduate level biochemistry. GPA of 80 or above (B- on the letter scale). High level of proficiency in all English skills, documented by one of the following:

  • At least 89 on the TOEFL internet-based test
  • At least 6.0 on the IELTS
  • Documentation of previous academic studies conducted in English.
Three letters of recommendation; at least one must be academic (not from family members). Relevant experience is recommended but not mandatory.
Tuition and Scholarships

One-year tuition (as of July 2023):   38,056 NIS (approx.) for international students (A limited number of partial and full scholarships are available)  30,444 NIS (approx.) for Israeli students/Olim hadashim  Additional fees: 1,058 NIS - campus security, welfare, national student union membership, HUJI student union membership

Further Information

Administrative Inquiries:

Ms. Keren Ohayon, International MSc Program Coordinator: kerenoha@savion.huji.ac.il

Ms. Edit Hakim, International MSc Program Coordinator: EDITHA@SAVION.HUJI.AC.IL


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MSc in Biochemistry, Food Science and Nutrition



2 years

Faculty / School

Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment





Application deadline

Please refer to program website.

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Program Details

    The graduate program in Biochemistry, Food Science and Nutrition provides trainees with the knowledge and experience that are needed for carrying out innovative research projects in topics relating to food production, food security, food safety, sensory perception of food, nutrition-related pathologies, and physiological responses to dietary deficiencies.

Career & Networking 

Our graduates gain valuable experience which allows them to join research and development teams in the food industry, or to continue on to higher levels of academic research. Each trainee is expected to carry out an individual research project, supervised by one of our faculty members, on a topic that is chosen by the student in consultation with his/her supervisor. In addition, each trainee is expected to complete coursework of at least 24 credit points over two academic years, in accordance with the program requirements as outlined in the course catalog, and in consultation with the supervisor.

Teaching Faculty

Our faculty members include established leading scientists who employ a wide variety of cutting-edge interdisciplinary approaches to study these topics. These range from biochemistry, molecular biology and whole organism physiology studies on the one hand, to food engineering and food policy questions at the other end of the spectrum. Our MSc and PhD programs emphasize the development of individual research skills, which are essential for a successful scientific career whether in the industrial sector or in academia.

The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment

Ranked among the top 30 agricultural schools worldwide, the Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment is committed to responsible preservation of the environment for future generations and to developing ways of increasing sustainable food and water resources. The long list of world-changing breakthroughs developed by the faculty’s researchers include modern drip irrigation methods, the cherry tomato, returning fragrance to flowers, environmentally safe pesticides, improving pollination by manipulating honeybee behavior, and a slew of other advanced environmentally responsible agricultural techniques, especially under conditions of scarce water. Teaching and research activities consistently advance modern agriculture while training tomorrow's scientists and agriculturists.

Admissions Requirements

Bachelor's degree in Food Sciences, Nutrition Sciences, Biology or any other relevant field 

Tuition and Scholarships

Non-Thesis Track: Approx. $5,300 for international students per year / Approx. $4,300 for Israeli students/olim hadashim per year  

Thesis Track: Approx. $280 per year

Further Information

Head of the teaching program:
Prof. Aron Troen
Telephone: 08-9489476
e-mail: Aron.Troen@mail.huji.ac.il

Ms. Ester Tzagay
Telephone: 08-9489265
e-mail: estertz@savion.huji.ac.il


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MSc in Agroecology & Plant Health

Plant Health


2 years

Faculty / School

Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment





Application deadline

See website

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Program Details

The program places an emphasis on deepening the specialization in the areas of entomology, microbiology, phytopathology (plant diseases), nematology and virology, as well as studying and developing novel approaches to plant and environment protection. 

Career & Networking 

The master's program places an emphasis on deepening the specialization in the areas of entomology, microbiology, phytopathology (plant diseases), nematology and virology, as well as studying and developing novel approaches to plant and environment protection. Naturally, this academic stage includes basic research in the department teachers' areas of research.

Teaching Faculty


The program brings together teachers specializing in various areas, ranging from environmental microbiology, biotechnology and genetic engineering, ecology, insect physiology and behavior, to epidemiology of plant desease and controlling them using environmentally friendly means. The teachers are united by their interest in organisms which are beneficial or harmful to mankind, to its enterprises or to its environment. The teachers focus on five different levels – the molecular and cellular levels, the organism as a whole, research of populations and the interactions between different organisms. This wide-angled approach is also reflected in the curriculum.


The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment

Ranked among the top 30 agricultural schools worldwide, the Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment is committed to responsible preservation of the environment for future generations and to developing ways of increasing sustainable food and water resources. The long list of world-changing breakthroughs developed by the faculty’s researchers includes modern drip irrigation methods, the cherry tomato, returning fragrance to flowers, environmentally safe pesticides, improving pollination by manipulating honeybee behavior, and further environmentally responsible agricultural techniques, many of which can be employed under conditions of water limitations. Teaching and research activities consistently advance modern agriculture while training tomorrow's scientists and agriculturists.

Admissions Requirements

Bachelor's degree in environment or in the various agriculture, natural sciences, engineering or economics and management programs. Students with a different background will be assigned an individual complementary studies program by the teaching program Study Committee.

Tuition and Scholarships


Non-Thesis Track: Approx. $5,300 for international students per year / Approx. $4,300 for Israeli students/olim hadashim per year  

Thesis Track: Approx. $280 per year



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MSc in Genetics & Breeding

Breeding plants


2 years; research track & non-thesis track

Faculty / School

Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment





Application deadline

Please refer to
the program website.

