MA degree programs

MSc in Plant Sciences



1 year

Faculty / School

Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment





Application deadline

See website

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Program Details


The achievements of Israeli agriculture are renown worldwide. At its inception, the country was largely arid, rocky, and overgrown with weeds, bare mountains, barren fields, infested marshes, and an undeveloped water supply. Some of the most basic foods were imported. Today, Israel is a fertile and blooming land that exports its own agricultural products and has become a leader in irrigation systems, groundwater management, crop production, horticulture, biotechnology, biological and integrated pest control, and more. Israel's agriculture is a showcase demonstrating the ability to work with nature in order to create a friendlier environment. 

One of the key factors in Israel's agricultural success has been the close relationship between growers in the fields, research and development teams in industry, and the academic community. Constant mutual feedback makes research more responsive to real-life needs and gives those in the field the advantage of immediate access to new developments in the laboratories of academic institutions.


Career & Networking 

The international Master of Science in Plant Sciences prepares students to become leading professionals in present and future agriculture and adapt their new knowledge to local conditions in their home countries. Students will acquire advanced knowledge and skills in the scientific basis and principles of crop plant production, environmental impact of agricultural activity, analysis of specific cropping systems, seeking solutions to practical problems, either in scientific literature or by experimental approach, and adapting appropriate solutions to various situations.

The one-year program leads to a non-thesis M.Sc. Agri in the field of Plant Sciences specializing in field and vegetable crops. After successful completion of the first year, qualified graduates can be reviewed for admission to the thesis track for a second year of studies to earn a thesis degree, and continue for a PhD degree either in Israel or elsewhere. Upon completion of their studies, the majority of alumni return to their home countries, where they hold key positions in industry, education, academics, research, NGOs and government organizations. 

Teaching Faculty

At the heart of this academic community is the Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The Hebrew University has the only Faculty of Agriculture in Israel, enjoying a unique status in the country. The Faculty acts as Israel's main source for the training of teachers, extension officers and researchers. 

The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment

Ranked among the top 30 agricultural schools worldwide, the Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment is committed to responsible preservation of the environment for future generations and to developing ways of increasing sustainable food and water resources. The long list of world-changing breakthroughs developed by the faculty’s researchers includes modern drip irrigation methods, the cherry tomato, returning fragrance to flowers, environmentally safe pesticides, improving pollination by manipulating honeybee behavior, and further environmentally responsible agricultural techniques, many of which can be employed under conditions of water limitations. Teaching and research activities consistently advance modern agriculture while training tomorrow's scientists and agriculturists.

Admissions Requirements

B.Sc. degree or equivalent from a recognized university in the field of agriculture, plant sciences, crop sciences, plant production, plant protection, agronomy, horticulture, etc. Undergraduate level biochemistry. GPA of 80 or above (B- on the letter scale). High level of proficiency in all English skills, documented by one of the following:

  • At least 89 on the TOEFL internet-based test
  • At least 6.0 on the IELTS
  • Documentation of previous academic studies conducted in English.
Three letters of recommendation; at least one must be academic (not from family members). Relevant experience is recommended but not mandatory.
Tuition and Scholarships

One-year tuition (as of July 2023):   38,056 NIS (approx.) for international students (A limited number of partial and full scholarships are available)  30,444 NIS (approx.) for Israeli students/Olim hadashim  Additional fees: 1,058 NIS - campus security, welfare, national student union membership, HUJI student union membership

Further Information

Administrative Inquiries:

Ms. Keren Ohayon, International MSc Program Coordinator:

Ms. Edit Hakim, International MSc Program Coordinator: EDITHA@SAVION.HUJI.AC.IL


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MSc in Biochemistry, Food Science and Nutrition



2 years

Faculty / School

Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment





Application deadline

Please refer to program website.

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Program Details

    The graduate program in Biochemistry, Food Science and Nutrition provides trainees with the knowledge and experience that are needed for carrying out innovative research projects in topics relating to food production, food security, food safety, sensory perception of food, nutrition-related pathologies, and physiological responses to dietary deficiencies.

Career & Networking 

Our graduates gain valuable experience which allows them to join research and development teams in the food industry, or to continue on to higher levels of academic research. Each trainee is expected to carry out an individual research project, supervised by one of our faculty members, on a topic that is chosen by the student in consultation with his/her supervisor. In addition, each trainee is expected to complete coursework of at least 24 credit points over two academic years, in accordance with the program requirements as outlined in the course catalog, and in consultation with the supervisor.

Teaching Faculty

Our faculty members include established leading scientists who employ a wide variety of cutting-edge interdisciplinary approaches to study these topics. These range from biochemistry, molecular biology and whole organism physiology studies on the one hand, to food engineering and food policy questions at the other end of the spectrum. Our MSc and PhD programs emphasize the development of individual research skills, which are essential for a successful scientific career whether in the industrial sector or in academia.

The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment

Ranked among the top 30 agricultural schools worldwide, the Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment is committed to responsible preservation of the environment for future generations and to developing ways of increasing sustainable food and water resources. The long list of world-changing breakthroughs developed by the faculty’s researchers include modern drip irrigation methods, the cherry tomato, returning fragrance to flowers, environmentally safe pesticides, improving pollination by manipulating honeybee behavior, and a slew of other advanced environmentally responsible agricultural techniques, especially under conditions of scarce water. Teaching and research activities consistently advance modern agriculture while training tomorrow's scientists and agriculturists.

Admissions Requirements

Bachelor's degree in Food Sciences, Nutrition Sciences, Biology or any other relevant field 

Tuition and Scholarships

Non-Thesis Track: Approx. $5,300 for international students per year / Approx. $4,300 for Israeli students/olim hadashim per year  

Thesis Track: Approx. $280 per year

Further Information

Head of the teaching program:
Prof. Aron Troen
Telephone: 08-9489476

Ms. Ester Tzagay
Telephone: 08-9489265


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MSc in Agroecology & Plant Health

Plant Health


2 years

Faculty / School

Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment





Application deadline

See website

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Program Details

The program places an emphasis on deepening the specialization in the areas of entomology, microbiology, phytopathology (plant diseases), nematology and virology, as well as studying and developing novel approaches to plant and environment protection. 

Career & Networking 

The master's program places an emphasis on deepening the specialization in the areas of entomology, microbiology, phytopathology (plant diseases), nematology and virology, as well as studying and developing novel approaches to plant and environment protection. Naturally, this academic stage includes basic research in the department teachers' areas of research.

Teaching Faculty


The program brings together teachers specializing in various areas, ranging from environmental microbiology, biotechnology and genetic engineering, ecology, insect physiology and behavior, to epidemiology of plant desease and controlling them using environmentally friendly means. The teachers are united by their interest in organisms which are beneficial or harmful to mankind, to its enterprises or to its environment. The teachers focus on five different levels – the molecular and cellular levels, the organism as a whole, research of populations and the interactions between different organisms. This wide-angled approach is also reflected in the curriculum.


The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment

Ranked among the top 30 agricultural schools worldwide, the Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment is committed to responsible preservation of the environment for future generations and to developing ways of increasing sustainable food and water resources. The long list of world-changing breakthroughs developed by the faculty’s researchers includes modern drip irrigation methods, the cherry tomato, returning fragrance to flowers, environmentally safe pesticides, improving pollination by manipulating honeybee behavior, and further environmentally responsible agricultural techniques, many of which can be employed under conditions of water limitations. Teaching and research activities consistently advance modern agriculture while training tomorrow's scientists and agriculturists.

Admissions Requirements

Bachelor's degree in environment or in the various agriculture, natural sciences, engineering or economics and management programs. Students with a different background will be assigned an individual complementary studies program by the teaching program Study Committee.

Tuition and Scholarships


Non-Thesis Track: Approx. $5,300 for international students per year / Approx. $4,300 for Israeli students/olim hadashim per year  

Thesis Track: Approx. $280 per year



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MSc in Genetics & Breeding

Breeding plants


2 years; research track & non-thesis track

Faculty / School

Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment





Application deadline

Please refer to
the program website.

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Program Details

The interdisciplinary program provides a broad theoretical and applied knowledge in various fundamental aspects of genetics and breeding, including classical genetics, cytogenetics, molecular genetics, bioinformatics, quantitative genetics and system biology.

Career & Networking 

 The program trains students to become researchers in the field of genetics, breeding and agricultural biotechnology and eventually become independent plants or animals breeders, based on their comprehensive genetic understanding.

Teaching Faculty

Provide courses in genetics and breeding to all undergraduate students of the Faculty of Agriculture, and advanced courses to master students. Train students to become researchers in the field of genetics and breeding and eventually become independent plants and animals breeders, based on their in-depth genetic understanding. Extend the students' theoretical knowledge in classical genetics, molecular approaches, genomics and system biology. Teach various approaches and research methods in genetics and breeding. Implement the genetic knowledge in basic and applied aspects of agriculture.

The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment

Ranked among the top 30 agricultural schools worldwide, the Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment is committed to the responsible preservation of the environment for future generations and to developing ways of increasing sustainable food and water resources. The long list of world-changing breakthroughs developed by the faculty’s researchers include modern drip irrigation methods, the cherry tomato, returning fragrance to flowers, environmentally safe pesticides, improving pollination by manipulating honeybee behavior, and a slew of other advanced environmentally responsible agricultural techniques, especially under conditions of scarce water.

Teaching and research activities at the institution consistently advance modern agriculture while training tomorrow's scientists and agriculturists. Faculty graduates hold key positions in the agricultural industry in Israel and around the world and apply their knowledge to compete in world markets.The faculty welcomes international students from all over the world including the International School, located in the Faculty of Agriculture. Faculty graduates hold key positions in the agricultural industry in Israel and around the world and use their knowledge to compete in world markets.

Admissions Requirements


Bachelor's degree in Agriculture Sciences, Biology, or any other relevant field.


Tuition and Scholarships


Non-Thesis Track: Approx. $5,300 for international students per year / Approx. $4,300 for Israeli students/olim hadashim per year  

Thesis Track: Approx. $280 per year


Further Information

Head of the teaching program:
Prof. Zvi Peleg
Telephone: 08-9489638

Ms. Iris Izenshtadt
Telephone: 08-9489333




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M.Sc. program: Agriculture, Natural Resources & Environment

Natural resources


2-4 years in both tracks

Faculty / School

Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment





Application deadline

Please refer to
the program website.

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Program Details

The program provides students with opportunities to study and research various environmental topics, with an emphasis on pollution treatment, overexploitation of natural resources and the influence of agriculture on these issues. The program encompasses chemical, physical, ecological, economical and ethical aspects. The program offers courses taught at the Advanced School of Environmental Studies of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Career & Networking 

This track is part of the academic program offered by the Advanced School of Environmental Studies of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, so students are also enrolled in the school and attend its courses. The school’s mission is to train and bring together the very best researchers and practitioners in the various environmental fields, and to provide them with opportunities to confront broad-scope issues from different disciplinary, interdisciplinary and international perspectives. The school offers four tracks with common core courses for students of different academic backgrounds. The core courses provide students with an interdisciplinary framework in which they can acquire knowledge and understanding of the issues and approaches guiding environmental research in the various fields of study.

Teaching Faculty

The teaching program provides students with opportunities to study and research various environmental topics, with an emphasis on pollution treatment, overexploitation of natural resources and the influence of agriculture on these issues. The program encompasses chemical, physical, ecological, economical and ethical aspects.  

The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment

Ranked among the top 30 agricultural schools worldwide, the Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment is committed to the responsible preservation of the environment for future generations and to developing ways of increasing sustainable food and water resources. The long list of world-changing breakthroughs developed by the faculty’s researchers include modern drip irrigation methods, the cherry tomato, returning fragrance to flowers, environmentally safe pesticides, improving pollination by manipulating honeybee behavior, and a slew of other advanced environmentally responsible agricultural techniques, especially under conditions of scarce water.