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Program Details

The interdisciplinary program provides a broad theoretical and applied knowledge in various fundamental aspects of genetics and breeding, including classical genetics, cytogenetics, molecular genetics, bioinformatics, quantitative genetics and system biology.

Career & Networking 

 The program trains students to become researchers in the field of genetics, breeding and agricultural biotechnology and eventually become independent plants or animals breeders, based on their comprehensive genetic understanding.

Teaching Faculty

Provide courses in genetics and breeding to all undergraduate students of the Faculty of Agriculture, and advanced courses to master students. Train students to become researchers in the field of genetics and breeding and eventually become independent plants and animals breeders, based on their in-depth genetic understanding. Extend the students' theoretical knowledge in classical genetics, molecular approaches, genomics and system biology. Teach various approaches and research methods in genetics and breeding. Implement the genetic knowledge in basic and applied aspects of agriculture.

The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment

Ranked among the top 30 agricultural schools worldwide, the Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment is committed to the responsible preservation of the environment for future generations and to developing ways of increasing sustainable food and water resources. The long list of world-changing breakthroughs developed by the faculty’s researchers include modern drip irrigation methods, the cherry tomato, returning fragrance to flowers, environmentally safe pesticides, improving pollination by manipulating honeybee behavior, and a slew of other advanced environmentally responsible agricultural techniques, especially under conditions of scarce water.

Teaching and research activities at the institution consistently advance modern agriculture while training tomorrow's scientists and agriculturists. Faculty graduates hold key positions in the agricultural industry in Israel and around the world and apply their knowledge to compete in world markets.The faculty welcomes international students from all over the world including the International School, located in the Faculty of Agriculture. Faculty graduates hold key positions in the agricultural industry in Israel and around the world and use their knowledge to compete in world markets.

Admissions Requirements


Bachelor's degree in Agriculture Sciences, Biology, or any other relevant field.


Tuition and Scholarships


Non-Thesis Track: Approx. $5,300 for international students per year / Approx. $4,300 for Israeli students/olim hadashim per year  

Thesis Track: Approx. $280 per year


Further Information

Head of the teaching program:
Prof. Zvi Peleg
Telephone: 08-9489638
e-mail: zvi.peleg@mail.huji.ac.il

Ms. Iris Izenshtadt
Telephone: 08-9489333
e-mail: Iris.Izenshtadt@mail.huji.ac.il




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M.Sc. program: Agriculture, Natural Resources & Environment

Natural resources


2-4 years in both tracks

Faculty / School

Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment





Application deadline

Please refer to
the program website.

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Program Details

The program provides students with opportunities to study and research various environmental topics, with an emphasis on pollution treatment, overexploitation of natural resources and the influence of agriculture on these issues. The program encompasses chemical, physical, ecological, economical and ethical aspects. The program offers courses taught at the Advanced School of Environmental Studies of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Career & Networking 

This track is part of the academic program offered by the Advanced School of Environmental Studies of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, so students are also enrolled in the school and attend its courses. The school’s mission is to train and bring together the very best researchers and practitioners in the various environmental fields, and to provide them with opportunities to confront broad-scope issues from different disciplinary, interdisciplinary and international perspectives. The school offers four tracks with common core courses for students of different academic backgrounds. The core courses provide students with an interdisciplinary framework in which they can acquire knowledge and understanding of the issues and approaches guiding environmental research in the various fields of study.

Teaching Faculty

The teaching program provides students with opportunities to study and research various environmental topics, with an emphasis on pollution treatment, overexploitation of natural resources and the influence of agriculture on these issues. The program encompasses chemical, physical, ecological, economical and ethical aspects.  

The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment

Ranked among the top 30 agricultural schools worldwide, the Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment is committed to the responsible preservation of the environment for future generations and to developing ways of increasing sustainable food and water resources. The long list of world-changing breakthroughs developed by the faculty’s researchers include modern drip irrigation methods, the cherry tomato, returning fragrance to flowers, environmentally safe pesticides, improving pollination by manipulating honeybee behavior, and a slew of other advanced environmentally responsible agricultural techniques, especially under conditions of scarce water.

Teaching and research activities at the institution consistently advance modern agriculture while training tomorrow's scientists and agriculturists. Faculty graduates hold key positions in the agricultural industry in Israel and around the world and apply their knowledge to compete in world markets.The faculty welcomes international students from all over the world including the International School, located in the Faculty of Agriculture. Faculty graduates hold key positions in the agricultural industry in Israel and around the world and use their knowledge to compete in world markets.

Admissions Requirements

Bachelor's degree in environment or in the various agriculture, natural sciences, engineering or economics and management programs. Students with a different background will be assigned an individual complementary studies program by the teaching program Study Committee.

Tuition and Scholarships


Non-Thesis Track: Approx. $5,300 for international students per year / Approx. $4,300 for Israeli students/olim hadashim per year  

Thesis Track: Approx. $280 per year


Further Information

Academic Inquiries:

Prof. Ronny Wallach, Program Head:

Administrative Inquiries: Ms. Michal Goldberg: michalgo@savion.huji.ac.il
Program Website


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MSc in Plant Sciences in Agriculture

MSc in Plant Sciences HUJI


2 years

Faculty / School

Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment





Application deadline

Please refer to program website

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Program Details

The program provides students with a deep understanding of plant sciences and their implementation in modern agriculture. It is aimed at students wishing to expand and deepen their basic knowledge of the structure and functioning of plant systems on all biological organizational levels, from plant populations, plant-environment interactions to the sub-cellular level. The program offers a variety of courses on the physiological, biochemical, morphogenetic, evolutionary and ecological processes involved in controlling plant development and acclimatization to the environment. The program also focuses on mathematical modeling of plant-related processes, as well as on central topics in plant biotechnology.


Career & Networking 

The teaching program centers on the study and research of plant sciences and their implementation in modern agriculture. It is aimed at students wishing to expand and deepen their basic knowledge of the structure and functioning of plant systems on all biological organizational levels, from plant populations, plant-environment interactions to the sub-cellular level.

Teaching Faculty

The program offers a variety of courses on the physiological, biochemical, morphogenetic, evolutionary and ecological processes involved in controlling plant development and acclimatization to the environment. The program also focuses on mathematical modeling of plant-related processes, as well as on central topics in plant biotechnology.

The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment

Ranked among the top 30 agricultural schools worldwide, the Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment is committed to the responsible preservation of the environment for future generations and to developing ways of increasing sustainable food and water resources. The long list of world-changing breakthroughs developed by the faculty’s researchers include modern drip irrigation methods, the cherry tomato, returning fragrance to flowers, environmentally safe pesticides, improving pollination by manipulating honeybee behavior, and a slew of other advanced environmentally responsible agricultural techniques, especially under conditions of scarce water. Teaching and research activities at the institution consistently advance modern agriculture while training tomorrow's scientists and agriculturists. Faculty graduates hold key positions in the agricultural industry in Israel and around the world, and use their knowledge to compete in world markets.

Admissions Requirements


Bachelor's degree in Agriculture Sciences, Biology, or any other relevant field.
More Information: Here


Tuition and Scholarships

Non-Thesis Track: Approx. $5,300 for international students per year / Approx. $4,300 for Israeli students/olim hadashim per year  

Thesis Track: Approx. $280 per year

Further Information


Head of the teaching program:
Prof. Leor Eshed Williams
Telephone: 08-9489964
 e-mail: leor.williams@mail.huji.ac.il

Secretary of the teaching program:
Ms. Iris Izenshtadt
Telephone: 08-9489333
 e-mail: Iris.Izenshtadt@mail.huji.ac.il



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MSc in Bio-Medical Sciences



2 years (4 semesters)

Faculty / School

Faculty of Dental Medicine




Jerusalem, Ein Kerem Campus

Application deadline

Please refer to the 

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Program Details

The Faculty of Dental Medicine offers an MSc Program in Bio-Medical Sciences that combines hands-on, innovative research with core courses in biology, immunology, physiology and biotechnology, designed to enhance your knowledge and supplement your research training. Courses are offered in English for both international and Israeli students, thereby creating ample opportunity for cultural exchange.  

Our international program leverages your undergraduate theoretical and practical knowledge through independent academic research under the supervision of an experienced, renowned faculty member.
As such, a pre-requisite to being admitted to the program involves finding a research supervisor in your area of interest. (You can access a comprehensive list of potential researchers here, under “structure of studies”).  The program integrates basic, applied, and clinical-oriented research, and explores areas such as stem cells, mineralized tissues, bone, biofilm, microbiology, immunology, virology, cartilage, developmental biology, cell movement, tissue engineering, epigenomics, salivary glands and oral diseases.

Once you are admitted to the program, you’ll join your designated research laboratory and begin drafting your research proposal.  Submission of a written thesis and the oral defense of your research is required in order to successfully complete your MSc degree program.

Further details regarding the program of study can be found on the program website.

Career & Networking 

The international reputation of Hebrew University, coupled with the prestige of the Faculty of Dental Medicine and its researchers, places our graduates in high demand in both the private and public sectors, in fields such as academia, medical research, public health, occupational health, biotechnology, high-tech, and more. Our graduates have secured positions with leading companies including Dead Sea pharmaceutical laboratories, Sigma-Aldrich, Novamed, and many have gone on to pursue PhD studies and academic careers, holding faculty positions at leading institutions around the globe.

The Faculty of Dental Medicine & its Faculty

Located on the Ein Kerem campus, Hebrew University’s Faculty of Dental Medicine was founded in 1953 as a joint initiative between Hebrew University, Hadassah, and the Alpha Omega International Dental Fraternity.  Since its establishment, the faculty has dedicated itself to the training of the next generation of dentists and dental auxiliary professionals, in addition to implementing extensive community outreach and treatment programs and conducting innovative research on the craniofacial complex and dental diseases.

The Faculty of Dental Medicine houses the following 9 departments:

  • Community Dentistry
  • Endodontics
  • Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
  • Orthodontics
  • Pediatric Dentistry
  • Periodontology
  • Prosthodontics
  • Oral Medicine, Sedation & Maxillofacial Imaging
  • The Institute of Biomedical & Oral Research

Approximately 425 undergraduate dental students are enrolled in our six-year D.M.D. academic program, with 80 new students admitted yearly. In addition to their clinical training, our students engage in research training from an early stage in their academic and/or professional careers through our Biomedical Graduate Program which boasts over 100 MSc and PhD students.
Our Dental School offers 9 post graduate specialization programs (3-5 years) in various fields of dentistry, continuing education programs (1-2 years) for trainees, and annual courses for professional dental hygienists and dental assistants in the field.

The Faculty of Dental Medicine aims to expand upon the basic and clinical research being conducted in the field of dentistry, through collaborations with faculties and hospitals in Israel and abroad. To learn more about our faculty and the research they are engaged in, visit our research page.

Admissions Requirements

In order to be considered for our MSc program, candidates must first identify and secure a research supervisor. This is typically done by directly contacting relevant researchers whose area of focus resonates with your research interests. In addition, applicants must submit proof of:

  • A bachelor’s degree from a recognized institution of higher learning in fields such as biology, immunology, biotechnology, pharmacology, and more. Practicing physicians (MD) and dentists (DMD, DDS) are also eligible to apply.
  • A cumulative GPA of 85 or above. (Applicants with a lower GPA may appeal to the Exceptions Committee through the Program Coordinator).
  • An official transcript of studies from your bachelor’s degree.
  • English language proficiency for all applicants from non-English-speaking countries (TOEFL and IELTS are recognized).