Teaching and research activities at the institution consistently advance modern agriculture while training tomorrow's scientists and agriculturists. Faculty graduates hold key positions in the agricultural industry in Israel and around the world and apply their knowledge to compete in world markets.The faculty welcomes international students from all over the world including the International School, located in the Faculty of Agriculture. Faculty graduates hold key positions in the agricultural industry in Israel and around the world and use their knowledge to compete in world markets.

Admissions Requirements

Bachelor's degree in environment or in the various agriculture, natural sciences, engineering or economics and management programs. Students with a different background will be assigned an individual complementary studies program by the teaching program Study Committee.

Tuition and Scholarships


Non-Thesis Track: Approx. $5,300 for international students per year / Approx. $4,300 for Israeli students/olim hadashim per year  

Thesis Track: Approx. $280 per year


Further Information

Academic Inquiries:

Prof. Ronny Wallach, Program Head:

Administrative Inquiries: Ms. Michal Goldberg:
Program Website


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MSc in Plant Sciences

MSc in Plant Sciences HUJI


1 year

Faculty / School

Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment





Application deadline

Please refer to program website

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Program Details


The achievements of Israeli agriculture are renown worldwide. At its inception, the country was largely arid, rocky, and overgrown with weeds, bare mountains, barren fields, infested marshes, and an undeveloped water supply. Some of the most basic foods were imported. Today, Israel is a fertile and blooming land that exports its own agricultural products and has become a leader in irrigation systems, groundwater management, crop production, horticulture, biotechnology, biological and integrated pest control, and more. Israel's agriculture is a showcase demonstrating the ability to work with nature in order to create a friendlier environment. 

One of the key factors in Israel's agricultural success has been the close relationship between growers in the fields, research and development teams in industry, and the academic community. Constant mutual feedback makes research more responsive to real-life needs and gives those in the field the advantage of immediate access to new developments in the laboratories of academic institutions.


Career & Networking 

The international Master of Science in Plant Sciences prepares students to become leading professionals in present and future agriculture and adapt their new knowledge to local conditions in their home countries. Students will acquire advanced knowledge and skills in the scientific basis and principles of crop plant production, environmental impact of agricultural activity, analysis of specific cropping systems, seeking solutions to practical problems, either in scientific literature or by experimental approach, and adapting appropriate solutions to various situations.

Teaching Faculty

At the heart of this academic community is the Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The Hebrew University has the only Faculty of Agriculture in Israel, enjoying a unique status in the country. The Faculty acts as Israel's main source for the training of teachers, extension officers and researchers. 

The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment

Ranked among the top 30 agricultural schools worldwide, the Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment is committed to the responsible preservation of the environment for future generations and to developing ways of increasing sustainable food and water resources. The long list of world-changing breakthroughs developed by the faculty’s researchers include modern drip irrigation methods, the cherry tomato, returning fragrance to flowers, environmentally safe pesticides, improving pollination by manipulating honeybee behavior, and a slew of other advanced environmentally responsible agricultural techniques, especially under conditions of scarce water. Teaching and research activities at the institution consistently advance modern agriculture while training tomorrow's scientists and agriculturists. Faculty graduates hold key positions in the agricultural industry in Israel and around the world, and use their knowledge to compete in world markets.

Admissions Requirements

B.Sc. degree or equivalent from a recognized university in the field of agriculture, plant sciences, crop sciences, plant production, plant protection, agronomy, horticulture, etc. Undergraduate level biochemistry.

  • GPA of 80 or above (B- on the letter scale).
  • High level of proficiency in all English skills, documented by one of the following:
    • At least 89 on the TOEFL internet-based test
    • At least 6.0 on the IELTS
    • Documentation of previous academic studies conducted in English.
  • Three letters of recommendation; at least one must be academic (not from family members).
  • Relevant experience is recommended but not mandatory.
Tuition and Scholarships


One-year tuition (as of July 2023): 

38,056 NIS (approx.) for international students (A limited number of partial and full scholarships are available)

30,444 NIS (approx.) for Israeli students/Olim hadashim

Additional fees: 1,058 NIS - campus security, welfare, national student union membership, HUJI student union membership  

Application fee: $100


Further Information

Administrative Inquiries:

Ms. Keren Ohayon, International MSc Programs:



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MSc in Science Degree in Plant Sciences

MSc in Plant Sciences HUJI


1 year

Faculty / School

Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment





Application deadline

Please refer to program website

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Program Details

Within merely a few decades, Israeli agriculturists achieved the seemingly impossible, transforming the country’s arid and rocky terrain into a fertile and blooming landscape with highly elaborate irrigation systems. Students in the MSc in Plant Sciences program will benefit from Israel’s extensive experience in sustainable agriculture, and will learn to apply their newly acquired knowledge and skills to the challenges posed in their home countries.

In this program, students will learn about crop plant production and the environmental impact of agricultural activity. They will analyze specific cropping systems, find solutions to practical problems, and adapt appropriate solutions to various scenarios. The curriculum focuses on acquiring practical knowledge as well as hands-on experience and research in the lab.

The one-year program, under the auspices of the Hebrew University’s Rothberg International School, leads to a non-thesis MSc Agr specializing in field and vegetable crops. Qualified graduates can apply to the thesis track for a second year of studies to earn a thesis degree and continue on to a PhD degree in Israel or elsewhere.

Career & Networking 

Program participants come from Israel and from around the world. During their studies, they enjoy many opportunities to meet and network with professionals and peers from different countries on campus as well as during site visits, field trips, and social events.

The majority of alumni return to their home countries, where they pursue careers in relevant fields and hold key positions in industry, education, academia, research, NGOs and government organizations. 

Teaching Faculty

The MSc in Plant Sciences program is taught by experts in the field. Students benefit from the extensive experience of the teaching staff, who are leading academics and scientists with global reputations in plant sciences.

The program is headed by Assoc. Prof. Alon Samach, whose lab focuses on understanding how fruit trees use different environmental and internal cues to correctly time the transition to flowering.