For detailed information on admission requirements, based on the country where you completed your undergraduate studies, please click here.

Applications for our MSc program are submitted online.

Tuition & Scholarships
Hebrew University offers full tuition scholarships to MSc students in research tracks in Natural and Exact Sciences.
Additional merit-based and need-based scholarships and living stipends may be available.
Further Information

Prof. Doron Steinberg, Program Head, Biofilm Research Laboratory
Email: dorons@ekmd.huji.ac.il    Tel: +972-2-6757633

Ms. Yehudit Rudolph, Program Coordinator
Email: yehudithr@savion.huji.ac.il    Tel: +972-2-6757577  

Website: www.biomedical-israel.com   
Facebook page: The International Bio-Medical Sciences Program
YouTube: biomedicine program at Hebrew University



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MSc in Environmental Economics & Management

environmental_economics_and_management HUJI


2 years; thesis track

Faculty / School

Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment





Application deadline

Please refer to the program website.

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Program Details

Taught by internationally recognized scholars, the thesis-track MSc in Environmental Economics and Management program equips students with solid foundations in economics, advanced quantitative tools, and frontier knowledge in this critically important field. The program provides deep understanding of the interaction between economic systems and the environment, and offers students practical tools for internalizing environmental and natural resource considerations in policy and managerial decision-makings. Students enjoy an active, cohesive and stimulating academic environment which paves the way for a productive career. 

The two-year master’s program, taught entirely in English, focuses on economic issues related to the environment, natural resources, marketing and finance. The curriculum includes courses on environmental economics, the economics of natural resource use, the regulation of agricultural product marketing in local and export markets, industrial organization, the economics of the farming family, and game theory, as well as areas of micro- and macro-economics, econometric analytical tools, and more.

Students participate in research projects supervised by the department's faculty members and write theses that explore research questions related to environmental, natural resource and agricultural economics, as well as marketing and finance.

For more information, click here.

Career & Networking 

Environmental economics is an emerging field that is extremely relevant in today’s world. As a result, there is increasing demand for environmental economists both in Israel and around the world. Program graduates are sought out by employers in both the private and public sectors, attesting to the program’s quality and relevance.

Most graduates pursue careers as economists, and many hold managerial positions at private companies, government agencies, financial institutions, consulting firms and international organizations. Some have been successfully accepted to top doctoral programs and have continued on to academic careers.

Program participants come from Israel and from around the world. During their studies, they enjoy many opportunities to meet and network with professionals and peers from different countries, on campus, on field trips and site visits, and at social events.

Teaching Faculty

Students at the Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment benefit from the extensive experience of the teaching staff, who are leading academics and scientists with global reputations. The program is run and taught by the faculty members of the Department of Environmental Economics and Management, who additionally supervise the research theses of program participants.

The head of the academic program is Dr. Ohad Raveh, whose fields of expertise include environmental and resource economics, regional economics, development economics, and political economy.

The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment

Ranked among the world’s top 30 agricultural schools, the Faculty is committed to responsible preservation of the environment for future generations and to developing ways of increasing sustainable food and water resources. The long list of world-changing breakthroughs developed by the Faculty’s researchers include modern drip irrigation methods, the cherry tomato, returning fragrance to flowers, environmentally safe pesticides, improving pollination by manipulating honeybee behavior, and a slew of other advanced environmentally responsible agricultural techniques, especially under conditions of scarce water. Teaching and research activities consistently advance modern agriculture while training tomorrow's scientists and agriculturists.

The Faculty welcomes international students from all over the world through HUJI’s Division of External Studies and the International School. Faculty graduates hold key positions in the agricultural industry in Israel and around the world, and use their knowledge to compete in world markets.

Admissions Requirements

Applicants to the program must have:

Economics or environmental economics – direct admission Accounting or business administration – direct admission subject to completion of the following pre-requisite courses: An undergraduate degree or equivalent from a recognized university in one of the following disciplines: 

Course number

Course name


Online  equivalent


Introduction to Econometrics

(5 HUJI Credits

Online  equivalent


Consumer Theory

(4 HUJI Credits

 Online  equivalent


Firm Theory

(4 HUJI Credits

 Online  equivalent


Welfare Theory

(4 HUJI Credits

 Online  equivalent



(4 HUJI Credits

Online  equivalent


Linear Algebra A

(3 HUJI Credits

Online  equivalent

For further application information and to apply, please contact the Overseas Students Unit (Ms. Orit Krakover, oritk@savion.huji.ac.il) or visit http://info.huji.ac.il/en-overseas.

For detailed information on admission requirements, based on the country where you completed your undergraduate studies, please click here.

Tuition and Scholarships

Hebrew University offers full tuition scholarships to MSc students in research tracks in Natural and Exact Sciences.
Additional merit-based and need-based scholarships and living stipends may be available.

Further Information

Academic Inquiries: Dr. Ohad Raveh, Program Head: ohad.raveh@mail.huji.ac.il

Program Website


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MSc in Horticulture



2 years

Faculty / School

Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment





Application deadline

Please refer to program website.

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Program Details

Israel is not only a major exporter of agricultural produce but also of agricultural expertise. Students in the MSc in Horticulture degree program benefit from this extensive knowledge and learn how to apply it. The program provides a solid understanding of the fundamental processes of fruit trees, ornamental plants, flowers and forest trees from the perspective of physiology, biochemistry, molecular biology, and ecology. The curriculum covers a wide range of fields, including plant protection, soil and water, genetic engineering, biotechnology, and food science.

Hebrew University’s Department of Horticulture conducts a wide range of cutting-edge research in fields such as genetic engineering of fruit trees and ornamental plants, culture-based plant propagation, protein engineering and genomics, and molecular control of processes such as aging and wilting, flower and fruit development, flower pigmentation, hormone signals, and more. Students are taught the most advanced tools for conducting biological and agricultural research and applications.

While researching their theses, students draw on the theoretical tools they acquired in order to explore problems rooted in the practical needs of agriculture and forestry both in Israel and on a global scale. They apply the knowledge and skills they learn in class in researching real-life issues that impact agriculture, and they explore practical solutions for advancing the science of horticulture.

The 2-year program is offered as a non-thesis track (40 credits) and a thesis track (24 credits).

For more information, click here.

Career & Networking 

Hebrew University’s Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment has played a critical role in developing Israel’s advanced agricultural technologies, and students in the master’s program benefit from the opportunity to meet and learn from leading experts in their field.

Many graduates continue on to doctoral studies at Hebrew University or other prestigious institutions around the world. Others pursue careers in the biological high-tech industries, agricultural production companies, or Ministry of Health extension services, to name a few.

Teaching Faculty

Students in this program benefit from the extensive experience of the teaching staff, which is comprised of scientists with global reputations and leading academics affiliated with the Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment.

The head of the teaching program is Prof. Alexander Vainstein, whose research interests include metabolic engineering of plants and yeast, and site-specific genome modification and genetic engineering in plants.

The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment

Ranked among the top 30 agricultural schools worldwide, the Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment is committed to responsible preservation of the environment for future generations and to developing ways of increasing sustainable food and water resources. The long list of world-changing breakthroughs developed by the faculty’s researchers include modern drip irrigation methods, the cherry tomato, returning fragrance to flowers, environmentally safe pesticides, improving pollination by manipulating honeybee behavior, and a slew of other advanced environmentally responsible agricultural techniques, especially under conditions of scarce water. Teaching and research activities consistently advance modern agriculture while training tomorrow's scientists and agriculturists.

Admissions Requirements

Applicants to the program must have an undergraduate degree or equivalent from a recognized university in a relevant field, such as agricultural science or nutrition science, and a GPA of 80 or above (letter grade B-).

Applicants from non-English-speaking countries must demonstrate a high level of English proficiency by providing one of the following documents:

  • proof of university-level exemption from English-language studies
  • an official letter stating that the courses at the university where the applicant studied are conducted in English
  • a minimum TOEFL score of 80 
  • a minimum IELTS score of 6

A thesis supervisor must be secured by the candidate prior to applying to the thesis track.

For further application details, please visit the program website.

For detailed information on admission requirements, based on the country where you completed your undergraduate studies, please click here.

Tuition and Scholarships

Hebrew University offers full tuition scholarships to MSc students in research tracks in Natural and Exact Sciences.
Additional merit-based and need-based scholarships and living stipends may be available.

Further Information

Prof. Alexander Vainstein, Program Head: alexander.vainstein@mail.huji.ac.il

Program Website


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MSc in Field and Vegetable Crops



2 years

Faculty / School

Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment





Application deadline

See website

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Program Details

Field crops and vegetables cultivation constitutes the main staple food source for the world’s rapidly growing population. In the coming years, these agricultural branches will need to increase yields while minimizing their environmental footprint under continually decreasing resources. In Israel, field crops and vegetables are highly technological and rely on sophisticated agrotechnology and biotechnology.

The MSc in Field and Vegetable Crops degree program aims to prepare students to lead this dynamic field by acquiring a deep understanding of the physiological and biological principles and processes related to crop productivity in the field. Students are encouraged to develop independent critical thinking that enables them to analyze challenges and search for solutions based on professional literature and experimentation.

The curriculum includes basic biological, biochemical, ecological, genetic and molecular research pertaining to crops and vegetables; applied research of agricultural management, and husbandry; and an integration of fundamental research with applied research. Courses provide a deep understanding of crop biology, physiology and developmental processes that determine yield and its limitations. The program aims at preparing students to become active agronomists in complex agro-ecological production systems and agri-business environments. 

The program is offered in a non-thesis (40 HUJI credits) and a thesis (24 HUJI credits) track, each extending over two years.

For more information, click here.

Career & Networking 

There is a growing worldwide demand for agronomists who are specialists in sophisticated vegetable and herb production and use methods of precision agriculture. Since Israel is a guiding force in the area of advanced agriculture, especially in the field of crop production, students enjoy a unique opportunity to meet world-class experts and experience cutting-edge agriculture up close.  

Program graduates pursue careers in crop and vegetable management, as well as in agricultural education and in the fields of high-tech food processing, seeds, chemicals and biotechnology. Many continue on to doctoral programs at Hebrew University or other elite institutions in Israel or abroad, followed by academic careers at research institutions or agricultural experiment stations. Others develop agricultural high-tech products.

Teaching Faculty

Students in this program benefit from the extensive experience of the teaching staff, who are scientists with international reputations and leading academics affiliated with the Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment.

The head of the teaching program is Prof. Shahal Abbo, who is an expert in Near Eastern crop evolution and grain legumes genetics.