The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment

Ranked among the top 30 agricultural schools worldwide, the Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment is committed to the responsible preservation of the environment for future generations and to developing ways of increasing sustainable food and water resources. The long list of world-changing breakthroughs developed by the faculty’s researchers include modern drip irrigation methods, the cherry tomato, returning fragrance to flowers, environmentally safe pesticides, improving pollination by manipulating honeybee behavior, and a slew of other advanced environmentally responsible agricultural techniques, especially under conditions of scarce water. Teaching and research activities at the institution consistently advance modern agriculture while training tomorrow's scientists and agriculturists. Faculty graduates hold key positions in the agricultural industry in Israel and around the world, and use their knowledge to compete in world markets.

Admissions Requirements

Applicants must hold a BSc degree or equivalent from an accredited university in a relevant field, such as agriculture, plant sciences, crop sciences, plant production, plant protection, agronomy or horticulture, and must have taken an undergraduate level biochemistry class.

A minimum GPA of 80 (B-) is required. Furthermore, applicants from non-English-speaking countries must demonstrate a high level of English proficiency by providing one of the following documents:

  • proof of previous academic studies conducted in English
  • a minimum score of 89 on the internet-based TOEFL test
  • a minimum IELTS score of 6

For more information about the admissions process, refer to the program’s website.

Application period for those applying for a scholarship: November 1, 2021 - March 11, 2022
Application period for all other students: November 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022
The upcoming program is scheduled to begin in October 2022.

For detailed information on admission requirements, based on the country where you completed your undergraduate studies, please click here.

Tuition and Scholarships

Hebrew University offers full tuition scholarships to MSc students in research tracks in Natural and Exact Sciences.
Additional merit-based and need-based scholarships and living stipends may be available.

Further Information

Administrative Inquiries:

Ms. Keren Ohayon, International MSc Program Coordinator:



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MSc in Science Degree in Plant Sciences

MSc in Plant Sciences HUJI


1 year

Faculty / School

Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment





Application deadline

Please refer to program website

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Program Details

Within merely a few decades, Israeli agriculturists achieved the seemingly impossible, transforming the country’s arid and rocky terrain into a fertile and blooming landscape with highly elaborate irrigation systems. Students in the MSc in Plant Sciences program will benefit from Israel’s extensive experience in sustainable agriculture, and will learn to apply their newly acquired knowledge and skills to the challenges posed in their home countries.

In this program, students will learn about crop plant production and the environmental impact of agricultural activity. They will analyze specific cropping systems, find solutions to practical problems, and adapt appropriate solutions to various scenarios. The curriculum focuses on acquiring practical knowledge as well as hands-on experience and research in the lab.

The one-year program, under the auspices of the Hebrew University’s Rothberg International School, leads to a non-thesis MSc Agr specializing in field and vegetable crops. Qualified graduates can apply to the thesis track for a second year of studies to earn a thesis degree and continue on to a PhD degree in Israel or elsewhere.

Career & Networking 

Program participants come from Israel and from around the world. During their studies, they enjoy many opportunities to meet and network with professionals and peers from different countries on campus as well as during site visits, field trips, and social events.

The majority of alumni return to their home countries, where they pursue careers in relevant fields and hold key positions in industry, education, academia, research, NGOs and government organizations. 

Teaching Faculty

The MSc in Plant Sciences program is taught by experts in the field. Students benefit from the extensive experience of the teaching staff, who are leading academics and scientists with global reputations in plant sciences.

The program is headed by Assoc. Prof. Alon Samach, whose lab focuses on understanding how fruit trees use different environmental and internal cues to correctly time the transition to flowering.

The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment

Ranked among the top 30 agricultural schools worldwide, the Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment is committed to the responsible preservation of the environment for future generations and to developing ways of increasing sustainable food and water resources. The long list of world-changing breakthroughs developed by the faculty’s researchers include modern drip irrigation methods, the cherry tomato, returning fragrance to flowers, environmentally safe pesticides, improving pollination by manipulating honeybee behavior, and a slew of other advanced environmentally responsible agricultural techniques, especially under conditions of scarce water. Teaching and research activities at the institution consistently advance modern agriculture while training tomorrow's scientists and agriculturists. Faculty graduates hold key positions in the agricultural industry in Israel and around the world, and use their knowledge to compete in world markets.

Admissions Requirements

Applicants must hold a BSc degree or equivalent from an accredited university in a relevant field, such as agriculture, plant sciences, crop sciences, plant production, plant protection, agronomy or horticulture, and must have taken an undergraduate level biochemistry class.

A minimum GPA of 80 (B-) is required. Furthermore, applicants from non-English-speaking countries must demonstrate a high level of English proficiency by providing one of the following documents:

  • proof of previous academic studies conducted in English
  • a minimum score of 89 on the internet-based TOEFL test
  • a minimum IELTS score of 6

For more information about the admissions process, refer to the program’s website.

Application period for those applying for a scholarship: November 1, 2021 - March 11, 2022
Application period for all other students: November 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022
The upcoming program is scheduled to begin in October 2022.

For detailed information on admission requirements, based on the country where you completed your undergraduate studies, please click here.

Tuition and Scholarships

Hebrew University offers full tuition scholarships to MSc students in research tracks in Natural and Exact Sciences.
Additional merit-based and need-based scholarships and living stipends may be available.

Further Information

Administrative Inquiries:

Ms. Keren Ohayon, International MSc Program Coordinator:



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MSc in Science Degree in Plant Sciences

MSc in Plant Sciences HUJI


1 year

Faculty / School

Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment





Application deadline

Please refer to program website

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Program Details

Within merely a few decades, Israeli agriculturists achieved the seemingly impossible, transforming the country’s arid and rocky terrain into a fertile and blooming landscape with highly elaborate irrigation systems. Students in the MSc in Plant Sciences program will benefit from Israel’s extensive experience in sustainable agriculture, and will learn to apply their newly acquired knowledge and skills to the challenges posed in their home countries.

In this program, students will learn about crop plant production and the environmental impact of agricultural activity. They will analyze specific cropping systems, find solutions to practical problems, and adapt appropriate solutions to various scenarios. The curriculum focuses on acquiring practical knowledge as well as hands-on experience and research in the lab.