The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment

Ranked among the top 30 agricultural schools worldwide, the Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment is committed to responsible preservation of the environment for future generations and to developing ways of increasing sustainable food and water resources. The long list of world-changing breakthroughs developed by the faculty’s researchers includes modern drip irrigation methods, the cherry tomato, returning fragrance to flowers, environmentally safe pesticides, improving pollination by manipulating honeybee behavior, and further environmentally responsible agricultural techniques, many of which can be employed under conditions of water limitations. Teaching and research activities consistently advance modern agriculture while training tomorrow's scientists and agriculturists.

Admissions Requirements

Applicants to the program must have an undergraduate degree or equivalent from a recognized university in a relevant field, such as agricultural science or nutrition science, and must have a GPA of 80 or above (letter grade B-).

Applicants from non-English speaking countries must demonstrate a high level of English proficiency by providing one of the following documents:

  • proof of university-level exemption from English-language studies
  • an official letter stating the applicant’s previous academic studies were conducted in English
  • a TOEFL score of at least 80
  • an IELTS score of at least 6

For the research track, a thesis supervisor must be secured prior to applying. Please go to this website for advice on how to find a supervisor.

It is also possible to start one’s studies in the one-year non-research program in plant sciences and switch to the research track of field and vegetable crops after the first year. This has the advantage that students will have gotten to know the faculty by then and can more easily find a supervisor whose research fields match the student’s interests. Moreover, students in the research track are eligible for scholarships (see below).

For detailed information on admission requirements, based on the country where you completed your undergraduate studies, please click here.

Tuition and Scholarships

Hebrew University offers full tuition scholarships to MSc students in research tracks in Natural and Exact Sciences.
Additional merit-based and need-based scholarships and living stipends may be available.


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MSc in Soil and Water Sciences

MSc in Soil and Water Sciences


2 years; research track & non-thesis track

Faculty / School

Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment





Application deadline

Please refer to
the program website.

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Program Details

Agriculture in the 21st century is facing enormous challenges. Not only are farmers expected to produce adequate agricultural products at affordable prices to guarantee enough food for a rising global population, but they are also expected to do so under conditions of increasingly scarce natural resources and climate change. The quantity, quality and sustainability of soil and water are jeopardized by urban land growth, improper use and management, and climate change threats.

The MSc in Soil and Water Sciences program aims to prepare students for coping with current and future agricultural challenges. The unique Israeli environment, characterized by limited water resources, state-of-the-art agriculture, and diverse climate and soils, offers students exciting research opportunities to tackle these global questions.

Study and research in the MSc Soil and Water Sciences program combines the chemical and physical aspects of the soil-water-atmosphere continuum to approach precision agriculture. Teaching focuses on theoretical aspects in the soil-water-atmosphere continuum, as well as their implementation in precision agricultural practice.

Students may enroll in the non-thesis track (40 credits) or the thesis track (24 credits), both of which extend over 2 years. Each student will carry out an individual research project, supervised by a faculty member, on a topic chosen by the student in consultation with his/her supervisor.

Career & Networking 

Graduates gain valuable hands-on experience allowing them to join research and development teams in soil and water-related agro-tech industries, or to pursue higher academic research and degrees.

Teaching Faculty

Faculty members include established leading scientists who employ a wide variety of interdisciplinary approaches to topics in the soil-water-atmosphere continuum, as well as environmental sciences.   

The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment

Ranked among the top 30 agricultural schools worldwide, the Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment is committed to the responsible preservation of the environment for future generations and to developing ways of increasing sustainable food and water resources. The long list of world-changing breakthroughs developed by the faculty’s researchers include modern drip irrigation methods, the cherry tomato, returning fragrance to flowers, environmentally safe pesticides, improving pollination by manipulating honeybee behavior, and a slew of other advanced environmentally responsible agricultural techniques, especially under conditions of scarce water.

Teaching and research activities at the institution consistently advance modern agriculture while training tomorrow's scientists and agriculturists. Faculty graduates hold key positions in the agricultural industry in Israel and around the world and apply their knowledge to compete in world markets.The faculty welcomes international students from all over the world including the International School, located in the Faculty of Agriculture. Faculty graduates hold key positions in the agricultural industry in Israel and around the world and use their knowledge to compete in world markets.

Admissions Requirements

Applicants to the program must have an undergraduate degree or equivalent from an accredited university in a relevant field, such as agricultural sciences, geology, agricultural and/or environmental engineering, and more.
Applicants must have a minimum GPA of 80 (B-), and those from non-English-speaking countries must demonstrate a high level of English proficiency by providing one of the following documents:

  • proof of university-level exemption from English-language studies
  • an official letter stating the applicant’s previous academic studies were conducted in English
  • a TOEFL score of at least 80
  • an IELTS score of at least 6

A thesis supervisor must be secured prior to applying. For advice on how to find a supervisor, you are welcome to visit our “How to Find a Supervisor” page.

For detailed information on admission requirements, based on the country where you completed your undergraduate studies, please click here.

Tuition and Scholarships

Hebrew University offers full tuition scholarships to MSc students in research tracks in Natural and Exact Sciences.
Additional merit-based and need-based scholarships and living stipends may be available.

Further Information

Academic Inquiries:

Prof. Ronny Wallach, Program Head:

Administrative Inquiries: Ms. Michal Goldberg: michalgo@savion.huji.ac.il
Program Website


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MSc in Environmental Quality Sciences

environmental_quality_sciences HUJI


1 year

Faculty / School

Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment





Application deadline

Please refer to program website

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Program Details

How can we develop alternative water and energy resources? What are good techniques to reduce the pollution of water and soil, and how can one effectively recycle waste?  How does environmentally-sustainable pest control and plant protection work? The Hebrew University’s Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Environmental Quality Sciences program prepares students to address these and other global challenges relating to our changing environmental conditions.