The one-year program, under the auspices of the Hebrew University’s Rothberg International School, leads to a non-thesis MSc Agr specializing in field and vegetable crops. Qualified graduates can apply to the thesis track for a second year of studies to earn a thesis degree and continue on to a PhD degree in Israel or elsewhere.

Career & Networking 

Program participants come from Israel and from around the world. During their studies, they enjoy many opportunities to meet and network with professionals and peers from different countries on campus as well as during site visits, field trips, and social events.

The majority of alumni return to their home countries, where they pursue careers in relevant fields and hold key positions in industry, education, academia, research, NGOs and government organizations. 

Teaching Faculty

The MSc in Plant Sciences program is taught by experts in the field. Students benefit from the extensive experience of the teaching staff, who are leading academics and scientists with global reputations in plant sciences.

The program is headed by Assoc. Prof. Alon Samach, whose lab focuses on understanding how fruit trees use different environmental and internal cues to correctly time the transition to flowering.

The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment

Ranked among the top 30 agricultural schools worldwide, the Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment is committed to the responsible preservation of the environment for future generations and to developing ways of increasing sustainable food and water resources. The long list of world-changing breakthroughs developed by the faculty’s researchers include modern drip irrigation methods, the cherry tomato, returning fragrance to flowers, environmentally safe pesticides, improving pollination by manipulating honeybee behavior, and a slew of other advanced environmentally responsible agricultural techniques, especially under conditions of scarce water. Teaching and research activities at the institution consistently advance modern agriculture while training tomorrow's scientists and agriculturists. Faculty graduates hold key positions in the agricultural industry in Israel and around the world, and use their knowledge to compete in world markets.

Admissions Requirements

Applicants must hold a BSc degree or equivalent from an accredited university in a relevant field, such as agriculture, plant sciences, crop sciences, plant production, plant protection, agronomy or horticulture, and must have taken an undergraduate level biochemistry class.

A minimum GPA of 80 (B-) is required. Furthermore, applicants from non-English-speaking countries must demonstrate a high level of English proficiency by providing one of the following documents:

  • proof of previous academic studies conducted in English
  • a minimum score of 89 on the internet-based TOEFL test
  • a minimum IELTS score of 6

For more information about the admissions process, refer to the program’s website.

Application period for those applying for a scholarship: November 1, 2021 - March 11, 2022
Application period for all other students: November 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022
The upcoming program is scheduled to begin in October 2022.

For detailed information on admission requirements, based on the country where you completed your undergraduate studies, please click here.

Tuition and Scholarships

Hebrew University offers full tuition scholarships to MSc students in research tracks in Natural and Exact Sciences.
Additional merit-based and need-based scholarships and living stipends may be available.

Further Information

Administrative Inquiries:

Ms. Keren Ohayon, International MSc Program Coordinator:



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MSc in Animal and Veterinary Science

animal_sciences HUJI


2 year

Faculty / School

Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment





Application deadline

Please refer to program website

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Program Details

The master's program is intended for students with a bachelor's degree in biology and life sciences, students with a DVM degree, or students in the combined DVM/M.Sc program at the Koret School of Veterinary Medicine. The program aims to expand and deepen the knowledge and understanding students attained in their undergraduate studies, and to allow them to take their first steps as researchers.   

Career & Networking 

 Research topics are in both applied and basic sciences, and include improving and increasing productivity; animal welfare; livestock, pet and birds diseases and medicine; public health; development of models for human disease research; and the functionality and control of basic mechanisms at the various levels – the cell, the tissue or the animal as a whole.

Teaching Faculty


Students conduct research and write their thesis under the supervision of the lecturers in the Animal Science Department and the Koret School of Veterinary Medicine.


Admissions Requirements

Students with a bachelor's degree in biology and life sciences, students with a DVM degree, or students in the combined DVM/M.Sc. program at the Koret School of Veterinary Medicine.

Tuition and Scholarships


Non-Thesis Track: Approx. $5,300 for international students per year / Approx. $4,300 for Israeli students/olim hadashim per year  

Thesis Track: Approx. $280 per year


Further Information


Head of the teaching program:
Prof.Zvi Roth
Telephone: 08-9489103

Ms. Yael Lewitus
Telephone: 08-9489119





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ELSC Brain Sciences

Brain science


5 years, direct PhD track

Faculty / School

The Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences




Jerusalem, Edmond J. Safra Campus

Application deadline

Please refer to the 

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Program Details

As a global leader in computational neuroscience, The Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences (ELSC) boasts one of the most diverse PhD programs in the field, anchored in an interdisciplinary approach to neuroscience that combines theoretical, biological and cognitive perspectives. Our intensive 5-year direct PhD program offers a deep and comprehensive understanding of the brain’s functions. Over the course of your studies, you’ll learn computational neuroscience and its application in understanding how the nervous system orchestrates disparate functions including perception and action, learning and memory, thought and creativity. You’ll attend courses such as “Theoretical Neural and Cognitive Sciences” and “Machine Learning and Information Processing,” and conduct hands-on thesis research under the supervision of our leading brain researchers. In the spirit of international collaboration, you’ll benefit from scholarships and travel fellowships to attend international conferences and visit brain research centers around the world.

For additional information about our direct PhD program in brain sciences and specific courses of study, please visit here.

Our program leverages your undergraduate theoretical and practical knowledge through independent scientific research under the supervision of an experienced, renowned faculty member. As such, you will be required to identify and secure a research supervisor in your preferred area of interest prior to submitting your application for M.Sc. or Ph.D. studies. Our program page is a good place to begin your search, where you can explore the different tracks of specialization and learn more about the researchers associated with each of them.

Further details regarding our program of study can be found on program website.

Career & Networking 

At ELSC, we prepare our students to take on leading roles within the international brain research community. Through exposure to the various disciplines and access to some of the world’s leading brain researchers and their work, you’ll solidify your research goals and begin to determine your future career path. Over a third of our PhD program graduates have gone on to become independent researchers in neuroscience at leading Israeli and global universities. Over 40% of our graduates have attained professorships with institutions around the globe, and most others have secured senior positions in the high-tech industry.

The Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences and its Faculty

Located in the heart of the Edmond J. Safra campus, ELSC is home to world-renowned scientists, stellar faculty, and talented postdoctoral scholars and students from across the globe, all of whom comprise our internationally acclaimed brain research community. Encompassing a broad range of disciplines including anatomy, physiology, computer science, physics and cognitive sciences, ELSC sustains a strong interdisciplinary foundation upon which leading scientists from these varying disciplines conduct groundbreaking research on the relationships between brain computations, neuronal circuits, and behavior.

ELSC houses a number of expertise centers including a neuroimaging unit, a core microscopy unit, a fabrication lab, and a vector core facility, making our ultra-modern research facilities and state-of-the-art laboratories part and parcel of the ELSC research experience for faculty and students alike. To learn more about our distinguished faculty and the ways in which they are revolutionizing neuroscience research at ELSC, please visit the Center’s website.

Admissions Requirements

ELSC welcomes direct PhD applicants who present proof of:

  • A bachelor’s degree in one of the following fields: natural sciences, mathematics, social sciences, engineering, computer sciences, and medicine.
  • A minimum cumulative GPA of 85.
  • English Language Proficiency: International students who are not native English speakers are required to complete one of the following exams: TOEFL (minimum score of 89), IELTS (7), AMIR (220), AMIRAM (120), or European standards (B2). Candidates whose previous studies are from English-speaking institutes in countries such as UK, USA, Australia, etc. are exempt from presenting proof of English proficiency.

    In addition, applicants must submit the following application materials:
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • One-page statement of scientific interests
  • Official transcripts from each university attended
  • Two academic letters of recommendation

Applications to the ELSC direct PhD program are submitted online. For additional information and details on how to apply, please visit here.

Tuition & Scholarships
  • Full tuition scholarships are granted during the first two years of study, and are extended for three additional years following acceptance and registration for PhD studies.
  • Stipends of approximately 7,100 NIS per month are offered during the first 2 years, and approximately 3,100 NIS per month is awarded for the following 3 years once a candidate has registered for PhD degree studies.
  • Additional support is granted to candidates by the labs (up to 10,000 NIS).
  • Annual travel grants are awarded for the purpose of attending international conferences and visiting collaborating labs abroad.

In addition, ELSC encourages its students to apply for prestigious doctoral scholarships from both Israeli and international organizations. For further information regarding tuition and financial aid, please visit the scholarship page on the program’s website.

Further Information


Prof. Yonatan Loewenstein, Program Head:

Ms. Nili Vershov, Program Coordinator:

Program Website


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MA in Comparative Religion with a Specialization in the Study of Judaism and Christianity

Study of Judaism and Christianity


2 years 

Faculty / School

Faculty of Humanities at HUJI / School of Divinity at St Andrews




Year 1 in Jerusalem / Year 2 in St Andrews

Application deadline

May 15, 2023

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Program Details

Offered in collaboration with the University of St Andrews, this 2-year joint degree program provides students with the unique opportunity to gain comparative and cross-cultural perspectives on Judaism and Christianity while studying at two world-class universities in Israel and Scotland.

Participants will begin their journey in Jerusalem for the 1st year of the program, spending their 2nd year of study in St Andrews. They will explore the breadth of Jewish and Christian religious traditions, history, theology, and philosophy. A wide range of course modules taught by renowned experts in the study of Judaism and Christianity from ancient Israel to the 21st century is offered at each institution, enabling students to tailor a specialized path of study and develop expertise in their area of choice. In addition, intensive ancient or modern language study will enable participants to examine Jewish and Christian literature in its original form, including modern and Biblical Hebrew, Aramaic, Latin, German, Greek, and more.

Upon successful completion of the program, participants will earn a joint degree issued by each institution (MLitt in the Study of Judaism and Christianity from the University of St Andrews, and MA in Comparative Religion with a specialization in the Study of Judaism and Christianity from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem).  


Career & Networking 

Graduates of this program will be well-equipped to pursue doctoral studies and academic careers, as well as non-academic positions in education, counseling, social service, community development, diplomatic service, inter-religious relations, and more.

Teaching faculty

Our faculty members are renowned experts in their fields with extensive teaching and research experience.  

Your Opportunity to Study in two world Renewed institutions

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Israel’s premier university, ranked in the top ten departments in the world for Theology, Divinity and Religion studies (QS World University ranking by subject, 2022).

The Faculty of Humanities at Hebrew University is committed to shedding light on civilizations past and present as revealed through history, language, literature, religion, philosophy, music, art, and material culture. The numerous prizes and grants received by the academic staff – including Israel Prizes and ERC grants – attest to the high quality of research and teaching for which the faculty is known.

The University of St Andrews

With 500 years of history, the School of Divinity (also known as St. Mary’s College) at St. Andrews has a rich tradition of academic excellence. The School is ranked in the top twenty departments in the world for Theology, Divinity and Religion studies (QS World University ranking by subject, 2022).

Admissions Requirements

Applicants must have an internationally accredited bachelor’s degree with a GPA of 83 or above.

· CV including personal details and history of education and employment to date 

· Personal statement (optional) 

· Sample of original, single-authored academic work (2,000 words) 

· Two original, signed academic references 

· Official academic transcripts

· BA degree certificate  

Candidates must also demonstrate a high level of English proficiency by providing one of the following documents:

· a TOEFL exam score of 94 or above

· an IELTS exam score of 7 or above

Applicants who completed degrees at universities at which English is the sole language of instruction, as well as applicants who completed degrees in English Language and Literature, can request an exemption. Such applicants must submit documentation from their university verifying English as the language of instruction. Exemption is not automatic and is determined on a case-by-case basis.

Visit the program’s website for more information about the admissions process or apply here.
Tuition & Scholarships
Hebrew University’s tuition for the first year in Jerusalem is US$24,000.
St Andrews tuition for the second year in St Andrews is £21,000.