This multidisciplinary program is taught by top experts from HUJI’s Institute of Environmental Sciences and the Israeli Agricultural Research Organization (ARO). The curriculum covers a broad scope of research fields, including environmental microbiology, ecology, soil and water, environmental economics, weed control, botany, and plant protection. Students will learn how to understand and promote processes that affect and improve the quality of the environment in order to create a sustainable agricultural environment for future generations. Program participants will take part in innovative, groundbreaking research in the lab and acquire both practical knowledge and hands-on experience.

This one-year program may lead to a non-thesis Master of Science degree in different programs at the Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment. Qualified graduates may apply to the thesis track for a second year of studies and earn a thesis degree, after which they may continue on to a PhD degree in Israel or elsewhere.

The start date for the next program is October 2022. For more information, click here.

Career & Networking 

Program participants come from Israel and from around the world. During their studies, they enjoy many opportunities to meet and network with professionals and peers from different countries, on campus as well as during site visits, on field trips and at social events.

Upon completion of their studies, the majority of program graduates return to their home countries, where they hold key positions in industry, education, academia, research, NGOs and government organizations. 

Teaching Faculty

The M.Sc. in Environmental Quality Sciences degree is taught in English by leading researchers and experts in the field. Students benefit from the extensive experience of the teaching staff, who are prominent academics and scientists with global reputations.

The program’s academic chair is Dr. Benny Chefetz of the Department of Soil and Water Sciences. As an environmental chemist, the scope of his research focuses on the enhancement of knowledge and understanding of the fate and interactions of organic pollutants such as pesticides, pharmaceuticals, EDCs and other anthropogenic compounds in soil and water and the agro-environment.

The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment

Ranked among the best agricultural schools worldwide, the faculty is committed to the responsible preservation of the environment for future generations and to developing ways of increasing sustainable food and water resources. The long list of world-changing breakthroughs developed by the faculty’s researchers include modern drip irrigation methods, the cherry tomato, returning fragrance to flowers, environmentally safe pesticides, improving pollination by manipulating honey bee behavior, and a slew of other advanced environmentally-responsible agricultural techniques, especially under conditions of scarce water. Teaching and research activities consistently advance modern agriculture while training tomorrow's scientists and agriculturists.

The Faculty welcomes international students from all over the world. Faculty graduates hold key positions in the agricultural industry in Israel and around the world and use their knowledge to compete in world markets.

Admissions Requirements

Applicants to the program must hold a BSc degree or equivalent from a recognized university in a relevant field, such as agriculture, land and water resources, agricultural engineering, chemistry, ecology, environment, or soil science.

A GPA of 80 or above (letter grade B-) is required, and applicants must have a high level of proficiency in English, documented by one of the following documents:

  • records of previous academic studies conducted in English
  • a minimum score of 89 on the Internet-based TOEFL test
  • a minimum IELTS score of 6

Relevant experience in environmental science-related fields is recommended, though not mandatory.

Visit this website for detailed information about the admissions process and to apply.

Applications with scholarship requests: November 1, 2021 - March 11, 2022
All other applications: November 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022

The upcoming program is scheduled to begin in October 2022.

For detailed information on admission requirements, based on the country where you completed your undergraduate studies, please click here.

Tuition and Scholarships

The program’s tuition is US$10,500.

Further Information

Administrative Inquiries:

Ms. Keren Ohayon, International MSc Program Coordinator: kerenoha@savion.huji.ac.il
Ms. Edit Hakim, International MSc Program Coordinator: Editha@savion.huji.ac.il



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MSc in Animal Sciences

animal_sciences HUJI


1 year

Faculty / School

Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment





Application deadline

Please refer to program website

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Program Details

Israeli animal husbandry and management practices are among the most productive in the world, thanks to a sophisticated infrastructure based on the integration of science-based production methods with efficient extension services and an advanced health-supporting veterinary service. The Hebrew University’s MSc program in Animal Sciences enables students from around the world to learn about Israel's advanced agriculture in these fields.

The program’s curriculum is based on the most recent scientific findings and covers subjects such as animal biology and physiology, livestock breeding, the environmental impact of animal farming, and more. Hebrew University is at the forefront of advanced research and education in animal sciences, especially in the fields of physiology of reproduction and lactation, development as affected by environmental impact, aquaculture and the physiology of the digestive tract.

This 1-year program leads to a non-thesis Master of Science in agriculture with a major in animal sciences. After completing the program, qualified students may apply to the thesis track for a second year of studies.   

For more information, click here.

Career & Networking 

Program participants come from Israel and from around the world. During their studies, they enjoy many opportunities to meet and network with professionals and peers from different countries, on campus, during site visits, on field trips, and at social events.

Following graduation, the majority of alumni return to their home countries, where many of them hold key positions in the governmental administration of animal production, management of farm animals, farm animal husbandry, and consultation and research in these fields at universities or private institutes. Many alumni continue on to PhD degrees and to careers in research at leading institutions around the world.

Teaching Faculty

The MSc in Animal Sciences program is taught by experts affiliated with the Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment. Students benefit from the extensive experience of the teaching staff, who are leading academics and scientists with international reputations in the field of animal sciences.

The program is headed by Prof. Sameer J. Mabjeesh, who is an expert in ruminant nutrition and lactation physiology.

The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment

Ranked among the top 30 agricultural schools worldwide, the Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment is committed to the responsible preservation of the environment for future generations and to developing ways of increasing sustainable food and water resources. The long list of world-changing breakthroughs developed by the faculty’s researchers includes modern drip irrigation methods, the cherry tomato, returning fragrance to flowers, environmentally safe pesticides, improving pollination by manipulating honeybee behavior, and a slew of other advanced, environmentally responsible agricultural techniques, especially under conditions of scarce water. Teaching and research activities at the institution consistently advance modern agriculture while training tomorrow's scientists and agriculturists.