Students are eligible for a variety of scholarships at Hebrew University. More information can be found on the SCHOLARSHIPS & FINANCIAL AID page. For additional information regarding tuition and other costs, please visit the program’s website.
Further Information

Academic Inquiries: Prof. David Satran

Administrative inquiries: Program Coordinator




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MSc in Bio-Medical Sciences

Bio Med


2 years (4 semesters)

Faculty / School

Faculty of Medicine




Jerusalem, Ein Kerem Campus

Application deadline

Please refer to the 

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Program Details

Biomedical Science is a rapidly growing discipline that applies natural and formal science to the development of knowledge, interventions and technology to help diagnose, treat and prevent human disease. The Faculty of Medicine offers both innovative M.Sc. and Ph.D. programs in Biomedical Sciences that integrates practical, hands-on research with theoretical courses in medical and life sciences that explore the human body in health and disease. As a participant in these programs, you will be taught by world-renowned academics, scientists and clinicians, and you will gain a deep understanding of topics including the genetic code and its role in developmental processes, single cell functioning, and the many systems of the human body.

A number of specialization tracks are offered within the framework of our Biomedical Sciences M.Sc. and Ph.D. Programs, including:

  • Biochemistry, Metabolism and Endocrinology
  • Cell Biology, Immunology, and Cancer Research
  • Human Genetics
  • Microbiology
  • Neurobiology

You can find a detailed description of each of these tracks here.

Our program leverages your undergraduate theoretical and practical knowledge through independent scientific research under the supervision of an experienced, renowned faculty member. As such, you will be required to identify and secure a research supervisor in your preferred area of interest prior to submitting your application for M.Sc. or Ph.D. studies. Our program page is a good place to begin your search, where you can explore the different tracks of specialization and learn more about the researchers associated with each of them.

Further details regarding our program of study can be found on program website.

Career & Networking 

Biomedical Sciences is a diverse, “real-world discipline” that presents a wide range of career options for our graduates. Moreover, Hebrew University’s internationally renowned reputation, coupled with the prestige of our Faculty of Medicine, places our graduates in high demand in both the private and public sectors. We will prepare you for teaching and research positions in academic institutions, as well as research and work in pharmaceutical and medical technology industries, biosecurity, biotechnology, health education, science communication, clinical trial coordination, patient advocacy, and more.

The Faculty of Medicine

Situated on the picturesque Ein Kerem campus, Hebrew University’s Faculty of Medicine is a research institution of international acclaim, and a pioneer of scientific inquiry, innovative biomedical research, and progressive health care. The faculty’s interdisciplinary approach brings researchers together from across the globe and a spectrum of fields, with research collaborations focusing on critical areas such as cancer, diabetes, microbiology, immunology, medical neurobiology, infectious diseases, developmental biology, bioinformatics, drug design, and more.

The Faculty of Medicine is committed to educating our future generation of scientists, doctors, nurses, occupational therapists, public health professionals and pharmacists. As such, our curriculum and teaching methods are continuously adapted to reflect shifting approaches in the medical field and the realm of patient care, with a growing emphasis on personalized medicine—namely, each patient’s uniqueness merits personalized diagnosis, care and prevention.

Our faculty houses 5 Schools—the School of Medicine, School of Nursing, School of Pharmacy, School of Occupational Therapy, and the School of Public Health. Moreover, the faculty encompasses approximately 600 clinical and preclinical academics and researchers, organized into two research institutes: The Institute for Medical Research Israel-Canada (IMRIC) that comprises all research disciplines in the School of Medicine, and the Institute for Drug Research (IDR) which is based in the School of Pharmacy. The scientific accomplishments of our prized faculty are frequently published in international journals, and are widely recognized by prestigious awards including the Israel Prize, the Wolf Prize, and ERC research grants. To learn more about our faculty and the research they are engaged in, visit here.

Admissions Requirements

Our M.Sc. program in Biomedical Sciences is open to International candidates who have completed their bachelor’s degree  abroad.  

International candidates may apply to:  

Currently enrolled M.Sc. students who are interested in pursuing a direct Ph.D. track may apply to the direct track program . Detailed information in this regard on the direct track program page.   

Please note that, in order to be considered for our M.Sc./ Ph.D. programs, candidates must first identify and secure a research supervisor. This is typically done by directly contacting relevant researchers whose area of focus resonates with your research interests (see Program Details above). Assistance in finding a supervisor can also be obtained by contacting Mrs. Marika Geradze-Israeli

Once you have done so, you will need to apply: 
Applying for the M.Sc. program / AF program is done through the Hebrew University’s Overseas Students Admission Office  

Applicants for the M.Sc. program must submit proof of: 

  • A bachelor’s degree from a recognized institution of higher learning in fields such as biology, immunology, biotechnology, pharmacology, and more.  
  • A cumulative GPA of 80 or above. (Applicants with a lower GPA may appeal to the Exceptions Committee through the student’s office:  Applicants for the Abisch-Frenkel program- are required a GPA of 90 or above (applicants for the AF  program and will be interviewed and participate in an oral exam) 
  • An official transcript of studies from your bachelor’s degree. 
  • English language proficiency for all applicants from non-English-speaking countries (TOEFL and IELTS are recognized). Exemption Level is required. 

Applying for the Ph.D. program, is done through Hebrew University’s Authority for Research Students.   
All the requirements for applying for the Ph.D. program may be found on the website 

For detailed information on admission requirements, based on the country where you completed your undergraduate studies, please click  HERE

Tuition & Scholarships

Hebrew University offers full tuition scholarships to MSc students in research tracks in Natural and Exact Sciences.
Additional merit-based and need-based scholarships and living stipends may be available.

Further Information

Biomedical Sciences Students Office: 

Chair, Biomedical Sciences Teaching Division - Prof. Itamar Simon 

Administrator-Mrs. Laura Brendel 



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MSc in Life Sciences

Life science


2 years (4 semesters)  

Faculty / School

Faculty of Science, The Alexander Silberman Institute of Life Science




Edmond J. Safra Campus

Application deadline

Please refer to program website

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Program Details

At the Alexander Silberman Institute of Life Sciences, we focus on imparting the critical and creative thinking skills, data collection/processing methods, and experimentation proficiency necessary for successful, advanced research in life sciences. We are proud to offer M.Sc. degree programs and research opportunities across 5 of our Institute’s departments: 

Our internationally renowned researchers who specialize in these fields and are at the forefront of life sciences will be your instructors, personally mentoring you as you broaden your knowledge and understanding of how this field impacts our modern world, and guiding you through supervised, independent research in your chosen field of interest. As part of the requirements of our research track, you’ll need to identify a research supervisor at the onset of your application process, and ultimately submit a research thesis upon completion of your graduate studies. In addition, you’ll take courses through the Institute’s annual curriculum, tailored to your specific research interests and intended to enhance your studies and research experience. You can learn more about existing research opportunities at our Institute here.