Admissions Requirements

Applicants must hold a BSc degree or equivalent from a recognized university in a field such as agriculture, animal health, animal husbandry, animal production, animal science or veterinary science, and must have taken an undergraduate-level course in biochemistry.

A GPA of 80 (B-) or above is required. Furthermore, applicants must have a high level of proficiency in English, assessed by one of the following:

  • minimum score of 89 on the Internet-based TOEFL test
  • minimum score of 7.0 on the IELTS test
  • proof of previous academic studies conducted in English

Relevant experience is recommended but not mandatory.

Visit this website for information about the admissions process.

Application period: November 1, 2022 - March 9, 2023

The next program starts in October 2023.

For detailed information on admission requirements, based on the country where you completed your undergraduate studies, please click here.

Tuition and Scholarships

Hebrew University offers full tuition scholarships to MSc students in research tracks in Natural and Exact Sciences.
Additional merit-based and need-based scholarships and living stipends may be available.

Further Information

Administrative Inquiries:

Ms. Keren Ohayon, International MSc Program Coordinator: kerenoha@savion.huji.ac.il
Ms. Edit Hakim, International MSc Program Coordinator: Editha@savion.huji.ac.il




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MSc in Nutritional Sciences

MSc in Nutritional Sciences


1 year; non-research track

Faculty / School

Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture





Application deadline

Please refer to the program’s website

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Program Details

Nutritional and food sciences are rapidly expanding research areas that significantly contribute to public health promotion. As the relationship between diet and disease and/or health is better understood, the nutritional value of foods has significantly improved and an increasing variety of products with health and nutritional benefits are being released to the market. Hebrew University’s MSc in Nutritional Sciences program provides international students with a strong foundation in this dynamic and fascinating field.

Taught at the Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment, this program prepares students to become leading professionals in the field of nutritional sciences and to apply their newly acquired knowledge to nutritional challenges in their home countries. Students learn the fundamentals of nutrition based on the latest research and benefit from the faculty’s close connections with clinical and public health nutritionists, R&D teams in the food industry and the academic community. This ongoing collaboration enables students to develop innovative approaches that address practical needs.

Students will graduate with a non-thesis MSc degree in biochemistry, food science and nutrition. While graduates of the program are highly qualified for a variety of career paths, this MSc program does not award a clinical degree and, therefore, graduates are not able to practice as licensed dieticians upon completion.

Qualified graduates may apply to the thesis track, which comprises a second year of studies, allowing students to continue their studies toward a PhD degree.

Career & Networking 

During their studies, the program participants enjoy many opportunities to meet and network with professionals and peers from different countries on campus and during site visits, field trips, and social events.

As the principal Israeli institution awarding academic degrees in nutritional and food sciences, the faculty enjoys a unique status. Its graduates include leading executives in Israel’s food industry, directors in the Ministries of Health and Agriculture and prominent researchers and practitioners.

Many graduates of the MSc in Nutritional Sciences program return to their home countries, where they hold key positions in the fields of health and nutrition, education, academia, research, NGOs and government organizations. Several alumni have chosen to continue their studies toward a PhD degree in programs around the world, including leading universities in Canada, Switzerland, Denmark and Japan.  


Teaching Faculty

Students benefit from the extensive experience of the teaching staff, who are leading academics and scientists with global reputations. Within the faculty, the Institute of Nutritional and Food Sciences is comprised of the School of Nutritional Sciences and the Department of Food Sciences.

The program’s academic co-chairs are Dr. Aliza Stark, whose research projects focus on nutrition education and health promotion to improve dietary habits, and Prof. Betty Schwartz, whose lab researches the role of diet in modulating cancer risk.

The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment

Ranked among the top 30 agricultural schools worldwide, the Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment is committed to the responsible preservation of the environment for future generations and to developing ways of increasing sustainable food and water resources. The long list of world-changing breakthroughs developed by the faculty’s researchers include modern drip irrigation methods, the cherry tomato, returning fragrance to flowers, environmentally safe pesticides, improving pollination by manipulating honeybee behavior, and a slew of other advanced environmentally responsible agricultural techniques, especially under conditions of scarce water. Teaching and research activities at the institution consistently advance modern agriculture while training tomorrow's scientists and agriculturists.

The faculty welcomes international students from all over the world. Faculty graduates hold key positions in the agricultural industry in Israel and around the globe, and use their knowledge to compete in world markets.

Admissions Requirements

Applicants to the program must hold a BSc degree or equivalent from a recognized university in a relevant field, such as nutrition, food science, dietetics, biochemistry, chemistry, or medicine. Other requirements include undergraduate level biochemistry and molecular biology courses, a GPA of 80 or above (B-), and a high level of English proficiency, documented by one of the following:

  • a minimum score of 89 on the Internet-based TOEFL test
  • a minimum score of 6.0 on the IELTS test
  • record of previous academic studies conducted in English.

Visit this website for information about the admissions process and to apply.

The program begins every two years, with the upcoming program scheduled to begin in October 2023. For more information, click here.

Relevant experience is recommended but not mandatory.

For detailed information on admission requirements, based on the country where you completed your undergraduate studies, please click here.

Tuition & Scholarships

The program’s tuition is US$10,500.

Further Information

Administrative Inquiries:

Ms. Keren Ohayon, International MSc Program Coordinator: kerenoha@savion.huji.ac.il
Ms. Edit Hakim, International MSc Program Coordinator: Editha@savion.huji.ac.il




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