For additional information about our master’s programs, please visit the program’s website.

Career & Networking

The broad scope of the field of chemistry, coupled with the international reputation of Hebrew University and its Institute of Chemistry, place our graduates in high demand in chemical-related industries, hi-tech, environment, and healthcare, as well as the pharmaceutical industry, government positions, public service, and other professional spheres. Many of our graduates choose to pursue doctoral studies and academic careers, holding faculty positions at leading institutions around the globe.

  • R&D in academia and industry in the fields of biotech, medicine and agriculture.
  • Quality control, pharmacovigilance, clinical trials, sales, marketing and technical support in the biotech and biomed industries.
  • Environmental management and conservation.
  • Forensic intelligence and crime analysis
  • Public policy in government agencies and private organizations.
  • Intellectual property and patent registration.
  • Formal and informal science education.
The Alexander Silberman Institute of Life Sciences and its Faculty

Founded in 1925, The Alexander Silberman Institute of Life Sciences is the oldest academic institute in Israel and one of the country’s foremost centers of scientific investigation. Located in the heart of the Edmond J. Safra campus in Givat Ram, our Institute is the largest of the 6 belonging to the Faculty of Sciences. Encompassing 74 research groups, our renowned scholars conduct ground-breaking research across a broad spectrum of fields including biotechnology & bioengineering, genetics, genomics & computational biology, ecology & environment and much more. Moreover, our close proximity to labs in chemistry, physics, earth sciences, mathematics, and computer science allows our scholars and students to pursue unique, interdisciplinary research initiatives. Currently, our Institute is home to approximately 700 undergraduate and 250 graduate students.  

The Institute of Life Sciences aims to contribute to the advancement of knowledge and development of methodological tools across all fields of life sciences, through an interdisciplinary approach that combines research with practical aspects in the fields of biomedicine, biotechnology and agriculture. Through cutting-edge research, we collaborate with researchers in Israel and around the globe, examining countless processes and mechanisms in order to better understand their impact on every-day life. 

For more detailed information about our faculty, please visit the research group page on our website.

Admissions Requirements

In order to apply for our M.Sc. program, candidates must first identify an available position in one of the Institute’s research groups. This is typically done by directly contacting relevant Principal Investigators who are involved in an area of research that reflects your interests. In addition, applicants must submit proof of:

  • A bachelor’s degree in life sciences or a closely related subject from a recognized institution of higher learning.
  • A cumulative GPA of 85 or above.
  • An official transcript of studies from your bachelor’s degree.
  • English language proficiency as detailed in the application (TOEFL and IELTS are recognized)

Applications for our M.Sc. programs are completed in two stages: 

  1. At the university level: complete application online.
  2. At the Faculty of Science level: set up an account on the registration system, complete the online form, and provide the necessary supporting documents. 

For detailed information on admission requirements, based on the country where you completed your undergraduate studies, please click here.

Tuition & Scholarships
Hebrew University offers full tuition scholarships to MSc students in research tracks in Natural and Exact Sciences.
Additional merit-based and need-based scholarships and living stipends may be available.
Further Information

General Inquiries: Prof. Yehu Moran:

Program Webpage



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MSc in Plant Sciences in Agriculture

MSc in Plant Sciences HUJI


2 years

Faculty / School

Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment





Application deadline

Please refer to program website

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Program Details

The program provides students with a deep understanding of plant sciences and their implementation in modern agriculture. It is aimed at students wishing to expand and deepen their basic knowledge of the structure and functioning of plant systems on all biological organizational levels, from plant populations, plant-environment interactions to the sub-cellular level. The program offers a variety of courses on the physiological, biochemical, morphogenetic, evolutionary and ecological processes involved in controlling plant development and acclimatization to the environment. The program also focuses on mathematical modeling of plant-related processes, as well as on central topics in plant biotechnology.


Career & Networking 

The teaching program centers on the study and research of plant sciences and their implementation in modern agriculture. It is aimed at students wishing to expand and deepen their basic knowledge of the structure and functioning of plant systems on all biological organizational levels, from plant populations, plant-environment interactions to the sub-cellular level.

Teaching Faculty

The program offers a variety of courses on the physiological, biochemical, morphogenetic, evolutionary and ecological processes involved in controlling plant development and acclimatization to the environment. The program also focuses on mathematical modeling of plant-related processes, as well as on central topics in plant biotechnology.

The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment

Ranked among the top 30 agricultural schools worldwide, the Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment is committed to the responsible preservation of the environment for future generations and to developing ways of increasing sustainable food and water resources. The long list of world-changing breakthroughs developed by the faculty’s researchers include modern drip irrigation methods, the cherry tomato, returning fragrance to flowers, environmentally safe pesticides, improving pollination by manipulating honeybee behavior, and a slew of other advanced environmentally responsible agricultural techniques, especially under conditions of scarce water. Teaching and research activities at the institution consistently advance modern agriculture while training tomorrow's scientists and agriculturists. Faculty graduates hold key positions in the agricultural industry in Israel and around the world, and use their knowledge to compete in world markets.

Admissions Requirements


Bachelor's degree in Agriculture Sciences, Biology, or any other relevant field.
More Information: Here


Tuition and Scholarships

Non-Thesis Track: Approx. $5,300 for international students per year / Approx. $4,300 for Israeli students/olim hadashim per year  

Thesis Track: Approx. $280 per year

Further Information


Head of the teaching program:
Prof. Leor Eshed Williams
Telephone: 08-9489964

Secretary of the teaching program:
Ms. Iris Izenshtadt
Telephone: 08-9489333



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